Not One Of Them Is Missing

Wednesday, December 4, 2024
Listen to this devotional:
Listen while you read: "Go Tell It On The Mountain"1 (Lyrics)

I love pre-lit Christmas trees! What's not to love? We pull them out of the box, and WOW! — instant light. No untangling strings of lights or wrapping miles of lights round and round the tree. They are always perfectly positioned with each branch evenly lit. They are great — until those lights burn out — and that is where I am this year. I got one of my trees up, plugged it in, and waited to see the perfectly lit tree, only to find it was only partially lit up. What a job it is to find the bad light that keeps the others from lighting. Evidently, peer pressure is rampant in Christmas lights: one does it and the crowd follows. I even bought a little red tester gun to make it easier. With new lights to change out the bad lights, my husband and I tested everything that didn't twinkle. We worked steadily for two hours and tested a thousand lights. With each light that we replaced, we waited for it to be the one that would cause our tree to explode with light, but with each light, we became more and more frustrated. After we had tested every light with no success, I felt like a failure. One little light, and with all my powers, I could not find it. As I pined for my perfect tree, I remembered a Scripture that I just love.

Isaiah 40:25-26 – "To whom will you compare me? Or who is my equal?" says the Holy One. Lift your eyes and look to the heavens: who created all these? He who brings out the starry host one by one, and calls them each by name. Because of his great power and mighty strength, not one of them is missing. (NIV)

I love this Scripture for many reasons, but I especially love the part that says, "not one of them is missing". I think God was driving His point with a little humour. Don't you love it?

I couldn't help but contrast myself — who couldn't find one lost light less than an inch long — with Him Who created the starry hosts and called each one by name without even one missing. How often do I forget how powerful our Creator really is, and how often do I try, in my frailty, to do things on my own without trusting Him Who has "great power and mighty strength".

My pre-lit tree is now adorned with old-fashioned strings of lights. The branches are not perfect, but it is still twinkling beautifully, reminding me of the starry host that our wonderful Lord brings out one by one with not one of them missing.

As you enjoy all the lights everywhere you look this Christmas, think about the stars that God knows and calls by name. Remember that you are so much more important than even the stars in the sky. He did not die for the stars, but He gave His life for us!

Prayer: Lord, help us to trust more and more, not only in Your great power and mighty strength, but also in Your great love for us. Amen.

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About the author:

Jeanie Nihiser <>
Geneseo, New York, USA

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1 Comment

  • PresbyCan Feedback says:

    Problems – call on the Lord and wait.

    Thanks Jeanie, blessings to you and your family.

    Thanks for the good word, Jeanie. Enjoy the season.

    Very nice, thanks for sharing,

    Just wondering if you tried the fuses that is in the cords within the plug.

    Thank you for sharing this encouraging devotional with us today. To God be the glory! Blessings.

    Thank you for writing this devotional.
    Reminds me of This little light of mine.

    You have my sympathy!
    I can relate to that frustration.
    Enjoy your tree!

    Been there, done that.
    Thanks for today’s devotional. It meant a lot to know that I am counted. Bless you AND your patient husband,

    Jeanie, what a perfect devotional for me today, as I unpack our little pre-lit tree! I hope all the lights will still work! Yes, I DO love it, to think about the verse you shared with we readers. Jesus came for us, not the stars. We are the ones who need the LIGHT. He came and will come again.

    Hello Jeanie
    Your one sentence about the branches are not perfect…. The thought came to me, just like your tree branches, we are not perfect, but we shine for Him, and he loves us.
    God bless you and your family at this Christmas time.

    I laughed! The tree light ritual! Our old tree is not pre lit and I think at this point, I’m glad.
    Thank you for writing. Twinkling stars remind me of God’s love. That’s what I see in my tree lights.

    Thanks, Jeanie, for another of your interesting devotionals. Yes, it can be frustrating trying to find which light is not working and causing the other lights on the string to not light. Thankfully our Lord is always a “bright” light in our lives and ever available to serve us. He certainly is very deserving of our constant reverence and praise. Blessings for your writings.

    Good morning, Jeanie,
    Great reminders of past Christmases. Definitely you and your husband were determined and then found a solution. The message that everyone is known by God and God knows all is a wonderful reminder of our trust and faith. Thanks for sharing your very descriptive experience and your faith. Blessings.

    Oh Jeannie, how I identified with your devotional. I also had a string on my pre-lit tree
    that decided not to shine this year. I didn’t go through the effort you did to try to find the culprit though. I just spread the existing lights to reach lower so at least I have ‘some’ pretty colours in the lower section of the tree.
    Thanks for writing!

    Thank you, Jeanie. Praise God, He knows us and calls us by name.

    Thank you so much for this message of light in our dark – but not completely!
    Just one candle puts darkness in check.
    (BC, Canada)

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