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Psalm 9:1 – I will give thanks to the Lord with my whole heart; I will recount all of your wonderful deeds. (ESV)
When I read Martin Wiles' devotional on January 9, 2024, Unexpected Blessing, I was reminded of a time when God made a way for my family to move.
In July, 2008, just prior to our daughter Zoë being born, we lived in a terraced house, which we rented on the proviso of having no children. After about eight years of prayer and a medical intervention, Caroline became pregnant to full term. This meant that we would have to move out of this rented accommodation. Coincidentally, the landlady gave us notice to leave, as she had decided to sell the house, all a part of God's direction to move us on.
I tried to buy a house that we could afford somewhere outside of town, but to no avail, because this was not God's intention. Against all our frustration and lack of expectation, at the last minute, God found us the house in town that we could afford, so I knew that this was God's hand in our move.
Came the day when we moved to the new house. A great friend, John, offered his flatbed lorry to load up all our worldly goods. One big problem was that the house was situated by the crossroads of a major traffic through-route. There were also traffic lights on the crossroads, so it would be illegal and foolish to park the lorry and cause an obstruction within yards of the junction. With Caroline heavily pregnant, I prayed, "How can this be achieved?"
Unbeknownst to us, God had the answer in hand. On the same day of the move, the road was closed for resurfacing by the Highways Authority. John arrived to find that he could reverse and park the lorry right beside the house before they started resurfacing the road on our side. We were all full of wonder! Six days later Zoë was born.
I believe that in every generation, we have the opportunity to encounter Jesus for ourselves, to find that the love of God is real. Jesus goes where we cannot, to melt hearts and remove the scales from eyes by action, vision, and dream. God is always waiting to encourage us to follow Him day by day — sadly, though, often unseen and unrecognized. When His action becomes more obvious, God is giving us the opportunity, through our personal witness, to encourage, to challenge, and to show and tell of how His love for us has influenced our lives for the good, whether in physical, mental, or spiritual ways.
Prayer: Lord, forgive us when we do not recognize that You are always interested in our lives, to heal, restore, and promote the good. Use our testimony of Your interventions for the advancement of Your kingdom. We give You all the glory in Jesus' name. Amen.
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Amen Rod.
God is good. Thanks, Rod.
Thank you for sharing the greatness of our God!
Beautiful Rod! Thanks for sharing this life experience. Blessings.
This is not luck. This is the Holy Spirit, directing our journey forward.
Amen and amen! Thanks for sharing this encouraging devotional with us, Rod. Blessings.
What a thought-provoking devotional this is, Rod! It makes me mull over the idea of God’s work in differing generations, meeting needs in different ways, as our world and society change.
Hello Rod,
Thank you for sharing your message with us today. Our God is always right on time, and we can count on Him to be there for us whenever we need His help. What A Friend We Have In Jesus!
Praise God for His glorious provisions and for Caroline, Zoe, John, Martin Wiles, and Robin Ross our dear editor who tirelessly and sacrificially gives himself to God to prepare all of our devotionals for postings and then even reads them aloud to bless so many countless others. Amen.
Thanks for your message today, Rod. Quite a situation you faced so very close to the arrival of your daughter. Thankfully, the Lord was in control and all worked out well. Our loving Lord is surely always there to serve us and carry us through some very unexpected circumstances. Blessings for these writings you prepare.
Good Morning,
Greetings from ON.
A note to thank you for this morning’s devotion.
Every blessing to you and yours.
Good morning, Roderick,
Wow! I enjoy hearing experiences like these! The love and concern God has for us no matter big or small, God is always there with a solution!
God is so good!
God bless.
Dear Rod,
Well God definitely was making it work out wonderfully for you so that Zoe was welcomed into a loving home made possible by God and friends. We are encouraged and inspired when people share their experiences of God in their lives. We reflect on when God has been there for us. A door might close, but God opens a window which maybe we never even thought of as an answer. Thanks for sharing. Blessings.
Dear Rod, all those years ago your story gave me such hope for my son. He was about to marry someone many years his junior. I’m afraid his life did not unfold as I had been so sure it would; however, the Lord certainly did provide some wonderful times for he and his wife. He also used their relationship to provide an excellent home for our son. His wife, unfortunately ’found her wings’. Sad to say, she divorced him after a few years and left him with a huge mortgage, very little furniture and a badly damaged heart. As a result, he now has the time to study God’s Word, he is now a wonderful Bible teacher on Sundays and several times through the week. So, in spite of great pain, the Lord has brought him out ‘into a wide place’. Lots of outdoor work to do on his land, to balance his tendencies to stay indoors … alone.
Blessings on you and your family. Blessings also on your continued testimonies to our ever-faithful Lord Jesus, and His will and power to heal our inmost beings from such deep failures. May His love surround you and your loved ones just as I pray for my own children. “To God be the glory, great things He hath done. “. Amen.
Great DD! Thanks! Day by day.
(BC Canada)