
Sunday, September 24, 2023
Listen to this devotional:
Listen while you read: "There Shall Be Showers Of Blessing"1 (Lyrics)

Joshua 1:9 – Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go. (ESV)

In our marriage, God has always been there for us as we both have had to partner with Him in undertaking the hard yards to achieve our goals. Sometimes, it becomes challenging to thank God for the work that we are doing, when we are hanging on by our fingernails. In such a state it is difficult to see the forest for the trees, to see the bigger picture. Our God is greater; He is watching.

Recently, we wanted to buy my daughter, Sophia, a trampoline to replace the one that she had grown out of and which was getting tired through her use of it. The price for a bigger one was about twice the threshold for what we were willing and able to pay for a birthday present. However, yet again, God had other plans, and I assume that He must have heard my daughter's plea.

One day, Caroline and I saw a trampoline for sale in a supermarket with a twenty percent discount. Later, I went back on my own, only to witness a customer being confrontational, so much so that the member of staff had had enough and left! It was not the best way to be the next person in the queue to start a dialogue with staff about the reduction. This became more apparent when I went to pay at the till computer and it did not give the twenty percent off the stated price labelled on the fixture.

Long story short: After I had respectfully called for a senior member of staff and had been moved to the side, suddenly, with no forewarning, the member of staff's price scanner, in and of itself, without her interaction, showed the new reduced price, down by twenty percent. The member of staff was so amazed at the sudden change that she jokingly questioned what influence had I had over the store's computers, as she was baffled by how that could have happened spontaneously!

Walking with God day-to-day in the commotion of getting by, it is easy to forget not only Whom we serve and how we may be a witness to Him by the way that we act, but also about granting God the space to intervene in our provision. I know that this is not an easy thing, especially during times of trial when life can be full of hurt, grief, and sorrow. Sometimes, however, God allows us moments of His practical favour — a light in the darkness — maybe to remind us of Whom we follow and what we can thank Jesus for, on our journey into eternity.

Prayer: Lord, thank You for watching over us through the good times and the bad. Enable us to trust Your partnership in our provision. Jesus, You grieve with the broken-hearted, You lift up the forlorn, and yes, You rejoice along with the joy of the thankful heart. In Your name, we pray. Amen.

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About the author:

Rod Marshall <>
Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, England

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1 Comment

  • PresbyCan Feedback says:

    Good one Rod. Amen.

    Thanks for the good reminder, Rod.

    Good morning, Roderick,
    This was a lovely message. Thank you.

    I loved this one, Rod! So true. I have had my own miracle, sent by my loving Father.

    Thank you for your story and witness. We need those reminders of how God works for our good and that He works in ways that we sometimes forget. I appreciate your faithful witness with PresbyCan, as I read it every morning.

    Hello Rod,
    Thank you for this good message – frank reality, and His promise to us as you quoted in Joshua. How true – the challenge of remembering, but how true the promise.

    I smiled when you shared your story. So many people would say that’s just a coincidence. I have had too many things happen in my life that seemingly come out of nowhere, but I knew that each time it meant God was with me. I call them miracles.
    I’m glad Sophia got her new trampoline for her birthday. May God bless you and keep you and your family.

    Hi Rod,
    When others share the power of God in their lives, it shows us that miracles still happen every day. What a wonderful gift to be able to give to your daughter – something that provides exercise, joy, fitness, pleasure, new ideas, and the love of her parents in a tangible way. I was wondering what the title was going to bring in your devotional. I thought it might be the ups and downs of jumping on a trampoline with God at our side. I was kind of right because there was about the challenges, and not right because it was a miracle.
    Thanks for always being willing to share and the honesty you always include in your story. May your daughter and friends have great enjoyment from the gift that God made it possible for you to give. Blessings.

    Indeed a mystery Rod!

    Thank you for sharing this encouraging devotional with us today.

    Thank you, Rod, for reminding us of the importance of being a witness in all we do.

    Great story! I have one too –
    been wanting a quilted vest for a long time now. Our church has a Thrift store and I’m a “sorter”.
    At the back entrance to church yesterday, on the top of the pile of public donations, there was exactly what I was looking for, superior quality, fitted into its own pocket.
    I took it, approached the coordinator, who okayed, gave me a ridiculously low price compared with the new, and told me to bring money on sorting day.
    Thanks for your devotional, struck home!
    May God keep inspiring you with His Spirit!
    (BC, Canada)

    Good day, Rod.
    You have well identified a human weakness, with which I am familiar, when you note that we often don’t “grant God the space to intervene” in our lives. How firmly, and blindly, do we want to march on in our lives, because we “know” where we’re going. And our gracious Lord wants us to be still and have peace in Him. Thanks for the reminder!

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