I Did What I Could

Sunday, November 19, 2023
Listen to this devotional:
Listen while you read: "Saviour Teach Me Day By Day"1 (Lyrics)

Surprise! After three and a half COVID-free years, I had just tested positive. I had hoped that I would continue to be one of the few who would not contract COVID, but it was not to be. I had been as reasonably cautious as anyone in wearing a mask when recommended and in getting all of my vaccinations. With an upcoming trip, I had been trying for two weeks to schedule an appointment for the most recent booster, but the supply was delayed. Irony of all ironies, the day that I was finally able to get an appointment was the day that I tested positive. It was too little, too late!

Several days of self-isolation and feeling ill gave me time to think over some things. When I had done all that I could reasonably do to avoid exposure and illness, why did I still contract COVID? My primary thought was that God doesn't make mistakes and that He knows every valley and rough patch that we will encounter on our life's journey.

Psalm 1:6a – For the Lord watches over the path of the godly. (NLT)

Proverbs 2:8 – He guards the paths of the just and protects those who are faithful to him. (NLT)

Then I thought about Job and his trials. Job never really knew all that was going on behind the scenes in his testing, but he steadfastly trusted God nonetheless. Not only did Job's faithful trust in God set Satan back on his heels with respect to the accusations that he was flinging at Job, but Job's trials also strengthened him.

Job 23:10b – And when he tests me, I will come out as pure as gold. (NLT)

Part of the reason for our trials, I believe, is to see how we will face them. Will we be angry, accusatory, self-pitying, defeated? Or can we accept the bad things in life along with the good? My recent bump in the road was bearable because I could trust that it was part of the pattern that God is weaving into my life.

Despite the inconvenience and discomfort of my illness, I can still find reasons to be grateful in my recent "trial". I can be grateful that I got COVID far enough down the road that it was unlikely to be deadly. I'm grateful that I likely had enough remaining immunity in my system to prevent a harder case. And I'm thankful that the timing was such that I could still go on my trip. So, as in most of life, there are both good parts and bad parts to much of what we experience.

A question to think about: Are we willing to accept both the good and bad in life, knowing that our all-knowing God is also all-loving?

Prayer: Dear Father in heaven, when we hit rough places in our life's journey, may we fully trust You, knowing that our faith will grow stronger as our trust grows. Amen.

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About the author:

Gail Lundquist <gail10833@gmail.com>
Beaverton, Oregon, USA

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1 Comment

  • PresbyCan Feedback says:

    Difficulties remind us we are vulnerable and need our Faith more than ever.

    Thank you for sharing…such a good reminder for us. Your devotional is a real keeper.

    Thankful in all circumstances. It fits doesn’t it?
    Thanks for writing. Sorry about you getting COVID.

    Glad you are well now Gail.
    Your question is one l often think and pray about.

    Gail, Thanks for the reminder about how to take all kinds of “bumps” in our life’s journeys. Some are bigger than others, as I have witnessed recently. You have demonstrated well.

    Thank you for your devotional today, Gail. I too just tested positive yesterday for the first time. It is a busy time of year including church responsibilities, so perhaps those who have to fill in will be blessed. God’s best.

    Greetings Gail and I am sorry to hear you are dealing with Covid even though you have had the previous vaccines. I pray the Lord’s hand upon you and to recover quickly and be back to good health. Thank you for these very good writings you do.

    I have a real bump in the road. After over 70 years of marriage my wife has dementia and is going to a home. Sad, yes very sad, but the home is only 10 minutes away, we are both fairly healthy and I still drive. How lucky or thankful to God for the bright side of life. Thank you for your devotion of hope in this dark hour.

    Thank you, Gail. It’s a blessing to look at life’s trials in the way you describe.

    Thank you, Gail, for sharing this with all of us, especially at this time.
    It is a reminder to me and an encouragement that God is sovereign, faithful, and cares for us.
    Have a great trip and may you know His presence and peace always…and keep writing and sharing!
    (ON, Canada)

    HI Gail,
    I tell myself every day: God is in charge…it is the only way to face some of the events and tragedies that are happening in our country.
    Glad you have recovered well. We both had covid, and like you we hope that there is sufficient immunity in our systems to prevent it happening again.
    Warm wishes to you and those you love in this Thanksgiving season.

    Praying you got fully over Covid with no lingering aftereffects. Thanks for sharing this encouraging devotional with us. Blessings.

    Dear Gail,
    Thanks for sharing this encouraging devotional with us all. It is a wise and needed call, some days, one to hold onto because it is so true. Our hope is in God alone, and He just waits for us to trust Him and call on Him in our trials.
    Thanks again for passing this blessing on.

    All the best as you continue to recover and always a pleasure to read your wonderful devotions.
    May God bless you today and forever.

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