An Advent Sunday

Sunday, December 8, 2024
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Listen while you read: "Lo How A Rose"1 (Lyrics)

A Revisited Devotional from December 13, 1998

1 Thessalonians 3:12a – May the Lord make your love for one another and for all people grow more and more. (GNT)

We visited a church in Florida on a Sunday morning; it was a busy, friendly church with about forty to fifty in attendance. The congregation was made up mainly of older folk, with a sprinkling of middle-aged ones, and about four families with children. We were warmly greeted and asked if we knew others visiting from Canada.

It was on a Sunday early in Advent, and the service was about an "Advent Attitude". So often we go through this season of the year with an attitude of "Let's get all this rush over with"; or "I really don't have time to do anything for others"; or "how will I meet all the demands on me?" Instead, in the sermon, an attitude of expectancy and love was espoused, especially "a rebounding, redounding, resounding love".

What is this kind of love? It is the kind of love that has us put others before ourselves. It is the kind of love that makes others feel special. It is the kind of love demonstrated in the gift of God's Son to us at Christmas.

As we go through the Christmas season, pray that we will know this kind of love, for both giving and receiving, remembering that the greatest gift has already come to us in the manger in Bethlehem. Ask God to give us an attitude of love, of "rebounding, redounding, and resounding love", that shows in our attitude towards others.

Prayer: Lord, help us to know Your love, love that rebounds, redounds, and resounds, as we look forward to celebrating the greatest expression of love, the gift of Your Son. Help us also to show this love in our attitude towards others this Christmas season. Amen.

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About the author:

Ruth Burkholder <>
Stouffville, Ontario, Canada

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1 Comment

  • PresbyCan Feedback says:

    Thanks Ruth, blessings.

    Patience and Hope are two important gifts of love I seek.

    Beautiful!! Always a message worth giving … and receiving.

    Thank you for sharing this encouraging devotional with us today. To God be the glory! Blessings.

    Thank you for writing this devotion
    love for one another
    From long ago
    Another advent Sunday.
    It is something to see how auto correct wants to complete the word advent.

    Your devotional read today, Ruth, still holds the same meaning and advice as it did when you wrote twenty-six years ago. Yes, it is important that we show much love and respect to our loving Saviour as well, to those around us in our day-to-day lives. Peace and joy are very special gifts to be shared with others. Blessings for your special writing.

    Good morning, Ruth,
    Definitely this is a wonderful message of not getting caught up into all that we perceive needs to be done and to really try to put into action the messages of Advent season. Today is PEACE which definitely we all want in our lives and for the world around us. If we each offer peace in our family and community and each Christian in the world offered the same to all around them what a difference it would make in man people’s lives. Thanks for sharing your experience and offering your thoughts. Blessings.

    Thanks Ruth blessings.

    Thanks for this, Ruth.
    Each year an Advent Calendar is produced at my church, the devotional for each day being written by a church member. Photos are included, as well as a brief personal note from the author.
    It really helps us slow down and focus on the season; not forgetting the opportunity to know each person better!
    Trust that you are still writing and growing in “the knowledge and love” of Jesus Christ!
    Your friend in the West.

    Thank you, Ruth. “a rebounding, redounding, and resounding love” is a great phrase and redounding is a new word to me.

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