Trust In The Lord

Tuesday, January 21, 2025
Listen to this devotional:
Listen while you read: "There Is A Book That All May Read"1 (Lyrics)

In 1983, the administrator of the local nursing home, Doris, initiated the construction of a 21-unit apartment complex for seniors next to the nursing home. Word came to me in a roundabout way that the newly formed Board of Directors needed a volunteer accountant, at least during the construction period. I applied and joined the Board. A couple of years later, the president resigned, and I took his place.

After the first building was completed and fully occupied, we realized that there was need for more apartments, so we bought a piece of land behind the existing building and applied for permission to build 25 more units. There was also a need for geared-to-income housing for families, and the Housing Authority asked if we would take on this project as well; we built 61 units. Doris did all the administration and became the full-time manager of the complex after she left the nursing home. We became good friends, and we stayed in touch.

At the beginning of November, Doris texted me that she has cancer and there are possibly months of treatment ahead of her. The diagnosis came as a big surprise to her.

We talked about this. Doris knows about the mental struggles that my wife, Greta, is experiencing and how that affects our lives every day, so she told me about one of her favourite Scriptures:

Proverbs 3:5-6 – Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight. (NIV)

Doris shared with me that when her sister had been killed in a tragic motorcycle accident many years before, she discovered this Scripture on her sister's bathroom mirror. It was like a message from above. It became a very special verse that got her through the tough times. Doris said that the challenge is for the head knowledge to become heart knowledge.

There are so many times when we experience difficult circumstances in our lives. It may be the death of a friend or a family member or a debilitating illness we ourselves or someone near and dear to us is experiencing. There are times when we really struggle, and, from a human point of view, we are at our wit's end. Then, it is good to look again at those familiar Scriptures:

Matthew 11:28 – Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. (NIV)

John 14:27 – Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid. (NIV)

The situation may or may not change, but trust in the Lord will give us comfort and the ability to carry on.

Prayer: Our Father in heaven, through faith and Scripture, we are assured that we can always put our trust in You, our Lord. We thank You, in Jesus' name. Amen.

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About the author:

Joel Jongkind <>
Meaford, Ontario, Canada

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1 Comment

  • PresbyCan Feedback says:

    Thanks for the encouraging words, Joel.

    Really good scriptures. Thank you.

    Thanks Joel, as usual, am encouraging devotional, blessings to you and your family.

    Good to see your devotional again. Hope you are doing well.
    Wishing you and yours a blessed 2025.

    We missed you Joel, thank you for a great devotional today.
    God Bless you always.

    Thank you – for me today this is a perfect example of the Lord walking with us in all things.

    So good to read today’s devotional, Joel. Your writing always has a message that seems to be made for me.

    Thanks for your encouraging e mail.
    Hope you are managing in this cold weather.
    Wishing you God’s blessings.

    Thanks, Joel. Haven’t read your name for some time. Hope you are staying safe!

    Dear Joel,
    It is so good to hear from you again. Thank you so much for this encouraging message.

    Your message hit home with me today and I greatly appreciate your words. I fear for our USA future but trust in Our Lord Jesus Christ and our Father to protect us. God’s blessings upon us all!

    Good morning, Joel.
    It is great to see your writing again. I have always enjoyed reading what you submit.
    May God be with you in these trying times!

    Thank you, Joel, for this devotional today. Yes, we sure need to reflect on and review scriptures to guide us through situations we encounter. The Lord’s word gives us continuous reassurance and guidance and helps us as we go forward in our daily lives. Blessings for your very encouraging words.

    Thank you for sharing, Joel. I always enjoy your messages. Sorry to hear of Doris’ news. Also your dear wife Greta’s struggles. My thoughts and prayers are with you all. I too repeat these wonderful verses as my precious granddaughter was the victim of intimate partner violence. We miss her every day! Blessings.

    Dear Mr. Jongkind,
    Thank you, kind sir, for all of your wonderful devotionals.
    I look forward to each one.

    Thank you for sharing about how you have been involved in meeting the needs of the elderly in your area. Thank you for the scripture passages and may the Lord also bring healing for your wife. Life is a challenge and how we need to hear about how the Lord leads and provides.

    Thank you for writing this devotional.
    A few words stick in my mind.
    Carry on.
    Through thick and thin.
    Carry on.
    Thank you.

    So good to read your devotional Joel. You have contributed much to Meaford and continue to do so. I know you will be taking good care of Greta but don’t forget to take care of yourself too.
    This is definitely an old-fashioned winter this year. Lots of snow, even here, and certainly cold temperatures. It is lovely to see blue sky and bright sunshine although it doesn’t add any warmth.

    Dear Joel,
    It is wonderful to read this devotion with all the wonderful bible verses to remind me of God’s love and understanding as I go through some difficult times. I’m not sick but have had a roof off due to hurricane and water damage up north due to a month of heavy rain in November.
    I have been thinking about you and Greta over Christmas and I pray that you are both well.

    Good morning, Joel,
    It is nice to read a devotional from you. God puts people in our lives so that we both can benefit. I really like – “Doris said that the challenge is for the head knowledge to become heart knowledge.”
    I know when this happens even though the situation hasn’t changed, how I respond is so much better. Great Bible verses to remember and use in our lives. Thanks for sharing. Praying that Doris heals quickly and that you a Greta manage and have the help you need. Blessings.

    Hi Joel,
    IT seems to me a while since we have “heard” from you. My husband and I are in our 90’s and 80’s respectively and we are often reminded of the saying “Growing old is not for sissies.” One of my very dear friends sat at the kitchen table with me a week ago and said, “It (dementia) is getting bad.” And I do not remember my response. Later, I thought…what do you say to your friend except that she is still your friend, and you care for her.
    Your devotional today was just perfect. I will pray for you and your wife for good times ahead.

    Hello Joel
    I loved your devotional today, it was well timed. God always knows when we need a special message.
    For the last few years my husband has been struggling with cognitive issues. Last year this was upgraded to Dementia. Slowly I am losing my dear sweet husband.
    Most of my nursing years I worked on a locked unit with those who suffer from dementia. I always felt this was my mission field. Now my husband has the same issue but working with dementia or living with it are not the same. It can be really tough. However, God always reveals HIMSELF.
    About two or three years ago, probably the last time we went camping, we were in a very dark spot. He was in the beginning stage of dementia. After he asked me the same question several days in a row, I burst out in song, singing, “they are new every morning, new every morning, great is your faithfulness O LORD, great is your faithfulness”.
    I just stopped in my tracks because I knew this song came from the LORD and HE was telling me that HE will remain faithful. The problems did not go away but the darkness disappeared. Great is HIS faithfulness.
    Joel, I pray that you also may experience HIS faithfulness in your journey with your dear wife.

    We enjoyed your message, Joel. Hopefully Greta is settling in. Take care.

    Joel – How great to have this devotional from you. The breadth of your experiences amazes me, as God guides your footsteps over the years.
    May Greta be showered with God’s rich blessings.

    “the challenge is for the head knowledge to become heart knowledge.”
    So true. Thanks for the scripture verses you have included. I am over 70 and got covid for the first time and although I have finally tested negative the last two days, the health challenge it has left me with is still considerable because of high risk lung conditions.
    I also like what you wrote that we may or may not make it through some circumstances. I like this because it is truth. So often Christians talk about healing as if it always happens. I believe it is much better to face the reality of life that we don’t know the outcomes, but God does, and He is always with us. That thought for me changes head knowledge to heart knowledge.
    Thank you, Lord, for this writer’s timely devotional yesterday. Do keep writing. I’m certain that in these times the Lord needs Christians who have a proper understanding of Christian belief. May your influence be magnified and multiplied in His kingdom.

    Thank you, Joel. We can have peace if we will look to Jesus.

    I just read your devotional. My friend and I had just hung up the phone after talking about that very thing as she and her family are going through health issues and no answers. And yes, she leans on God.
    She’s there and I need to learn to be there too. Thank you for helping me get closer to God. Your devotion really helped. Please keep them coming.

    Cancer surgery has brought me closer to God and my family.

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