What A Friend We Have In Jesus

Thursday, November 30, 2023
Listen to this devotional:
Listen while you read: "What A Friend We Have In Jesus"1 (Lyrics)

No doubt you recall the hymn, "What a Friend we have in Jesus". Just typing out these words has me humming the tune. It always seemed like such a happy, upbeat song, especially for children. Not so!

I looked up the background of the hymn and was blown away. The author, Joseph Scriven, experienced terrific tragedy and grief throughout much of his life. Irish-born, he attended Trinity College in Dublin and was planning on marriage upon graduation.

On the day before the wedding, his fiancée was riding her horse by the bank of a river, when the horse was spooked and threw her against rocks. She rolled into the river and drowned. Overcome by grief, Scriven left his family and friends in Ireland and emigrated to Canada at the age of 25. His intent was to live a lifestyle based on the Sermon on the Mount where he would serve those in need.

Soon, however, he fell in love with a young Canadian woman, and they planned on marriage. Yet, prior to the wedding, she contracted pneumonia and died. Then, during this same period of his life, in 1844, he learned that his mother was seriously ill. Not having the necessary funds to go home to Ireland, he wrote three verses and mailed them to her. These verses became the hymn, "What a Friend we have in Jesus".

Think of this hymn in the context of Joseph Scriven's life, and sing out his words on prayer:

    O what peace we often forfeit,
    O what needless pain we bear,
    All because we do not carry
    Everything to God in prayer!

Let that verse roll around inside you and reflect on the needless pain that we carry.

Needless pain comes when we think that time cures all. Needless pain appears when we are helpless and do not turn to God. Rather than carry everything to God, we tend to deny or avoid our grief and sweep it under the carpet. Pain soon is repressed, and we carry it as a useless weight.

Joseph Scriven knew well — as do many of us who have suffered — that Jesus opens the door for us to pray. Hear His invitation: "If in my name you ask me for anything, I will do it." (John 14:14 NRSV) Our prayer is living prayer. It is ongoing — and it is two-way. We let the Lord know. We might ask for anything, a little thing, perhaps everything, but when through asking, we hear the silence.

We wait. We listen. We hear the Word. "Come to me, all you that are weary and are carrying heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you." (Matthew 11:28-29a NRSV)

A friend cares. What a Friend we have in Jesus! He will help us to carry the weight and the burden, and heal the needless pain, and it makes a difference — all the difference in the world. So go ahead and join the chorus. Sing it out, and join me in taking it to the Lord in prayer:

Prayer: Lord, You know my weaknesses and the burdens I carry. I need Your help. I cannot do it on my own. I know You have suffered. Yet I believe You have risen from the dead. You are the Lord of my life. I ask for Your yoke. I know You care. What a Friend we have in You, Jesus! Thank You. Amen.

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About the author:

Robin Jennings <robintjennings@gmail.com>
Louisville, Kentucky, USA

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1 Comment

  • PresbyCan Feedback says:

    Thank you.

    Thanks, Robin, for the encouraging words.

    Thank you, Robin, for this powerful example of how we should live.

    Thank you for this beautiful devotion.

    The hymn, your message, the prayer bring tears of comfort to my eyes Thank You.

    Thank you for a very touching, moving, and heartfelt story, Robin Jennings.
    (Ontario, Canada)

    Thank you so much, Robin, for that inspiration today.
    We hope to hear from you again.

    Oh, how beautiful is the thought of having Jesus for my friend glory to our redeemer. But as you say we often forfeit the peace that he gives us. Thank you, Robin, for sharing this truth with me.

    Hello Robin and thank you for today’s devotional. I am working on a ‘blue’ Christmas service and you have given me some very helpful ideas for it. Thank you and may God continue to bless you as you bless others.

    Thank you, Robin, for sharing this encouraging devotional with us today.
    Isn’t it wonderful that the Daily Devotional gives us just the encouraging Word needed on that exact day! Blessings.

    Beautifully done.
    Thank you.
    Many blessings,
    (QC, CANADA)

    Good Morning:
    Thank you for today’s devotion.
    Every blessing to you.

    Thank you, Robin, for today’s beautiful devotion.
    It reminds me of my youthful days when I left home at 21.
    Jesus was always there, and this same hymn always floated in my head.
    Thanks and blessings,

    Many thanks for your very positive and mindful devotional today, Robin. That hymn is one that I have always loved and have good memories of singing it out way back in my Sunday School days. Our loving Lord is so deserving of our everlasting praise and gratitude for His constant care of us. Blessings for your writings.

    Good morning, Robin,
    Thank you for the relating some of Joseph Scriven’s experience and the origins of a song we all know well. It always helps to know something of the origins of the words in a song. Definitely Joseph had a strong faith which he has shared with others.
    May you have a blessed day and thanks for the encouragement.

    Thank you for your devotional and sharing some of the background of that wonderful old hymn. I also loved the scriptures that you mention. I also looked up the hymn in my hymnal and the verse that they printed with it was Philippians 4:6 which is also a favorite of mine. I do not recall reading the background of Joseph Scriven and the date for him in my hymnal is 1855. I have a special prayer warrior that I also shared this with this morning.

    Robin, thank you for your insightful sharing of the origin of my favourite hymn. I didn’t know any of that. Last Sunday I asked for ‘What a friend we have in Jesus’ when we sing favourite hymns. I often get choked up when we sing it because the words ring so true. I’ve printed off your devotional and will share it with our small elderly congregation this coming Sunday and then post it on our bulletin board so that the Church congregation, who share our building, can read it. Narcotics Anonymous also meet there two evenings a week and I’m sure they will appreciate the encouragement too.
    Thank you and God Bless!
    (British Columbia)

    Just to say thank you for that wonderful, meaningful message.

    Just what I needed to hear at this moment… it helps deeply.
    Thank you.

    Loved reading your devotion today. Always loved What A Friend We Have In Jesus. Thanks for sharing.
    (Ontario, Canada)

    Good evening, Robin,
    We listened to your devotional after breakfast this morning. This hymn is one of my favourites. I did not know the background. Thank you so much.

    Thank you, Robin, for this beautiful devotional. We all need to hear this message. To realize how it is so often born in the heart of dire circumstances makes it speak more strongly to us.
    Blessings in Christ.
    (BC, Canada)

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