Search Results for: "1 Chronicles 4:"

Like A Butterfly

Saturday, July 28, 2018

In my garden, there are several beds of perennials. Each bed has a different name in order to identify it when I am describing a location to my husband. Apart from the obvious, like the Iris Bed and the Hosta Garden, there are the … Read more

Running Ahead!

Friday, November 2, 2001

I have always been careful to be honest with my eldest daughter and she respects this bond of trust we have, even when the answers are not what she may desire. Lately, she is growing in leaps and bounds, even … Read more

Greed Or Gratitude?

Saturday, August 25, 2001

It seems that ever since reading Chris Clark's devotional, " The Prayer of Jabez ", which appeared on June 9th, I've noticed a proliferation of the prayer on everything from chains to teacups. Perhaps it was always there and I … Read more

Prolonged Exposure

Tuesday, July 17, 2001

"Avoid prolonged exposure to the sun while taking this medication." This is the message or warning that appears on the label of one of my prescriptions. In other words, prolonged exposure to the sun could cause damage to my health … Read more

Follow God's Rainbow Home

Monday, July 16, 2001

The weather has been as contrary and unpredictable as the politicians here in the Washington, DC, area for the past few weeks. I think we have had everything but drought and snow and sleet. It was hot, sticky and humid, … Read more

The Prayer Of Jabez

Saturday, June 9, 2001

We've been hearing a lot about the little book written by Bruce Wilkinson, The Prayer of Jabez. Most, but not all, of the press that I've heard was positive. A good friend loaned her book to me and I was … Read more

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