Did You Get An Invitation?

Tuesday, November 28, 2023
Listen to this devotional:
Listen while you read: "Rejoice And Be Glad"1 (Lyrics)

Destination weddings are weddings that are located in another city, country, or even a deserted island. One of my grandsons had his in the beautiful hills of Tennessee, USA. The lodge that we stayed in with most of our family looked like a giant cabin. The decorations kept a log cabin feel throughout. I could see wildlife from every window, as well as a large lake.

Today, I found an interesting website on the Internet advertising destination weddings. Like any other wedding, the bride and groom plan for months or hire a wedding planner. When they settle on the venue, the planner sends "Save the Date" notes to all the prospective guests. On the website there are even instructions for how the wedding dress will transfer without wrinkles.

As the big day approaches and plenty of money has been spent, who pays? The father pays an enormous amount. Why would he spend such a ridiculous amount of money? Because he loves his son or daughter that much.

Now I want to let you in on a wonderful truth about a destination wedding in heaven: "Blessed are those who are invited to the marriage supper of the Lamb." (Revelation 19:9b ESV)

We know that the bride is the church, dressed in royal garments, and Jesus, the Lamb, is the groom. In a sense, it is my wedding because I am part of Christ's church. We Christians are invited to the dinner that will be served. I wondered what this wedding feast will be like and how they will set the table for the supper. I was curious since I like to fix meals with my best china, cloth napkins, and a beautiful centrepiece. Will an angel deliver the invitation to me personally? When will this happen? No one knows when, except the Father alone, Who knows the date of this wonderful wedding. (Mark 13:32) So although the "Save the Date" cards don't name a specific date, we have been instructed to be ready and waiting whenever the groom arrives to take His bride.

For all this extravagance, who can afford it? And how much would it cost to entertain the accumulated millions of believers (the whole church) who have trusted Jesus throughout the centuries?

So who is going to pay? God the Father gave His one and only Son, our Saviour Jesus Christ, to be crucified, die, and spill His blood to wash away our sins. The price has already been paid.

Ephesians 5:25b-27 – Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her, that he might sanctify her, having cleansed her by the washing of water with the word, so that he might present the church to himself in splendor, without spot or wrinkle or any such thing, that she might be holy and without blemish. (ESV)

Do you have an invitation to the marriage supper of the Lamb? It's already been paid for.

Prayer: Dear Lord, send Your Holy Spirit to enable our lives to become more holy in preparation for the wedding feast of the Lamb, so that we may be presented to the Bridegroom without spot, wrinkle, or blemish. Amen.

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About the author:

Jeanie Nihiser <jnihiserj@gmail.com>
Geneseo, New York, USA

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1 Comment

  • PresbyCan Feedback says:

    Jeanie….beautiful story! Thank you.

    Thanks for the encouraging thoughts, Jeanie.

    Thank you, Jeanie, for such a beautiful illustration.

    Beautiful devotion. Thank you and Blessings to you!

    Thank you for today’s devotion!

    What a wonderful devotional…a perfect analogy. Thank you.

    Thank you, Jeanie, for your encouraging and inspiring words in this morning’s devotional. Blessings for these writings you prepare.

    “Purify my heart”
    Thanks Jeanie, blessings,

    Good morning, Jeanie.
    Amazing!!! Amazing!
    Thank you and God bless you.

    Good morning, Jeanie,
    Thank you for your wonderful message today. I am ready for my invitation whenever it arrives.

    What a beautiful comparison, guests to the wedding supper of our Saviour.
    Thank you.
    Many blessings to you.

    Thank you for sharing this encouraging devotional with us today. To God be the glory! Thank you, Jesus for sending us the invitation to your heavenly banquet. Blessings.

    Thank you so much for this devotional in preparation for Advent. I pray that all who read it including myself that we thrive to perfect our lives and our heart for the Royal celestial weeding. Amen.

    Good Morning,
    Thank you again for this morning’s devotional.
    Every blessing to you.

    Hi Jeanie,
    I loved your questions about the invitation to help us to think about what God’s invitation means to us.
    Thanks for sharing about your grandson’s destination wedding to help us remember God’s invitation to all of us to the marriage supper of the Lamb.

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