
Sunday, July 30, 2000

John 14:2 – There are many rooms in my Father's house, and I am going to prepare a place for you. (GNB)

"Survivor", the recent television success story, is enjoying greater popularity than "Who wants to be a millionaire?" "Survivor" is based on a contest between two teams called "tribes" living on an island. After weekly competitions of skill between the tribes, the losing tribe must vote one member of their tribe off the island. The object of the contest is to be the remaining "survivor" on the island. Once the weekly vote is completed, the loser is no longer welcome and must leave the island immediately. Reasons for voting another off the island are subjective and thus depend on the perceptions of each team member.

Imagine how different our Christian faith would be if it depended on our perception of other Christians. We would all find a reason or several reasons to vote against each other's admission. Jesus does not state, "In my Father's house there is room for one or two of you." Rather, anyone who accepts Jesus as Saviour and Lord will be welcome in the kingdom of God. Praise God for the miracle that no one can vote us out of heaven! I suspect that none of us would survive. I think it is wonderful that our faith does not depend on what we are like or on others' impressions of us.

Prayer: Loving God, thank you for the gift of salvation and eternal life. We express sincere gratitude that you welcome anyone who accepts Jesus as Saviour and Lord into heaven. Amen.

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About the author:

Mary Jane Hanson <>
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada

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