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A Revisited Devotional from February 27, 1998
Matthew 13:43 – Then the righteous will shine like the sun in the kingdom of their Father. He who has ears, let him hear. (NIV)
Jesus often ended His parables with this phrase: "He who has ears, let him hear". I have a friend who has just returned from a family vacation in Hawaii. She was commenting on how she would sit on the beach in the early morning for her "alone time" with God, with the large waves crashing on the shore. But during the day, when she was busy with her family, she realized that she didn't even notice the sound of the waves. They were still there, but if she didn't stop to listen, she wouldn't hear them.
This made me think back to a time in my youth when I would go and visit one of my friends in Nova Scotia, Canada, whose home was next to the train tracks. For the first couple of nights, all I would hear was the trains going back and forth, but after that, I discovered that I would sleep quite peacefully and not even hear the trains at night.
I wonder how often we miss hearing God's voice in the same way. Maybe, we have to stop and listen. Just like the waves crashing against the shore or the noise of the train, God is with us — He hasn't gone away. Let's take the time today to stop and listen to His voice.
Prayer: Lord, we thank You that You are always with us. Help us to stop and listen to Your voice in our lives. Help us not to get so busy with the affairs of our life that we forget to listen to Your voice. Amen.
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Thanks Ruth, blessings.
Ain’t the truth! Blessings Ruth!
Thank you for the message today — really made me think.
Thank you, Ruth, for encouraging us to find time to listen to God.
Thanks Ruth, definitely a timely reminder in our busy world. God bless!
Amen and amen, Ruth. Thanks for sharing this encouraging devotional with us. To God be the glory! Blessings.
So glad for this “revisited” devotional. What wisdom!
It had a great impact on me today, after reading words in Matthew that are so familiar that I can miss the Truth that Jesus is wanting me to learn… again!
Bless you Ruth.
Ruth, it’s good to read the truth in your writing today again because today will be a very noisy news day here in the USA and the world. Your words remind me to listen for God’s still small voice and to rest His presence and care and love and to fear not, and to pray. Thanks for writing.
This devotional whispered one simple message to me: Listen to the audio recording! That was just what I needed. Instead of straining with my progressing visual impairment, I was free to simply listen. What a difference that made. It seems that God is encouraging me to “see” with my ears.
Greetings Ruth and it was very enjoyable to read another of your previously written devotionals today. Your words are a good reminder to us to be diligent and take time to seriously listen to the Lord’s word. Adhering to His word surely keeps us on the right path in our daily lives and He is ever deserving of our faithfulness and praise. Blessings for this writing you had prepared.
This message is just as relevant as when it was written in 1998. I live on a very busy street and do not notice the traffic at all. When we used to go to the cottage it was so quiet I had trouble sleeping. Definitely taking quiet time to be with God so that we can share with Him and hear Him is very important. Thanks for sharing from your experience. Blessings.
Thank you for writing this devotional.
Wow 1998.
We have ears.
My wife often told me that I was afflicted with a hearing problem that many husbands seem to have. It’s called selective listening.
Seems that the sound of the same voice becomes hard to hear.
We need a reminder to listen.
Your writing is such a reminder for us to smarten up.
Thank you.