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Listen while you read: "Standing At The Portal Of The Opening Year"1 (Lyrics) |
I have a friend who is the sole caregiver for her 106-year-old mother. Her mother has some clarity of mind and can manage some of her own personal issues, but nevertheless requires quite a bit of care and cannot be left alone. In addition, my friend's daughter has been diagnosed with a terminal brain cancer — but has already fought it off longer than expected — and her son has other serious issues.
The pressure is intense, but she decided to start each day by recording five blessings and five prayer requests. We hold Bible study at her house so she can be near her mom, and she told us last week that this practice has made a huge difference in her attitude and thought patterns. She looks back in her journal and sees how she has been blessed and how prayers have been answered, especially as her daughter continues to fight the cancer.
One such answer had us all laughing. She hasn't been able to go to church because she has to be with her mom, but a neighbour offered to watch Mom on Sunday. She announced that God had sent her a person who attends church on Saturday so she could go to church on Sunday! God also provided the means to pay for a caregiver five mornings a week so she can run errands and visit her daughter who lives nearby.
After she told us about this, I decided to start the same practice. Each morning, I think about the previous day and what blessings occurred. Some of them are small, like finally getting the right paint colour for touching up my walls. Others are larger, like the great sermon my pastor preached on Sunday. Then, I record requests for friends' healing, support for family members or myself, or any other need that has crossed my path. It forces me to think in different patterns.
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 – Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. (ESV)
Philippians 4:6 – Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. (ESV)
Recording our blessings and requests is a powerful tool to help us grow in our faith. Since it's private, we can be honest with God. Also, writing keeps the mind from wandering. And as we write, other blessings and requests will come to mind. There's something about putting pen or pencil to paper that helps the mind to think.
Whether in a fancy journal, a simple notebook from the dollar store, or a file on a computer, let's commit to starting this new year recording our blessings and requests. Just think what a wonderful time we'll have at the end of 2025 looking back at how we have been blessed and how God has answered our prayers!
Prayer: Father, thank You that You listen to us as we pour out our hearts to You. Amen.
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I loved this. Thank you!!
THANK YOU, Sharon. I am going to start this habit.
Thanks for the encouraging words, Sharon. Happy New Year.
Thanks, Sharon.
Your devotion heads my blessing list!
Great story and idea for the new year! Thank you and may God give you many blessings in 2025!
Thanks Sharon, the Bible verses are so uplifting and encouraging, comforting reading. Blessings.
Thank you, Sharon. A great idea to start off the New Year.
All the best to you and your loved ones.
Thank you, Sharon, for this inspiring devotional.
Wishing you and all your family a very Happy and Healthy New Year!
Thank you for today’s devotional. It made me count my blessings and I think I will also write 5 blessings and 5 prayer requests each day. Your devotional is definitely a wonderful start to 2025!
Thank you for writing this devotional spiritual exercise.
I need to reflect on God’s blessings in my life.
Thank you.
Good morning, Sharon,
What a wonderful inspiration devotion that I read from you this morning. A truly uplifting inspiring devotion to start off 2025. Looking forward to hearing more from you.
Happy New Year!
Thank you for today’s devotional, Sharon. I think starting a journal in 2025 to record my blessings and requests is an awesome idea. I plan on giving it a try. Thank you.
My husband and I have just read your devotional and have decided to do this together each morning before breakfast.
Thank you.
God bless you and yours.
Thank you for sharing this encouraging devotional with us and for blessing us with your insights. To God be the glory! Have a blessed New Year. May it hold many blessings to record in your journal and share with others.
I loved what you wrote today. A few years ago, I began the practice of writing down in my calendar, every day, something I learned from the Bible that day, and something for which I’m thankful. It is such a good discipline! It helps me start the day by focusing on the things that really matter. Thanks for sharing about your friend and your own experience!
Reading the devotional you wrote this morning, I was so taken with it, that I have decided to start 2025 doing exactly what you wrote about. 2024 was not a very good year and I spent too much time feeling sorry for myself and forgetting to thank God for what I have been blessed with. Thank you for that kick in the pants to put me on the right track. Wishing you and your family a blessed 2025.
Sharon: what a wonderful way to start the new year! I have kept a gratitude journal and a bucket list, but this seems way more powerful. Can’t wait until next New Years Day (well I can because I don’t want to wish away a day of my life) to look back and see how I was blessed and how my prayers were answered.
Thank you. Blessings.
Good morning,
Sharon definitely a positive start to every day for your friend who has dear ones to help and support. I believe that writing things down and being positive are good things and they help to rewire our thinking. Thanks for sharing how they have worked for your friend and let us hope that many others will gain a new perspective. Your prayer is a simple one and truly hits the mark. Happy New Year. Blessings
Thanks Sharon,
I think it is vital to “count our blessings” to fully appreciate all that God has done for us.
I’m afraid that we live in a world where most people think they deserve all their blessings and act as if they have done everything necessary to achieve them!!
Thanks for the reminder that ALL good gifts come from God.
Greetings Sharon on the first day of the year 2025 and many thanks for your devotional today. Keeping a journal of how the Lord has worked in our daily lives is a very good idea and definitely would be an interesting reread at year end to be reminder of how the Lord has carefully cared for us throughout the year. There are times we can sure be amazed at the way the Lord responds to our prayer requests and how His response works to benefit us. Our loving Lord is ever deserving of our faith and gratitude.
Blessings for these positive writings you do and enjoy each day of this new year.
A ringer for a new year Sharon! Blessings.
Dear Sharon,
What a wonderful idea!!! I’m going to do exactly what you suggest. I am facing some tough challenges and decisions of my own right now, and like almost everyone else on the planet has a list of New Year’s Resolutions on the go.
I wanted to say how much I enjoy reading Daily, and especially when what you write is on the Page. You are a lady of such strong faith; and yet everything you write is 100% grounded in reality. You are a real asset to the Daily community. Happy New Year to you and to everyone you love.
Warmest wishes and blessing for 2025.