All Little People Welcome

Monday, December 9, 2024
Listen to this devotional:
Listen while you read: "The Birthday Of A King"1 (Lyrics)

Matthew 18:4 – Whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. (ESV)

Our young son has been responsible for setting out the Fisher-Price Little People Nativity set at Christmastime since he was a toddler. He loved placing the colourful, chunky people and animals in their places within the Christmas story that was unfolding inside his plastic toy creche.

One year while we were decorating, I noticed that he had added to the scene. All his other Fisher-Price Little People had joined the holy family, shepherds, and wise men. A line had formed, and a motley crew crowded around the baby Jesus: Superman, Wonder Woman, Batman, Joker, a mechanic, a kid with cotton candy, and a clown were among the group. There were people of all ages and colours. There were good guys and so-called "bad guys". All were accepted and welcome at the feet of Jesus. My son thought that everyone should be included and present as the baby King entered the world to save us. I both laughed and cried at the sight of the eclectic mix of visitors that my son had brought to surround the Christ Child. Whimsical in its presentation, it depicted a scene of peace, love, and collective worship among peoples of varied backgrounds.

It was a beautiful reminder that Jesus came for all people, not a select few. I stopped right then and there to pray. I thanked God for the innocent faith of my sweet boy; that even at his young age, he already believed that Jesus is worth lining up for. I prayed that he would grow up in a world like the one that he had created in his playset — a society that recognizes its need for Christ and where everyone realizes they not only can approach Jesus but are invited. I asked God to help us to fulfill this holy purpose of drawing close to Christ and living in peace and love with all our brothers and sisters, and to be as welcoming as my son in introducing others to Jesus.

Taking a cue from my little boy, I invite us to look at things with Christ-centred hearts. Using something as simple as a decorative Christmas toy, my son had unknowingly ministered to me with his unspoken, but faith-filled, message. Drawing upon this type of childlike faith, perhaps add to your décor this season with something that visually shines light on the gospel message. May your Christmas decorations and nativity scenes speak to you and others in different, meaningful ways, and may it remind you of Christ's all-encompassing, unconditional love for all the Little People!

Prayer: Dear God, thank You for the innocent faith of children. May they always believe that Jesus is worth gathering around and that they can approach Jesus just as they are. May we take the children's lead in being humble and welcoming in our divinely given task of bringing all kinds of people to Christ. Amen.

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About the author:

Kerri Cramer-Creel <>
Louisa, Virginia, USA

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1 Comment

  • PresbyCan Feedback says:

    Thanks for the beautiful story, Kerri.

    Thanks Kerri, we should always follow the innocence of children, blessings.

    I loved your devotional ! Please keep them coming. God bless.

    Let your YES be yes! And be profound with listening ears and open eyes for Truth!

    Thank you for sharing this encouraging devotional with us. Yes! May we be just as welcoming. Blessings.

    Good morning: what a beautiful faith-filled story. Thank you for sharing. Christmas blessings to you and your family.

    Love it!!! A good reminder that God loves ALL his children!!

    What a great devotional! Thanks for the great learning experience your son triggered!
    A friend in Canada,

    Thank you for sharing this lovely story. I was just noticing all the nativity sets in the second-hand store. So nice to hear of one scene being so lovingly tended.

    Thank you for writing this devotion.
    May we see God with a childish faith and trust this Christmas.
    Thank you.

    Such a beautiful devotional! The image of the line of toy characters lined up to see the baby amused me and then I understood again. Jesus came into the world for the whole world! God so loved the world! Thank you for writing!

    Thanks for sharing that beautiful moment.
    I have many crèches around my home.
    My Great Grandkids love to play with them.
    A lovely moment captured was my little one rearranging the figures while quietly humming ‘Jesus loves me…’

    Good morning, Kerri,
    I loved the story of your son and his inclusive nativity scene. I remember one year when my great nephew was visiting my mom’s, he rearranged one of her small nativity sets and made all the people and animals squished together facing baby Jesus. It was how he envisioned the scene. Thanks for sharing from your experience and faith. Blessings.

    Good morning,
    What a joy to see the sweet son living the way we all should. I stand with you in your prayer for your son, may God always be with him and may God use him to show the way to peace and God’s way of thinking!!
    Have a blessed Christmas.
    Thank you for sharing.

    Thank you, Kerri, for this very sweet devotional today. It is so wonderful to see the way children create certain activities with their toys and very heart-warming when you see ways they interweave their understanding of Jesus into their lives. We can learn a lot from the “little ones” in our daily lives and be ever thankful to God for His gift of them to us.
    Blessings for your very special, delightful message today.

    Hello Kerri,
    Just a short note to say that I enjoyed your devotional on PresbyCan today. I plan to use it at a dinner coming up soon for homeless and poor people in our community.
    All people who hear the gospel (whatever they may have done or been) are invited to come to Christ. Grace can embrace all sorts of men and women. Grace also leads to a change in our way of life.
    Anyway, as I said, I liked the devotional overall and plan to share it. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas.

    Yes indeed, ‘may we all take the child’s lead in being humble’ – and full of faith.

    Thank you, Kerri, for today’s devotion.
    I like it very much.
    Yes, young people understand at an early age and we must always tell them the truth.

    Thank you Kerri. What a great story and an example to all of us!

    Hi Kerri,
    Thank-you for your devotional about your son’s Fisher Price nativity and the extra little people coming to the manger. I hope you don’t mind but I used your idea in a short meditation at the end of a choir cantata we recorded yesterday for a Christmas morning television broadcast here in Canada. It was well-received and appreciated. I think I could have preached a whole sermon around the ‘little people’ but after an elaborate and beautiful musical presentation, a short reflection on batman and the kid with candy floss being welcome at the manage was a lovely, simple image to end the service with.
    I hope you will write more devotionals and inspire us again.
    Christmas blessings to you and your family and thanks again.

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