Angels Unaware

Monday, November 18, 2024
Listen to this devotional:
Listen while you read: "Jesus Is The Sweetest Name I Know"1 (Lyrics)

During the trip that my sister and I made to Italy in October, we travelled by train five or six times. The second day, we left our hotel in Rome, on our way to Naples. At the train station, the elevator was broken, so to get to the train tracks, we had to haul our luggage up four flights of stairs to the bridge that went across the tracks and four flights down the other side. We are not young, and my knee, which I injured in February, is still not completely healed. So we were a bit flustered by the time we got to the bottom. We didn't have tickets, so we looked around and all we saw was a small machine on the wall. While we stood there staring at it, a younger couple appeared, as if by magic, and gave us instructions — in German-accented English — on what to do and which station we wanted in Rome in order to transfer to Naples. They kept watch over us, motioning to us as the correct train arrived, carrying our luggage down, under the train tracks, and up at the next station, checking on us to make sure that we transferred to the next train, and even coming back to make sure that we got off in Naples.

What a blessing that was! Afterwards, we wondered if they were angels God had sent to protect these two "mature" ladies who planned to wander around Italy for two weeks.

Psalm 91:11-12 – For he will order his angels to protect you wherever you go. They will hold you up with their hands so you won't even hurt your foot on a stone. (NLT)

God has a history of using angels to minister to His people.

  • When Daniel was thrown into the lion's den, he said, "My God sent his angel to shut the lions' mouths so that they would not hurt me." (Daniel 6:22a NLT)

  • God reminded the Israelites of His presence when He said, "See, I am sending an angel before you to protect you on your journey and lead you safely to the place I have prepared for you." (Exodus 23:20 NLT)

  • David said, "I will praise the Lord at all times. For the angel of the Lord … surrounds and defends all who fear him." (Psalm 34:1a,7 NLT)

  • After the devil tried to tempt Jesus, "angels came and took care of Jesus." (Matthew 4:11b NLT)

Were they angels? I have no idea, but I prefer to give credit to God for ordering His angels to protect my sister and me. We could have been stranded on that isolated train platform for hours if that English-speaking couple had not helped us. God cares about us in the big and little events of our lives and He will be there to help us if we but ask.

Prayer: Thank You, Lord, for Your watch care over us and for Your army of angels who watch over us. Amen.

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About the author:

Sharon Cook <>
Apache Junction, Arizona, USA

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1 Comment

  • PresbyCan Feedback says:

    Amen Sharon.

    WONDERFUL! Thanks.

    Thanks Sharon, blessings.

    Comforting thoughts, Sharon.

    Another good one Sharon. I too have encountered such things.

    If not angels, then Christians practicing their faith – loving their neighbor.

    Thank you.
    For being an angel for writing this devotional.

    Good morning, Sharon,
    It is amazing how these angels show up in different ways and for many reasons.
    So thankful God truly does look after us!
    God bless.

    Good morning, Sharon,
    I admire you and your sister taking a 2 week trip to Italy without everything planned out ahead of time. I believe in God providing the help we need at the time we need it. I believe that there are many wonderful and caring people in this world. Wishing you a full knee recovery and some more wonderful adventures as you shine your faith into the world. Blessings.

    Good morning, Sharon!
    Thanks for sharing! I identified readily as when my husband died as our cruise ship entered the 1st port, God provided so many people who were right where I needed help so many times. I didn’t necessarily think they were actual angels, but I sure felt that God sent these helpers! Angels or not….our God is an awesome God who knows and cares for each of us!

    Oh Sharon, that sounds like quite the holiday adventure you and your sister had. It sure can surprise us when we find ourselves in unexpected situations and our loving Lord steps in and gives us very favourable results.
    The couple that guided and watched over both of you are surely to be remembered as God’s “Angels”. Many thanks for sharing about your travel experience and the positive outcome the Lord provided. Blessings for these devotional writings you prepare.

    Most wonderful lesson. Thank you for sharing. Blessings.

    Oh Sharon, your devotional sparked memories of my own encounters with angels unaware. At the time they seemed to just be caring people, but I’ve often wondered if they were angels. Thanks for sharing. Blessings.

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