A Life Of Service To God

Tuesday, February 27, 2024
Listen to this devotional:
Listen while you read: "From Ocean Unto Ocean"1 (Lyrics)

I recently attended a funeral for a friend who was a huge support to me in the recreational vehicle (RV) resort chapel ministry that I lead each summer. Bob supported me when there was opposition to our work. He prayed often for me, the pastors who serve with me, and those who attend our chapel services. In his last years, he was increasingly less mobile, but he had a phone ministry — we could each expect to hear from him regularly.

It sounds odd, but the funeral really was a glorious event. Bob was 86 and had been ill for a while. Some said that when they told Bob that they were praying for him to get well, he replied, "Don't! I just want to see Jesus. I'm ready to go home!"

Bob lived a life of service to God and to everyone around him. The church was packed, and many testimonies were given of lives that were changed because of him. Some came to Christ; others were nurtured in their own ministries. Some were recipients of food or other supplies through the work that he did on the Arizona, US, Apache, Hopi, and Navajo reservations. The church where the funeral was held owed much of its development to his 27-year pastorate. As a probation officer, he kept his clients accountable, even if it meant chasing them down to bring them back home. As one person after another stood to tell their story about him, I was awed at the extent of his ministry. Prominent throughout was this message: "Do you know Jesus? If you don't, Bob would want you to know this: 'For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.' (John 3:16 KVJ) Don't wait; make Him the Lord of your life right now."

Bob was a humble man, and his motto was a quotation from Erma Bombeck: "When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left, and could say, 'I used everything you gave me.'"

As I listened to all the testimonies, I wondered, Am I working willingly at whatever I do, as though working for God? Has something I've done led to a change in the life of someone? Will I be able to say at the end of my life that I used everything that God gave me?

Perhaps you, too, might wonder this. Let's make these verses our focus:

  • Galatians 6:9a – So let's not get tired of doing what is good. (NLT)
  • Colossians 3:23 – Work willingly at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people. (NLT)
  • Colossians 3:17a – And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus. (ESV)

Prayer: Father, we want our lives to be a witness for You, as was Bob's. Help us to use our gifts and talents in Your ministry and to do everything in Your name, working for Your glory and not our own. Amen.

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About the author:

Sharon Cook <craftercook@gmail.com>
Apache Junction, Arizona, USA

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1 Comment

  • PresbyCan Feedback says:

    May it be true, Sharon.

    Great word today, Sharon.

    A lovely read this morning. Thank you.

    Amen and amen, Sharon. To God be the glory! Blessings.

    With aging, the way we serve the Lord changes, but always the focus is Jesus and God’s love for us.

    Good morning, Sharon!
    Your message today was absolutely beautiful. Thank you!

    A Very wonderful, deeply provoking, devotional today Sharon. Thank you for this and Bob is Still ministering to us all today. Praise God!

    Very good rendering of God’s word, you speak the truth. Loved the quote by Erma Bombeck.
    I hope I will have used up everything God has given me.

    Good morning, Sharon,
    Thanks for sharing some of Bob’s life and inspiring us to use our talents given to us by God and for God. Very encouraging and supportive with great Bible verses. Blessings.

    A great Daily Devotional! Love Erma Bombeck’s quote and all the testimonies. Love to have met Bob, maybe one day I will!
    Thanks Sharon, blessings on you and your crafts,
    (BC Canada)

    Hello Sharon,
    Thank you for this heartwarming devotional and it also serves as eye opener to how we should also live our lives.
    God bless.

    Thanks, Sharon, for another of your special devotionals. It was so good to read about a person like Bob who served the Lord so beautifully and I hope he heard a lot of those praises about his good work while he was still alive. The world sure would be a happier and safer place if there were more people like Bob. People who follow the words and ways of our loving Lord sure improve daily lives for others. Blessings for these encouraging writings you prepare.

    My dear Sharon,
    I receive these daily Reflections from a dear friend of mine, a friendship that goes back to our Sunday School Kindergarten days, through our 80+ years. When Covid began, she started sharing these. Each day the Reflections inevitably speak to something happening I in my life.
    I rarely respond to the author, but today, I’m moved to let you know how touched I have been.
    Many years ago my beloved passed away…we’d been active in our little church, teaching, leading in Sunday School – my ulterior motive was that he was a policeman in a huge crime area and I wanted him reminded we had some neat young fellows in our church needing his wisdom, leadership, a reminder not all go astray…I was involved in the music leadership as well as Sunday School – you get the picture I’m sure.
    When my husband passed, God “opened another door” for me. A woman who would become like a sister, was the instrument, so to speak. She slid across the church pew during a gathering where the speaker was sharing about using our talents. My friend suggested that I should get involved in leadership! Wow! This led to a succession of leadership roles to the national level.
    Now, through all of this, my friend was my constant source of guidance, love, and support.
    That period of my life opened even more new doors, travelling the world, yes, all continents except South America. I travelled to Korea, Mozambique, and many other places. The list goes on, and my journeys at home meant I could share the work being done with our Mission and Service dollars – and my support peg, through it all, my dear friend, Betty. Again, her life and guidance when I’d be wondering.
    God was always there, thick and thin, as we know He is, opening those new doors as I travelled through my grief in the loss of my husband.
    Now, after all of that, my dear friend recently passed away, having lived over 90 wonderful years of love and leadership, companionship and the best hugs ever. Today’s Reflection, your words, were the words I needed! Thank you, and God bless you on your journey.


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