The last of the green grapes had been in the refrigerator for at least two weeks. I decided that it was time to eat them up or throw them out — something that I am loathe to do — and I scolded myself for not enjoying them sooner. Taking … Read more
Search Results for: "1 Corinthians 1:"
Partnering With Jesus
Many years ago, I began my first full-time teaching job with high hopes that I would be able to use and enjoy my gift of learning languages easily. My new assignment in the far north of British Columbia, Canada, was a tall order for a new … Read more
The Power Of The Bible
I write in my Bible — in the tiny margins, in between lines and columns — sometimes so densely that it obscures the text. I take notes on sermons, comment on verses, underline favourite verses, and record historical notes. I draw arrows … Read more
The Lunatic Fringe
Only A Little Town
I grew up in a small town, and even though I have lived in a big city most of my life, I still claim Mossyrock, Washington, USA, as my hometown. There were 32 of us in my high school graduating class, and none of us would be too … Read more
Have A Healthy Thanksgiving
Have you noticed how often the apostle Paul opens his letters with expressions of thanksgiving for people, specifically the believers? – I always thank my God for you because of his grace given you in Christ Jesus. *(1 Corinthians 1:4 NIV … Read more
Fools For Christ
There are some Christians today who believe that the cross was accidental and not a part of God's plan. They say that Christ's message of love is what is important now, and that to pin our faith on being forgiven through Jesus' agonizing … Read more
Little Things Mean A Lot
I nearly stepped on the little thing before I saw it: A tiny butterfly, the size of the end of my thumb with markings similar to the monarch butterfly, sat on the pink clover. Because I don't want to trip on the rough ground of The Trail … Read more
Embracing The Cross
My friend, who works as a dispatcher for the police department, has experienced just about every circumstance one can imagine. One story that she shared recently had a profound effect on both of us. Caught on film was a possum trapped … Read more
We Serve A Living God
In my local social circle, I am often with Christians, but I have family and friends who are not Christians. It's difficult for me to explain to those non-believers that my "religion" is not like others such as Buddhism or Judaism. It's … Read more
What's In Your Hand?
The pastor of my new church has been preaching verse by verse through the book of Exodus. I like his expository approach, as it's helped me to examine the Scriptures carefully. In particular, I was struck by the verses in today's passage. … Read more
Little Among Thousands
As I write, I'm thinking of a friend who is travelling to many parts of the Holy Land, places some of us only read about in the Bible. I thought, *How exciting it would be to visit the town of Christ's birth so close to the Christmas … Read more
A House Divided
Because I am a non-confrontational person, being forthright, outspoken, or direct when speaking truth becomes an arduous task requiring discernment. I perceive others to have tendencies to sugar-coat truth in fear of animosity or … Read more
The Mosquito
I felt the slightest whisper of its touch as it lit on my arm. A mosquito! Instead of swatting it, as I normally would, I blew it away. This happened three or four times as I was walking my dog, Sparky, along our favourite trail beside a … Read more
Stumbling Blocks
One day as I was coming home from grocery shopping with the help of my walker, I noticed time and again how the wheels got stuck and almost tripped me headlong over the walker. It took great skill to get over the curbs and even the tiniest … Read more
The Despised Things
While walking my dog this morning, I noticed hundreds, perhaps thousands, of earthworms scattered all over the street. This is a common sight when heavy rains force these little creatures out of their water-filled burrows to seek oxygen. … Read more
Fat Shampoo
My friend says that she's figured out the answer to her weight problem. The label on her shampoo promises "extra volume and body". Jokingly, (I trust!) she says that instead she will start using Dawn dish soap in the shower, … Read more
Cross, Cleft, Rock
Many years ago, I heard a preacher present a riveting sermon on the sufferings of Jesus Christ, beginning with His agony in the Garden of Gethsemane, through His trial, scourging, and ultimate suffering and death on the cross by crucifixion. … Read more
In The Murky Waters
Having two boys means lots of adventures, and I want to be right in the middle of it with them. That desire took us out in our boat on a warm sunny day with camera and map in hand, in … Read more
Paul begins his first letter to the Corinthians with words of thanksgiving — thanksgiving for the people of Corinth and for all the spiritual gifts that God has given to them. Paul's words remind me of a very special gift … Read more
Simple Faith
Teaching my son to engage in real conversation, especially the ability to initiate and maintain dialogue, is a goal I persistently practice as a parent of a child who has autism. Many different books have been written on this subject … Read more
The Goat Herder
One of my dachshunds has a special gift. Hoss is a goat herder. With his extremely short legs, long body, and the typically large head of the wire-haired variety, people often find Hoss's appearance quite comical, and at first glance, his … Read more
What Are You Doing?
My son-in-law went fishing the other day, with an old trout rod we had bought him for Christmas one year. He was fishing for salmon on the banks of a local river, catching one big fish after another. A fisherman, equipped with expensive … Read more
July 10, 1509
Today, July 10, 2009, is the 500th anniversary of the birth of John Calvin. As I write this on the eve of the anniversary, 60 volumes of Calvin's works stand in front of me on the desk in my study, and the collection in my library is … Read more
Leaving A Mark
My car needed to go in for some scheduled warranty work. I usually keep my car tidy, but after a winter of snow and cold, it needed a little more care to tidy it up. After taking the time to … Read more
Foolish Preaching
It never ceases to amaze me how preaching affects different folk. There are lots of jokes about people sleeping through sermons, and some comedians have made their name by mocking preachers, but when all is said and done, preaching is … Read more
The Widening Circle Of Influence
Years ago, as a young housewife, I attended a business conference with my husband. There was a banquet in the evening, and some of the people I met were easy to talk to, but one man flitted from person to … Read more
Looking In All The Wrong Places
My childhood neighbourhood was situated across the street from a steel mill. Once I was old enough to realize I was poor, I wanted the things I didn't have. As an adult, I "got them", and lived among people who … Read more