The Ticket

Thursday, June 27, 2024
Listen to this devotional:
Listen while you read: "He Leadeth Me: O Blessed Thought"1 (Lyrics)

I caught my breath just a little as I pulled out of my mailbox an envelope with a Portland Bureau of Transportation return address. Opening the letter, I was chagrined to find a citation for speeding. Over my many years of driving, I have received a couple of warnings and a couple of tickets for minor driving infractions, but this was my first speeding ticket. Enclosed with the citation was an undeniable photo of me at the wheel. I was caught red-handed — or heavy-footed, you might say.

Though I was without excuse, I was not without recourse. I could plead my innocence before the judge (though I wasn't innocent!), or I could simply pay the fine, or I could take a driving safety class and have my fine reduced. I chose the latter option, and I learned a lot of beneficial information in the process. Driving laws are intended to make our roads safer for everyone. My ticket resulted in the goal of being a more careful driver.

I also learned some lessons from this experience that I can apply to my spiritual life:

  • Just as I need to study the driver's manual to be a safe driver, I also need to read and study the Bible to learn how to live a godly life. "I have hidden your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you." (Psalm 119:11 NLT)

  • I couldn't hide from the radar camera. It gave indisputable proof of my guilt in speeding. Also, I cannot deny or minimize my sin. God sees into the depths of my heart, and I can't hide from Him. "O Lord, you have examined my heart and know everything about me." (Psalm 139:1 NLT)

  • I had to admit that I was guilty as charged and face up to my deserved penalty. Likewise, I can confess my sin and repent of my wrongdoing, knowing that God will lovingly forgive me. "But if we confess our sins to him, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all wickedness." (1 John 1:9 NLT)

  • I owed a fine, and I had to pay it, like it or not. Also, when I sin against God or others, I must acknowledge it and accept the consequences of my actions. "For the wages of sin is death." (Romans 6:23a NLT)

  • I was able to lessen my penalty by taking a driving safety class. By being willing to learn from my mistake, I was able to learn better driving habits. I can also learn from my sinful actions and determine not to repeat that sin. "But the free gift of God is eternal life through Christ Jesus our Lord. (Romans 6:23b NLT)

Let us be quick to acknowledge and confess our sin, keeping our accounts with God straight.

Prayer: Dear Father, You know our hearts, and You always know when we have sinned against You. May we be quick to confess our sin and make things right with You and others. Amen.

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About the author:

Gail Lundquist <>
Beaverton, Oregon, USA

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1 Comment

  • PresbyCan Feedback says:

    Good application, Gail.

    Thanks Gail, very good devotional. Blessings.

    Well diagnosed and well said.

    Good one Gail.
    Thanks for the spiritual reminders!

    Dear Gail,
    Yet again today’s devotional was another great one. Thank you so much.

    Gail, thanks for such a great message today! I appreciated the parallels you shared so clearly!

    Thank you for sharing this encouraging and instructive devotional with us. To God be the glory! Blessings.

    This is an awesome account of a sequence for driving, parallel to the sequence with the Lord. I love it!!

    Thanks for the good lessons here about facing the truth of our own sins and how to accept God’s wonderful forgiveness.

    Gail – What an excellent and timely comparison to keep us up close and personal with our Saviour.
    Well done.

    Just what I needed to read! Thanks for you clear steps in facing sin and growing in our selves, to be reflecting the Light of the World.
    Bless you Gail, for your honesty and wisdom from God!
    (BC Canada)

    Greetings Gail and many thanks for sharing about the ticket you received. You did the right thing in doing the safety driving course and paying the ticket. It is important that we do what is right in our daily lives and so important that we admit our sins to our loving Lord and then be very faithful to follow His word and His ways. Blessings for these special writings you prepare.

    Confession is powerful healing for mind, soul, and body. We all actually acquire inappropriate driving habits that need correction.
    In Ontario, Canada I believe everyone should be required a driving test every few years and not wait until they are 80 years of age. Plus a review of driving laws.

    Good morning Gail,
    When I read the title, for some unknown reason I thought it was going to be about an airplane ticket. I like to guess from the title what the devotional might be about. I very much enjoyed how you related the speeding ticket to sin and the good passages from the Bible to back up your message. I have never heard of reducing the fine by attending a driving safety class. It is a good reminder to try to not speed or sin. Thanks for sharing. Blessings.

    Good morning, Gail!
    “The Ticket” – guilty as charged! I smiled all the way through your message this morning agreeing with your every word. Just over three weeks ago I was driving in an unfamiliar neighbourhood searching for a street. I was so busy focusing on the name of the street I didn’t notice the red light right in front of me and I had no choice but to follow through to the other side of the road. After clearing the intersection I marvelled at “where were the other cars”? How come I was the only car in intersection? On the rest of the journey home I thank God for taking me through the intersection safely and for saving me from being involved in a collision in the middle of the road. A couple of day ago I received “the ticket” in my mailbox. From the Red Light camera photos I was guilty. Why fight it? I did the crime so I paid the fine – guilty as charged. God wouldn’t want me to tell a lie to get out of the situation after He carried me safely through the intersection would He? We can’t hide from Him. “O Lord, you have searched me and you know me.” (NIV). Thank you for your fantastic message today!

    Thank you, Gail. Excellent lessons from a bad experience.

    Good comparison. Thanks for sharing.

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