Our Palm Branches

Sunday, March 24, 2024
Listen to this devotional:
Listen while you read: "Ride On Ride On In Majesty"1 (Lyrics)

Matthew 21:15 – But when the chief priests and the teachers of the law saw the wonderful things he did and the children shouting in the temple area, "Hosanna to the Son of David," they were indignant. (NIV)

Palm Sunday brings memories of my kids being in the throng of children who waved their palm branches as they marched around the church sanctuary. Their voices rang out, "Hosanna in the highest!" The angelic look on their faces would make any parent proud, unless you dared to think about what would become of the crisp, green palms following the parade. Those objects of worship would become swords to defeat their third grade Sunday school mate, or a weapon for the girls to swat those yucky sixth grade boys with. These beautiful palms were abused in every manner after the worshipping was done.

As we start the Passion Week, I thought of our Saviour entering Jerusalem, not on a grand steed but a lowly donkey. I see the people waving palm branches and throwing their coats down for Jesus to ride across. Their spirits were high as they shouted "Hosanna", but before the week was up, their praise turned to hate. They would use their tongues of worship to curse the Son of God. They would forget about the triumphal entry and call for His crucifixion.

So many times, I am drawn into the same kind of worshipful frenzy that the people were in that day. I love my Lord, and after a viewing of The Passion on television or a wonderful service at church, my spirits are high. But what happens to my palm branch after Palm Sunday?

I'm sad to say that sometimes, my worship branch is torn to shreds by the cares of this world. We go back to our jobs, our families, and the hassles of living life in this fallen world. The economy is still bad, our neighbour's daughter is still dead from a car accident, and our family member is still fighting cancer.

Though life sometimes gets in the way of our worship, I am glad to report that the Saviour Who rode a lowly donkey colt into Jerusalem is still in the business of loving us. Whether the world or I wave palm branches or not, He is still the same. He is not diminished by our lack of worship. He is the same today, tomorrow, and forever! The Bible says that He hears our cries even after our palm branches fall apart. I love this Scripture:

Psalm 34:18 – The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit. (NIV)

Because of His great love, I can't help but wave my pitiful palm branch in worship to the King of kings. Hosanna in the highest! He is worthy of our praise!

In what shape is your palm branch?

Prayer: Lord, may we always praise You and live our lives singing and shouting, "Hosanna in the highest! You are worthy of all praise!" Amen.

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About the author:

Jeanie Nihiser <jnihiserj@gmail.com>
Geneseo, New York, USA

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1 Comment

  • PresbyCan Feedback says:

    Thanks for the beautiful perspective, Jeanie.

    That was a really good one! Thank you, Jeanie!
    Grace and peace to you.

    Thank you. Having taught Sunday School for many, many years, it was good to read of the similarities of children and their palm branches. I grew less fond of the fronds each year.

    I read this just after waving my branch in worship today, so your question about how I’ll remember to continue to worship and obey my King Jesus will challenge me going forward this Holy week.

    Jeanie, I appreciated your Palm Sunday devotional, so much so that I posted it on Facebook. Thank you for helping us to see ourselves in the Palm Sunday crowd and reflect on what we do with our palm branches.

    Hi Jeanie,
    I was surprised by the twist of what happened with the palm branches and how you fitted it into our lives and what happened on Good Friday. Your honest sharing helps us all to offer ourselves grace as God offers it to us. Thanks for sharing. Blessings.

    Thank you, Jeanie, for your very encouraging words today. It is so easy for us to get taken down in spirit listening to the news and negative happenings, but we need to be more positive and turn to the Lord’s words.
    The Psalm 34:18 that you referred to is a very good one. Blessings for your writings.

    WELL, what a great devotional. At my age (mid 80’s) I am back to teaching Sunday School to young children. Today I showed them two pictures…one of a beautiful horse and one of a donkey. Of course, they loved the horse. It was fun to ask them what they thought about a donkey. With a good bit of conversation we all decided that the donkey was a work animal and Jesus had come to do God’s work. (These kids are 3 to 5). We did talk about the happenings of the week ahead… not sure what went into those darling heads but they have great parents.
    Thanks again for your thoughts.

    Wow Jeannie, that sure gave us food for thought about palm branches and what happens after the worship… and not just when the children are playing with them. Your devotional really spoke to me, especially this evening as the stresses of Income Tax time had me in a tizzy and close to tears. My palm branch from earlier in the day which I waved in worship sure was ‘torn to shreds’.
    Thankfully, as you stated:
    He is the same today, tomorrow, and forever! The Bible says that He hears our cries even after our palm branches fall apart.
    I’m so grateful that you wrote this devotional.
    Blessings throughout Holy Week and beyond.

    Thank you, Jeanie. Praise God for His consistency and love for us.

    Thank you, Jeanie, for this good message. Yes, it is easy to confine the truth of Easter to a church service, when we need it so much on the other six days, too.
    Well said. Happy Easter!

    A chortle at your image of what happens with the branches AFTER the parade, when the kids are no longer in the Sanctuary!
    Many thanks, Jeanie, for your challenge to hold our branches high, in honour of the King of Kings… long after the “Hosannas” are silent!

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