It's A Squirrel's Life

Saturday, March 18, 2017
Listen to this devotional:
Listen while you read: "O How I Love Jesus"1 (Lyrics)

Our backyard with its many trees is a heaven for squirrels. I enjoy watching the squirrels frolic high up in the black walnut branches. I imagine the squirrel's view from high up in the trees. From there, the neighbourhood dogs are of no concern. Yet those same dogs would look ferocious and terrifying at ground level. The height provides an advantage for squirrels. It reminds me of the high and lofty place where Christ places us through salvation:

Ephesians 2:6 – God raised us up with Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus. (NIV)

Colossians 3:1-2 – Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. (NIV)

Through our union with Christ we receive an entirely new vantage point. It's Christ's perspective. From here, earthly concerns look far less threatening. But it's not just an illusion. We truly are secure with Him Who resides "in the heavenly realms, far above all rule and authority, power and dominion" (Ephesians 1:20b-21a).

I can always tell when my focus slips down toward "ground level". The symptoms are predictable: Troubles loom larger than necessary; I obsess on them; I complain about them; I feel anxious and discouraged; I drag others down; or I'll let others drag me into their pit of anxiety. It's all because I needlessly take the wrong vantage point. That's so ungodly! That's not where I belong. That's not where any of us belongs if we are truly God's kingdom people.

Now, imagine the squirrel's life high in the trees. There, they are free from the crippling anxieties at ground level. They are free to be squirrels, free to do what squirrels are designed to do: leap across branches with surefooted confidence and relentless energy. Tree squirrels are at home in this lofty domain. There they forage nuts, make nests, and care for their young. Essentially, they build up their own squirrel kingdom.

Tree squirrels aren't designed to thrive on ground level. Neither are we, as kingdom people. We are made to thrive on a higher plane, empowered with every good and perfect gift from above.

Of course, the kingdom of heaven isn't literally about altitude or cosmic location. It's about spiritual power and authority. It's about a supreme God and His domain of rule, where His raised ones are free to be fully human under the reign of God's providence, protection, and presence.

The biblical psalmists longed for this higher ground. May their petitions be ours too:

Prayer: Hear my cry, O God; I call as my heart grows faint; lead me to the rock that is higher than I. (Psalm 61:1a,2b) You are a shield around me, O Lord; you bestow glory on me and lift up my head. (Psalm 3:3) [You] reached down from on high and took hold of me; [You] drew me out of deep waters. (Psalm 18:16) How awesome is the Lord Most High, the great King over all the earth! (Psalm 47:2) Amen!

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About the author:

Diane Eaton <>
Paisley, Ontario, Canada

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1 Comment

  • PresbyCan Feedback says:

    Thank you for an inspiring devotional today.

    Such comforting words, Diane. And a truth we often forget.

    Thank you for a unique view. I have enjoyed many of your devotionals.

    Dianne, thanks for sharing this devotional about a squirrel’s perspective. Enjoyed reading it. Blessings.

    Hi Diane.
    Thanks for this devotion, it is very good.

    Excellent thoughts this day, Diane. Thank you.

    Thank you for the reminder. You always have such good thoughts to share. I enjoy reading them and try to enrich my life with them also! Blessings!

    Diane – thank you for this devotional and the “check list” to warn us when our focus is on the wrong – earthly things. God Bless you.

    Good Morning, Diane: What an awesome Devotional!! “Thank You” so much for writing it and I certainly Praise our wonderful Saviour for giving you the inspiration to write it.
    We all need to be reminded of who we are in Christ and reminded that He is in absolute control of His children’s lives.
    God Bless You and please keep on writing!!

    Good morning Diane and Jane Anne! It’s A Squirrel’s Life! Like your area we have lots of trees and squirrel. View point is critical. They dig up my bulbs, my lawn and my garden and they terrorize attics and garages! When I go a family cottage we feed the squirrels.
    It’s about spiritual power and authority. It’s about a supreme God and His domain of rule, where His raised ones are free to be fully human under the reign of God’s providence, protection, and presence.
    Thank you, Diane for your continued inspiration. Thank you to all the writers and all those involved in making my morning devotional time so valuable.

    I notice you say you have black walnut trees. We had a neighbour with lots of black walnut trees. One year they took out several trees as it had started to become a forest. We had an instructor from University because our Maple tree was dying. He told us that if black walnut trees get close enough that to touch any other trees it will kill them by leaves or tentacles that the roots send out.
    My brother-in-law studied up on black walnut trees. If they are grown properly the wood that can come from them is valuable.
    He learned when planting a black walnut trees he had to plant evergreens amongst the black walnut and by the time the black walnut are getting big with nice straight trunks, which is what is needed for wood.

    Amen Diane!

    And steal all my pears! They didn’t even leave me one.

    Dear Diane,
    A timely reminder for many I am sure, of which I am not the least in need of hearing it.

    Hi Diane, I appreciated your meditation on the squirrels and the scriptures that you also included.
    Thanks for your musings on squirrels; I too have a lot of them on our property and will enjoy their antics even more now when I consider the spiritual realm.

    A truly “uplifting” Devotional, Diane. Lovely.

    Thank you Diane for this beautiful, hopeful message. It’s a wonderful follow-up to our chat we had this week. I’ll forward it to the others if they haven’t seen it. I especially appreciated your prayer using the verses from the Psalms.
    May we walk with Him daily on higher ground and not just “look up”!

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