Look Up

Sunday, April 23, 2023
Listen to this devotional:
Listen while you read: "Holy God We Praise Thy Name"1 (Lyrics)

Psalm 139:1-3 – O Lord, you have examined my heart and know everything about me. You know when I sit down or stand up. You know my thoughts even when I'm far away. You see me when I travel and when I rest at home. You know everything I do. (NLT)

When I was very young, I would feel threatened when meeting new people or being in a new situation, so I would resort to an escape technique. Elbow up, I would put my whole arm in front of my face. Under the cover of my arm, I could hide; no one could see me — so I thought.

Hagar, Sarai's servant, resorted to a different escape technique. Pregnant with Abram's child, she scorned and mocked Sarai, whose idea it was to have a child through her servant. Sarai retaliated by treating Hagar so harshly that she ran away from her mistress. In the wilderness, the Lord knew all about her predicament, and advised her to return to her mistress and submit to her.

Genesis 16:13 – Thereafter, Hagar used another name to refer to the Lord, who had spoken to her. She said, "You are the God who sees me." [in Hebrew El-roi] She also said, "Have I truly seen the One who sees me?" (NLT)

Just as the people surrounding me really could see me when I hid under my arm, so the Lord saw Hagar when she thought that she was alone in her trouble.

Later, God changed Sarai's name to Sarah, and Abram's name to Abraham, reflecting the covenant that God had made with him.

Although God is always watching over us, we often fail to see Him working in our lives. At the Youth With a Mission (YWAM) base in Belize in the fall of 2016, one of my assigned tasks was baking, a challenge in a tropical climate. I had made several recipes with the wrong kind of shortening, and the cookies spread all over the baking sheet. One day, as I again perused the shelves of the store room, my eye landed on a can of Crisco®, a vegetable-based lard substitute that stays solid at room temperature. It had been there the whole time! Crisco is not an ingredient that I had ever baked with, but when I tried it, the results were fantastic! Blinded by my inadequacies, I hadn't seen God's provision.

Hagar's story shows that she didn't see God's provision, either. The troublesome relationship between Hagar and Sarah returned after God gave Sarah and Abraham a son in their old age. Under pressure from Sarah, Abraham regretfully sent away Hagar and her son, Ishmael. Again, she wandered in the desert. When her water was gone, Hagar resigned herself to her son's death. Blinded by her tears, she saw no way out of her plight. Again, the Lord was watching over her. He opened her eyes, and she saw a well of water. This moment was a turning point for her and Ishmael. He didn't die, but grew up to be a skilled archer in the wilderness, and his descendants became a great nation.

El-roi always sees us and knows our needs; we just need to look up and see His provision.

Prayer: El-roi, the God Who sees us, may we open our eyes and look up to see Your work on our behalf. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.

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About the author:

Alice Burnett <terrencera.burnett@gmail.com>
Red Deer, Alberta, Canada

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1 Comment

  • PresbyCan Feedback says:

    Thank you for sharing this encouraging devotional with us. Blessings.

    Good words, Alice. And had you grown up in the South of the US, Crisco would have been a household word.

    Many thanks Alice for another of your very interesting and informative devotionals. We need be so grateful that our loving Jesus has His eyes upon us at all times and also ever ready to hear our pleas. Blessings as you continue doing these special writings.

    Good morning, Alice,
    This is an amazing devotional which so accurately reminds us that we cannot hide from God. God knows us from the inside out and still loves us. A great example from the Bible and one from your own life which illustrates your point that God has plans for us and we need to focus on him. Children see the world from their own perspective so if you could not see them, then they could not see you.
    Thank you for always sharing from your experiences and helping to understand from your perspective the importance of God in our lives. May you have a blessed day and “look up”.

    Good afternoon, Alice,
    Thank you for your good words . We need to look up so often to see what God has in mind for us.

    Bless you Alice for this Daily Devotional.
    Many years ago, I did a study on the names of God which enriched my prayer life immensely. Thank you for reminding me of the God who sees, El Roi!
    Greetings from the West!

    Hello Alice,
    Thank you for sharing your story “Look Up” in the PresbyCan Daily Devotions. The title caught my eye. We just studied the story of Hagar in our church’s Bible Study group. God is indeed all around us, watching and walking through life with us. We may all at some point in our lives have had or are having a “Hagar” moment. Just like Hagar, God sees our frustrations, feels our worries, hears our prayers, and lifts us up.
    This year we are studying the women of the Bible. Although we are past Hagar in our journey, I would love to share your devotional story with our study group.
    Thank you,

    Great writing on my favorite name for our God. Many times we don’t feel seen, appreciated, or valued. El Roi sees us! Amen.

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