Jesus Died Alone

Friday, March 29, 2024
Listen to this devotional:
Listen while you read: "O Come And Mourn With Me Awhile"1 (Lyrics)

Psalm 22:1 – My God, My God, why have you forsaken Me? (NKJV)

On Good Friday last year, Greta and I went to a country church that was a 45-minute drive from our place. We went because I had led worship services there many times before COVID and my health problems. We wanted to see the people again after all this time. We really enjoyed the wonderful, traditional Good Friday worship service. It emphasized the death of Jesus on the cross, and the choir sang a couple of anthems. After the service, we all gathered in the fellowship hall and had hot cross buns with coffee or tea for a very nice lunch. We had a chance to fellowship with kindred people and to reacquaint ourselves with a number of them.

At home in the evening, we watched the television news from Toronto, Canada. It started out with a report of an Easter fair which was held in a town not too far away. There were literally thousands of people in attendance, young as well as old. There were rides of various kinds and a petting zoo for children. In a certain area, there were many bales of straw, and loose straw strewn around where children could search for Easter eggs. It was a very festive occasion. A number of people were interviewed, and they commented about the great time they'd had. The festivities were to go on until Easter Monday.

Later, I reflected on that day, which so many people had spent in a carnival-like atmosphere, while others like ourselves, had spent time in worship, remembering that Jesus suffered the agony of betrayal, false accusations, and death on the cross.

I doubt that very many people at the fair had any idea of why this was "Good Friday" and what "Easter" really meant. This reminded me of one of the anthems that the choir had sung that day, called "Jesus Died Alone" written by John Parker. Each verse begins by recounting an event when crowds listened to Jesus' teaching or sought His healing or hailed Him with palm branches. Each of the three verses then goes on to contrast what happened while Jesus was facing death on the cross, beginning with "But".

    But in the garden on His knees,
    'Neath the silent olive trees
    Where he prayed in agony,
    Jesus prayed alone.

    But on the night he was betrayed,
    To the priest no word He gave.
    No defense to them He made.
    Jesus stood alone.

    But when he hung upon the tree,
    On a hill called Calvary,
    Forsaken, died for all to see.
    Jesus died alone!

Jesus died so that our sin could be forgiven, so when it comes to choosing between Jesus and the world, let's make sure that we stand with Jesus!

Prayer: Our Father in heaven, as we reflect on the events of Good Friday and Easter, it is our earnest prayer that more people would hear the truth of the gospel and believe. We ask it in Jesus' name. Amen.

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About the author:

Joel Jongkind <>
Meaford, Ontario, Canada

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1 Comment

  • PresbyCan Feedback says:

    Amen Joel.

    Thank YOU.

    We enjoyed your message today, Joel.

    Thanks for the encouraging words, Joel.

    Inspiring devotion to start a Good Friday. Thanks, Joel.

    I send Blessings to you and Greta at this Easter Season.

    Amen and amen! Thank you for sharing the real meaning of Good Friday.

    Thank you for the beautiful words, that for me, is the beginning of my Easter celebration.

    Wishing you a blessed Easter Joel.
    Thank you for your inspirational messages.

    Thank you for your excellent devotional. A good reminder of what today is all about. And a good reminder that we have work to do!!!

    Welcome back.
    I always enjoy your devotionals, they are simple but very meaningful.
    Thank you for writing again.

    Good morning, Joel!
    Thank you for today’s Good Friday message. There is a stillness in the air today – I can feel it.
    Grace and Peace!

    Many thanks for your positive and encouraging words today, Joel. Yes, we surely need more people to follow Jesus’ ways in their daily life than spend time on trivial things. Jesus gave His life for us and for that we need be ever grateful and respectful. Blessings for your special writing.

    Mm …a somber reminder of a very tortuous event, but it is good to be reminded. We need a reminder to keep us grounded in our faith. Thank you, Joel.
    Best wishes to you and Greta.
    Easter blessings to you and yours.

    Hi Pastor Joe,l I enjoyed your devotional.
    Jesus Died Alone and with the prayer you offered I echo a hearty Amen! Thank you for sharing.
    Prayer: Our Father in heaven, as we reflect on the events of Good Friday and Easter, it is our earnest prayer that more people would hear the truth of the gospel and believe. We ask it in Jesus’ name. Amen.

    Good morning, Joel,
    It is so nice to read one of your devotionals again. I am listening to the song “Jesus died alone” as I write this, and it is followed by “How Great the Love”. A very nice way to spend time on Good Friday.
    Thanks for sharing yours and Greta’s experience and your reflections on last year’s Good Friday. I pray with you that more people will come to believe in Jesus and be saved. Blessings.

    How good to read your devotional today, Joel!
    Your prayer sure echoes my heart’s desire as well. This is such a meaningful weekend, and it grieves me to know what our Lord suffered for us and for all mankind and yet so many choose not to hear and believe. We must keep praying.
    Thanks again for writing!

    Thank you, Joel! We watched “The Passion of Christ at the church last night. I saw it in the theatre years ago. If we don’t visit Good Friday, we can’t really celebrate Easter. Many church folk don’t want to look at the cross. Just Palm Sunday and Easter. Avoiding the cross we avoid being face to face with the consequences of our sin. And just carry on our way. A shallow faith? Faint courage? Pretend everything is fine?
    Have a blessed Easter!! Christ is risen from the dead. Hallelujah!!

    Heartwarming Joel, but how difficult it is. People just don’t want to hear about any kind of restriction to their own fun, plans, abilities etc.
    As a result you can’t get to first base when you mention anything to do with sin. Bless you for your continued encouragement in knowing the Lord and His Kingdom, and seriously considering our own salvation journey – and thoroughly loving our fellowship with others who have chosen ‘the Way, the Truth and the Life.’ Many thanks for all your stories over the years. God bless.

    Good morning, Joel. What a great read, as I’ve read so many of yours. We too, worship not too far from you. Your Fellowship last year sounds wonderful. Sunday we are having a cake with ”He is Risen” on it; for Fellowship afterwards. And, like you said about the ‘carnival’ atmosphere; the people making the cake had a problem with our instructions and didn’t want to put a cross on it. It’s all worked out now. Wishing you many Easter Blessings.

    Dear Joel and Greta,
    Amen and amen to your words in your devotional. I was moved by the words of the hymn “Jesus Died Alone”.
    We had a wonderful Good Friday service. Thank you, Lord!
    May God bless you and keep you both.

    Thank you, Joel. He stood alone so we don’t have to!


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