The Six Million Dollar Man

Sunday, August 31, 2003

Matthew 13:45-46 – Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant looking for fine pearls. When he found one of great value, he went away and sold everything he had and bought it. (NIV)

Several months ago, I heard of a most interesting study that has stuck with me, and brought with it many thoughts and meditations. Apparently, years ago, a chemist undertook to determine the value of a human being. He broke down all the elements and compounds that make up the human body, and then priced each component individually to see how much each would cost. The result? Two dollars and thirty-two cents!

On the other hand, scientists are beginning to appreciate the complexity of the human body. If a team of scientists were to put together all the molecules that make up each DNA strand and every cell in the human body, it is estimated that there is not enough money in the world to pay for the project, and the result would be only a dead human body.

In a sense, therefore, we are all worth much more than what was once reserved for Lee Majors, the Six Million Dollar Man.

However, neither of these studies can come close to capturing the worth of our most precious component: our eternal soul. When God looks down upon us as His creations, He sees so much more than carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, and iron. When God looks upon us, He looks straight through to our very soul.

In today's parable, Jesus is painting for His followers a picture of heaven. It is like a fine pearl that a merchant sold all he had in order to purchase. The flip side of this parable is how God looks at us. We could not possibly have eternal life and heaven if it were not for Him. So, in essence, we are His fine pearls. When God found us, He gave away the most precious thing He had, His Son, Jesus, in order to purchase us.

If we start feeling down or discouraged, let us stop and remember for a moment that there is Someone who thinks we are worth far more than six million dollars, and He was willing to pay the ultimate price to prove it.

Prayer: Generous and loving heavenly Father, thank You for assessing our souls at such a great value. Thank You for sending Your most precious Son to pay for us, that we might obtain that pearl of great worth, an eternity with You. Amen.

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About the author:

Chad Janey
Charlotte, North Carolina, USA

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