Getting To Know Him

Thursday, February 29, 2024
Listen to this devotional:
Listen while you read: "O For A Closer Walk With God"1 (Lyrics)

Joshua 1:8 – This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success. (ESV)

My dad became what we affectionately called "the coffee guru" of our family.

Daddy loved his coffee. In fact, he enjoyed it so much that he wanted to find out what made coffee so good. He took the time to study and research online, reading boxes and packages in stores, and asking questions of coffee house baristas.

His goal was to make the perfect cup of coffee. With the constant advancement of technology, my dad studied daily about all the types of coffee, as well as different ways to produce it, roast it, grind it, and brew it.

Daddy dedicated hours to learn the best possible method. He even made his own coffee roaster and coffee-making machine.

Before he died, Daddy did find out what made the best-tasting cup of coffee. The timing and temperature of the roasting, and the temperature of the water in brewing make all the difference in the taste.

Likewise, coming to know God requires time and a dedicated study of His Scriptures.

The Bible is full of verses, like today's verse at the beginning, that affirm the need for diving into God's Word.

In January, the preacher's wife and I started following a Bible reading plan for reading the New Testament in 92 days. We are on day 60. Each chapter has a detailed audio explanation to go with it. As I read each day, I see God clearly. Wrapping myself up in His words provides knowledge, comfort, love, and so much more.

2 Timothy 2:15 – Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a workman who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth. (NIV)

Hebrews 4:12 – For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. (NIV)

Because the Bible is a large book with much material that may at first seem irrelevant or uninteresting, it is easy to miss the scarlet thread of salvation that runs through it and reveals the heart of God for us. Scripture reveals the character of God and how He works in the world. The Bible is a powerful tool against the lies of God's enemy, who seeks to destroy our souls. The Bible will show us what God is like, so that we can get to know Him better.

Psalm 119:105 – Your word is a lamp for my feet and a light for my path. (NIV)

Keep reading, keep looking, and keep seeking. God will reveal Himself!

Prayer: Dear Lord, as we strive to do good and do better than the day before, put in our hearts a desire to know You more, and a wanting to read Your Word and absorb it in our hearts and minds. Amen.

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About the author:

Becky Holland <>
Empire, Georgia, USA

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1 Comment

  • PresbyCan Feedback says:

    Thanks, Becky, for the encouraging words.

    Becky, this was a lovely devotional!
    Thank you.

    Thank you for sharing this encouraging and uplifting devotional with us today. Blessings.

    Thanks Becky, a very good devotional, reminding us that we do need to “dive into God’s word”. Take care and have a peaceful, relaxing day. Blessings.

    Lovely story! Your dad and I would have gotten along well for our love of coffee but more than that our love for our God!
    Thanks for sharing many truths as well as a beautiful story of your dad.

    Good morning:
    Am a wanna be coffee guru.
    We are studying Joshua in our Bible study.
    Thank you for your devotion.

    Thank you, Becky,
    You shared the crux of what being a Christian all is about. John 17:3 is a passage that caps it.

    Thanks for your devotional today, Becky. What Bible plan are you and your preacher’s wife using? I would be interested in it.

    Now THAT is a LOT of really good, solid advice for life (as well as coffee). Thank you SSSOOO much for this – perfect timing too … as always it seems. I shall forward this to the lady I struggled to find words for yesterday. God bless.

    Thank you for your words today, Becky. You have written a great analogy of how your Dad studied information on how to make good coffee and how we need delve into the Bible to absorb and understand the Lord’s ways.
    Blessings for these very mindful writings you prepare.

    What a great testimony to the power of the Word! Thank you for your encouraging words to those who haven’t established a “Quiet Time” yet! I had to get the Bible I bought in 1978 rebound, now it looks as if it’ll hang in ’til I go!
    Blessings on you and the Pastor’s wife as you devote these months to eternal purposes!
    (BC Canada)

    Hi Becky, your Dad was quite a man! I was never much for coffee, but I appreciate his zeal and dedication in learning how to perfect a great cup of coffee! I do however love God and His Word and your love, dedication, and devotion also shines forth so beautifully! Thank you for reminding us in today’s devotional of the importance of spending time getting to know God through His written Word.

    Dear Becky,
    Thanks so very much for sharing your father’s story about coffee. I volunteer as a chaplain doing chapel services at our local correctional centre. I would like to use your story, with your permission, as an illustration to the inmates who will come to our chapel in the coming months, years. I will not use your name or location, but it is a great story, of the dedication we should have in studying God’s Word.
    May God continue to bless you as you serve Him.
    (Ontario, Canada)

    Thank you, Becky, for this testimonial and encouragement. Your reading plan sounds like a good one and sharing with a friend is even better.


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