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Psalm 70:1,5 – Hasten, O God, to save me; O Lord, come quickly to help me. Yet I am poor and needy; come quickly to me, O God. You are my help and my deliverer; O Lord, do not delay. (NIV)
As I read these verses, I am reminded of how many times I say, "Hurry, God, save me. Come quickly!" Most of us can understand having a great need for the Lord to hurry and help. My prayers are never more fervent as when I am found in the middle of a crisis.
My daughter, Nealy, and my granddaughter, Cati, arrived at church early on Christmas morning because they were scheduled to sing. Upon arriving, they were taken aback to see that there were no cars in the parking lot. Wondering what was going on, they made a few phone calls, only to find out that there was no early service. Our pastor's wife, Cindy, who was also early, saw them in the parking lot and let them in to the church. Thinking that they would have more time to practice, they began discussing the song and who would sing what part. As they sat in the cold sanctuary, an old man walked toward them. He, too, had shown up for the early service. The man appeared to be distraught and confused, so Cindy and my daughter asked if they could pray for him. As he trudged almost robot-like to kneel at the altar, my daughter saw the deep hurt and pain in his eyes and asked him what he needed. She explained that she knew pain in her own life and could feel that he also had a great need. At that, the man began to weep and tell of his deep sorrow. His wife had passed away only weeks before, his own health was failing, and to top it all off, his children were at his house that day going through his wife's things and fighting as to who would get what. This man was poor and needy of spirit and in need of our caring Lord and deliverer. Because God is always on time, the man left with a hope that only God could give.
Nealy and Cati sang their song without as much practice as they would have liked, but with a new song in their hearts! They had called on God, Who works all things together for good, to come quickly and help this one who was poor and needy, and he was delivered into hope!
Many times, I have asked God to come quickly on behalf of my sweet Nealy, all the while asking why she should have to endure so much pain. We will never know the answer to all the whys, but I do know my daughter looked into the eyes of this dear man and saw his pain because of the pain she has been facing for so long.
Prayer: Come quickly, Lord. I love You because You are my help and my deliverer! Amen.
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Beautiful story, Jeanie.
Thanks Jeanie, blessings.
Thank you, Jeannie. I so much enjoy everything you write.
Pain and suffering brings us closer to God – we can’t manage alone.
Hi Jeanie,
Once more you have “hit the nail on the head” with your devotional.
Thank you and thank your daughter and granddaughter.
Hi Jeanie
What an awesome thing to do. We need more like you and your daughter in this world; not all the bickering that is going on, but the love of God.
God’s Providence! Praise and glory to HIM – for HIS timing and for people like your daughter and granddaughter who are not only willing but also able, to pray with someone who is in dire need of GOD’S help ‘right now’. God bless, and thank you for sharing this testimony.
Jeanie, Psalm 46:1 came to mind when I read your devotional. The Lord is ever present in our time of need. He is with us and our time of need is all the time. We can call upon him as our companion as he is always with us. What a friend we have in Jesus! Thanks for stimulating my thoughts about our wonderful Lord this morning.
Thank you for writing this devotional.
It brings to mind the children’s song… I am weak but he is strong.
And you are always with us.
Thank you.
Good morning, Jeanie,
I love it when someone relates a story that God arranged perfectly to offer hope and comfort to someone. The timing was right, the people who knew from their own experience could help, and the place was right. I pray that Nealy’s pain goes away. I pray that you continue to inspire others by sharing your faith. I definitely know this title well. I am learning that God is in charge. It takes practice for me. May many blessings enrich your life.
Thank you, Jeanie, for sharing about that experience you, your daughter, and granddaughter encountered at church. We never know just when the Lord can put someone in our midst and interweave a needed connection with us. It sounds like the fellow who was in need of attention got what he was needing at the right time with you and the girls arriving early. The Lord can really amaze us how He coordinates happenings and the timing of good results. Blessings for sharing and may your daughter be relieved of what is causing her pain.
Thank you, Jeanie, for sharing this story. I pray for your daughter and release from her pain.
Hi Jeannie,
Good analogy! We need to continually remind others of the urgency of meeting Jesus NOW – not only because later might be too late – but later always means less time with God.