Advice From The Wrong Place

Friday, January 10, 2025
Listen to this devotional:
Listen while you read: "Hail The Day That Sees Him Rise"1 (Lyrics)

1 Samuel 28:7a – Saul then said to his advisers, "Find a woman who is a medium, so I can go and ask her what to do." (NLT)

My wife and I once faced a financial situation where the outgo exceeded the income. We needed to escape, but we had no means to merely pick up and leave, nor did we have any employment awaiting us. The longer we stayed, the worse things got, and the more debt we accumulated.

I decided to consult my middle brother, since he had a business degree and was always level-headed with financial decisions. I gave him the scoop, the prognosis, and the question. He suggested a few "outs", but I'd already tried them. None had worked. However, our conversation did set the wheels in motion, and we eventually made a clean break.

King Saul's repeated disobedience shortly after God appointed him king resulted in the mantle passing to young David. Saul's archenemies, the Philistines, had gathered for battle. He was afraid. His guidance counsellor, the prophet Samuel, was dead. Who could he get advice from? He decided to visit what he had banned in the kingdom: a medium.

Advice of all varieties abounds. It always has, but now it's more prevalent. Through my smartphone, iPad, or computer, I can find out anything I want to know. The roles of parents, grandparents, schoolteachers, Sunday school teachers, and pastors have all been affected.

Although the number of sources — and the sources themselves — from which advice can be obtained has changed, the importance of getting sound advice has not. Advice from others is beneficial when making decisions, especially major ones.

Our ultimate Source should be God. He advises prayer and meditation. God will speak to our spirit if we take the time to listen and not do all the talking. Trusted Christian friends who are spiritually mature are also good sources. We can trust that their advice will be based on God's Word. Books written by respected Christian leaders and consultations with sound spiritual counsellors are further places for appropriate advice. And when both are on the same spiritual journey, spouses should certainly be consulted.

God didn't create us to be alone. When we need assistance, let us go to God first, and then find a trusted source who will give us honest and wise advice.

Prayer: Father, guide us to You and to a sound source when we need life advice. Amen.

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About the author:

Martin Wiles <>
Greenwood, South Carolina, USA

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1 Comment

  • PresbyCan Feedback says:

    Thanks Martin, blessings to you and your family.

    Martin, good advice as always. Thanks for writing.

    Thank you for your words of wisdom today, Martin.

    Good morning, Martin,
    Thank you, this was timely.
    God bless.

    Amen! Unfortunately, we are so very often unequally yoked. Nevertheless, thank you for sharing this encouraging devotional with us today. To God be the glory! Blessings.

    Thank you for writing this devotional.
    Keep looking up.
    Blessings to you.

    Thanks, Martin, for your very good and advisory words today. Yes, when we find ourselves in an unsettling situation we can get in a fluster before thinking carefully how to find a good solution to the problem. We really need to take time to pray and have faith that the Lord will be right there to guide us and will provide us with others in our lives to give us support too. There sure comes times in life that really burden us but through trust in our loving Jesus, and relationships with other believers in our lives, we can find satisfactory results. Blessings for your encouraging and positive writings.

    Consult professionals yes, but final decisions need prayer and guidance from the Holy Spirit.

    Amen and amen! Thanks for sharing this encouraging devotional with us. To God be the glory! Blessings.

    Thanks for sharing we certainly go down that trail some time or another. Ah, wisdom right?

    Thank you, Martin. May we always seek God’s guidance.


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