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A Revisited Devotional from January 5, 1997
Philippians 3:13b – But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining towards what is ahead. (NIV)
Have you had a chance yet this year to look at your bank and credit card statements, scratch your head, and wonder where it all went? If you haven't, you soon will!
None of us has the ability to change the past, so we must learn from it and move on. One of the greatest teachings in the Bible is that no matter how badly we blow it, our mistakes in the past can be forgiven, erased, and gone forever. When we focus on the past, we are destroying our future. So, let's begin to "strain", which means "stretch to the utmost" towards our future and build it. Don't dwell in the past, being a member of the IFIDA club thinking "if I'd have" only been smarter with my money, I'd be rich today. Join the IMGUNNA club and say, "This year I'm going to be a wise steward of the funds that God gives me." The key to being a smart money manager is deciding, before the money comes in, where it's going, instead of trying to figure out where it went after the fact.
Each day, God gives us a fresh new start, and with that, another opportunity to form new and better financial habits. Don't waste that opportunity today. Make a point of prayerfully deciding, "Where are the very best places for the next money I earn?" before it comes in. Always remember that just because stumbling blocks are thrown in your way, it doesn't mean you have to stumble!
Prayer: Lord God, grant me Your vision for my future and Your wisdom to know how I may adequately make provisions for it. Amen.
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Thanks Garth. Blessings.
Well put! This applies not only to money, but to all of the rest of our lives.
Thank you, Garth. I definitely want to be a member of the IMGUNNA club!
Just a thank you for writing this devotional.
And to wish you.
A happy new year.
And God’s blessings.
Dear Garth, although you wrote this devotional 28 years ago, your words hold much meaning yet today. It is so true that we can get on a “stumbling” path in life, but we sure don’t have to stay on it. Our loving Saviour gives us a new start each day to improve our ways. Seeking Him and following His path for us, certainly gives us a better way in our daily life. Blessings for your very positive writing.
Thank you for sharing this encouraging devotional with us. To God be the glory! Blessings.