The Special Brush

Friday, February 23, 2024
Listen to this devotional:
Listen while you read: "O Master Let Me Walk With Thee"1 (Lyrics)

Psalm 139:23-24 – Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting. (NIV)

Having eight dogs requires a lot of regular upkeep to ensure that my little house is always neat, tidy, and clean. I therefore wipe down my floors and vacuum each day. It may sound like a lot, but in reality, it takes me only twenty to thirty minutes in the morning. There is, however, something else which I do. I have a special brush that my sister found for me many years ago. The bristles are densely packed and have a curve to them. When I brush my already-vacuumed furniture and rug with this tool, it pulls up anything that the vacuum may have missed, which is always more than I would imagine. At the same time, I am always delighted to know that because of this special tool, things are as clean and hair free as possible.

The other day as I was using the special brush, I was reminded of the Holy Spirit's work in our lives, in regard to the uncovering of hidden sin and anxiety within our hearts. The psalmist knew that when it came to his heart, there were things that only God could reveal to him — things that for whatever reason he himself could not or was not willing to recognize for himself — hidden things that perhaps he had carried in his heart for so long that he did not even recognize them for what they were or even why they were there.

Likewise, I am the same. In fact, none of us is perfect. We all carry hidden scars, hurts, habits, and sin within that affect our thinking and behaviour, without our even realizing it. God, however, sees and knows all that is within our hearts, and when we ask His Spirit to search us, to know our hearts, to see and reveal any offensive way in us, He is more than able to do so. He will quietly and tenderly speak to us about these things, and then guide and direct us as to the way that we should proceed so that we may receive healing and transformed thoughts and actions.

Having eight dogs requires a lot of regular upkeep within my home. Keeping my body — God's temple — cleansed from sin also requires regular spiritual maintenance — a task which the Holy Spirit is only too pleased and equipped to do, if and when we choose to ask Him.

Prayer: Father God, today we pray: "Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting." In Christ's name, I ask. Amen.

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About the author:

Lynne Phipps <>
Tawatinaw, Alberta, Canada

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1 Comment

  • PresbyCan Feedback says:

    Thank you, Lynne. Blessings.

    Thank you for your devotional today.

    I always enjoy your devotionals. Thank you.

    Awesome – as always!! Thank you, Lynne, I’m planning to share this with some family members. God bless.

    Great reminder, Lynne. Our youth group is going skating tonight and I want to fit in a prayer about exercise/physical health and faith/spiritual health. I like your term spiritual maintenance.

    Good morning, Lynne.
    Love reading about your precious experiences with God and how the Holy Spirit interacts with you.
    God bless.

    Hi Lynne,
    Why am I not surprised to know you have eight dogs? AND why am I not surprised that you have contributed another meaningful devotional?
    Thank you.

    Eight dogs Lynne? How did you acquire such a large pack? We live with two and they are more than enough to attend to. How do they all get along? Are you a dog whisperer? In any case you have my admiration. Your yard must need regular servicing too.

    Hi Lynne, I so enjoy hearing about your animals in your devotionals, they always bring a smile to my face. Today is an excellent devotional illustration on the conviction of the Holy Spirit. Hope you continue writing more and more and more. Thank you!

    Oooh dear Lynne! I could NEVER visit with you, no matter HOW much you vacuumed/ brushed! Even ONE dog sets off my allergies.
    Eight! I’d be prostrate and sneezing, with eyes red and teary!
    So your message REALLY hit home… regular confession! Thanks so much.

    Lynne, I enjoy reading your devotions. It sometimes seems that you know me and know what I need to refresh my memory of how we are so loved by our Heavenly Father. Your contributions to this site are so welcome and uplifting.
    Thank you.

    Dear Lynne,
    Thank you so much for another of your special devotionals. You do such a good job co-ordinating daily life activities with the way the Lord is ever ready to care for us at all times. Blessings for these very thoughtful writings you prepare.

    Amen and amen, Lynne. I can hardly imagine the work that eight dogs require.
    My wee terror of a terrier is all I can hand at my advancing age. She loves barking at everything she smells. Thankfully, she collapses on the sofa and is almost instantly asleep. Thanks again for sharing and writing. Blessings.

    Thanks for sharing.
    I could only pass on a thought that has helped me with having a dog and having a carpet that if you put in some fabric softener in a bottle and mix it with some water and spray the carpet before you vacuum you will be surprised that it helps a lot.
    By the way, what kind of dogs do you have?

    Good morning, Lynne,
    Great devotional because we all need that Holy Spirit to take that “special brush” and help us out. It is so easy for me to be judgmental that I need it daily. I do pray for help with this, but it is an endless task just like pet hair. Thanks for sharing and reminding us that the Holy Spirit is always there and willing to help us out.

    Too much concentration on ME prevents us from helping our neighbor.

    Lynne, Thank you for your wonderful devotion reminding we all fall short when it comes to naming our Sins. I will always remember your reminder. Knew this had to be your
    writing as soon as I started reading. Thank you,

    Thanks, Lynne.
    Wonderful motivation to live more closely to the will of God.

    My goodness, Lynne, I can’t imagine the work 8 dogs must require! But it’s a good analogy for the amount of work our relationship with God requires.

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