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Listen while you read: "Face To Face With Christ My Saviour"1 (Lyrics) |
Lately, I have been having trouble seeing correctly. The ophthalmologist tells me I have cataracts on both eyes, so I will have surgery later in January. The cataracts are impairing my sight more in one eye than in the other. My son set my computer screen with larger print, but I still find it hard to see the words. In addition, I have double vision. In church, I see double of everything, even the pastor! On the big screen, he puts up Scripture verses and important points during his message. I find that if I close one eye, I can see it right; it is no longer double.
A dear friend at church seems to sense when I am becoming discouraged, and she comes to my rescue at just the right time. The Spirit of God brings Scripture to her mind and mine to encourage me when it is needed most. Believers have a blessed hope in knowing Jesus Christ. Here are a couple of passages that have helped me the most:
Hebrews 12:2 – Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. (NIV)
John 14:1-4 – Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in me. In my Father's house are many rooms; if it were not so, I would have told you. I am going there to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am. (NIV)
Our bodies are precious. Sight is precious. We should never take it for granted. Fanny Crosby was blind from a very young age, but with her hope in Christ, she was able to sing, "Face to face".
- Face to face with Christ my Saviour,
Face to face — what will it be
When with rapture I behold Him,
Jesus Christ who died for me?
Face to face I shall behold Him,
Far beyond the starry sky;
Face to face in all His glory,
I shall see Him by and by!
Carrie E. Breck
1 Corinthians 13:12a – Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. (NIV)
Despite our physical problems and worries, let us — like Fanny Crosby — fix our eyes on Jesus!
Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank You for Your goodness to us on a daily basis. Thank You for Your Son going to the cross to die for our sin. Help us to keep our eyes fixed on Jesus, and to show Your love to family, friends, and neighbours. Amen.
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Thanks Ruth. Blessings.
Thanks for the encouraging words, Ruth.
Thank you, Ruth! This is lovely.
Grace and peace to you.
Good one, Ruth.
Thanks Ruth. It was a timely message. I had Cataract surgery for both eyes on Dec 10th and am doing well. I prayed for you.
May this new year and the surgery be a blessing.
Ruth, we readers “of a certain age” can identify with your cataract problems. The verse you shared had a word that jumped from the screen to bless me: FIX! When we “fix” our eyes on Jesus, he can FIX us!! Then the things of earth grow dim. Funny thing about spiritual vision.
Thanks for causing me to see this word.
Hi Ruth,
Great Devotion today.
I developed double vision about 10 years ago. I decided, a little like Fanny, that there was little I could to about it …. except change my attitude and accept the consequences with as much joy as I could.
Blessings for 2025,
Good morning, it’s a very nice day.
Thank you for writing this devotional.
In my mind …. I can see … I can see.
From children’s Sunday school lessons.
This little light of mine.
Jesus loves the little children.
Somewhere over the rainbow.
Blessings to you.
Thank you, Ruth, for your special writing today and I know how difficult it is to deal with double vision as I experienced it for a period of seven months and then it gradually disappeared. I’m so thankful that I have good sight again and very thankful that our Heavenly father helped and guided me through each step at that time. We certainly need be so thankful and faithful to have Jesus in our daily lives for the endless attention He gives us and is truly a “light” in our path. Blessings for writing and sharing about your experience with double vision.
Good morning, Ruth,
I enjoyed your passages that help your faith and to hear about your dear friend who is there for you at the right times. My husband had cataract surgery last year so he could see his golf ball and not have to ask others where it went. I am sure that you will be amazed after you have your cataract surgeries this month. Definitely it is important for all of us no matter what is happening in our lives to “fix our eyes on Jesus”. Thanks for sharing to help us all reflect on how God is there for us each and every day. Blessings.
Thank you, Ruth, for sharing your struggle with us. Many years ago, I was just where you are with my eyesight failing. Cataracts in both eyes and a failing retina in my dominate one. After multiple surgeries, my vision was basically saved. The retinal surgery failed, but my corneal implants seem to still be functioning as intended. Lately, my eyes have been showing signs that something else is going on. Sigh. My government-based health care insurance won’t cover more surgery, especially since I’m now in my eighties! But God has been so good to carry me through so much without further serious problems. Be encouraged. God’s got this, and us, in the Lord’s more than capable hands! Praying for you. Blessings.
Good morning, Ruth!
Thank you for sharing your relatable devotional today. My husband is also experiencing eye issues in both of his eyes – cataracts and glaucoma. According to his ophthalmologist he will need surgery for his cataracts shortly. In the meantime he/we faithfully apply the prescribed drops twice daily. May God grant both of your ophthalmologists the wisdom to be mindful in the treatment of your eyes and my husband’s eyes.
“Despite our physical problems and worries, let us – like Fanny Crosby – fix our eyes on Jesus!”
Thank you, Ruth, for sharing your sight problems and your response to them. We all need encouragement to keep our eyes on Jesus.
Hi Ruth,
I hope your surgery goes well and I pray that you will be able to get all you need from the service tomorrow by just listening.