In The Driver's Seat

Tuesday, November 26, 2024
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A Revisited Devotional from January 24, 1998

Nahum 1:7 – The Lord is good, a strong hold in the day of trouble; and he knoweth them that trust in him. (KJV)

Throughout our lives, we all teach and are taught, some by profession, others only by example.

We had a Sunday School teacher once who led us in Bible study, prayers, and hymns. On the odd warm Sunday afternoon, if we begged hard enough, he would take us out to a big open field and teach us to drive his black mini-Austin — if memory serves me correctly! It wasn't just being behind the wheel that stirred excitement … for some, just being there was a thrill.

I think that I was about ten years old when I took to the wheel. I can still remember gripping the hard, thin steering wheel, stretching my legs to reach the pedals, trusting someone else to shift, and hoping that I didn't make a fool of myself in front of the bigger kids, some of whom were in the back seat. I seem to remember sporting one of those wide, strained, teeth-gritting smiles that says, "I'm scared, but I'm happy."

Sometimes, one would steer and one would shift. Our teacher (giving orders from outside the car) was usually trying to keep his cool — and his car intact! So now, we had someone sharing the driver's seat, someone outside giving orders to the driver, and always, the ultimate driver. Add someone shifting gears, and that makes for quite a combination to accomplish one thing. The driver could turn left instead of right. The "shifter" could grind into third instead of slipping nicely into second. Any number of things could take place — and usually did.

Life is kind of like that. There may be times in our lives, especially when things are humming along quite smoothly, when we forget that we are sharing the "driver's seat" with the Lord. However, someone or something can "shift our gears", and usually when we least expect it. It is then, more than ever, that we turn to God and ask Him to "drive". Because one of His greatest gifts to us is the gift of choice, we need only remind ourselves that He is always "in the seat" with us, letting us steer, but if we listen, He is giving us the directions.

Prayer: Lord, may we always remember that You are the One in the driver's seat. May we always look to Your path, especially when we are responsible for steering others or entrusted to "shift" for them. May we also, Lord, strive to understand when our "gears are shifted" when we least expect it. Through Jesus Christ our Lord, we pray. Amen.

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About the author:

Mary Daniel <>
Nanaimo, British Columbia, Canada

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1 Comment

  • PresbyCan Feedback says:

    Thanks Mary, blessings.

    So Good to have you back/ Have missed your solid devotions.

    Thank you so much.
    (California, USA)

    For shifting.

    Oh Mary, what a delight to read this encouraging devotional again! I’m really enjoying this. Blessings.

    What a great picture – both your Sunday School excitement and the Biblical analogy. I love the stories people tell!

    Hi Mary
    That is an excellent analogy. Thanks for sharing this with us.
    How are you doing? I have not heard from you for a while.

    So glad for today’s “re-cycled” devotional! Great message: in my 80s I need all the help I can get going from A to B.
    Thanks for your writing today, hope you’re “still strong”!

    Good morning, Mary,
    Great memories!!
    We are blessed to have the best instructor, coach, and guidance.
    I am thankful He is the one driving this vehicle!!
    God bless.

    Although this devotional was written 26 years ago, it still holds very much meaning today. It is important in our daily lives that we look to Jesus and follow His word to “steer” us in the right direction. Staying firm in His word gives us days of positive direction rather than a road of destruction. Blessings for this writing Mary.

    Good morning, Mary,
    I enjoyed your story of learning to drive with two helpers. I found it kind of scary. It is a great way to think of our trust in God and how we can be shifted out of our comfort zone and really need God to guide us. It is comforting to know that God is always there even when we aren’t aware of how important it is for God to be in the driver’s seat. Even though you wrote these words a long time ago, there are very relevant, just like the Bible, which was written thousands of years ago. Blessings.

    Praise the Lord – the Holy Spirit is our guide and comfort in challenging times and good times.

    Thank you, Mary. This is a good illustration of our spiritual walk.

    Thank you Mary, for this week’s devotion.

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