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Matthew 6:34 – So don't worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today's trouble is enough for today. (NLT)

When I was a little girl, I watched a movie on our old black and white television about a little boy who rolled over in bed and fell into a hole and into another world. Hearing his screams, of course, the parents frantically reached their hands into the dark hole for the little guy, but they couldn't get to him. He had gone into the future and could not be rescued by the desperate parents. For months, I couldn't sleep because I was afraid of rolling off my bed into the dark hole. I can't even tell you how the story ended, probably because it was too scary for me to finish watching it. Surely, he was rescued from this terrible plight!

Unfortunately, I often find myself reaching into the future, the dark hole of my imagination and fears. I may be enjoying a beautiful day with no problems or burdens in sight, but I find myself, without warning, searching deep into the pit of foreboding thoughts. My trembling hands reach for the "what ifs" of tomorrow. When I draw them back, they are covered in dread and fear instead of faith. I like a popular saying, "Worry about tomorrow sucks the joy out of today", and that is so true. Knowing that we are a worrying people, our God addresses this in many places of the Bible. The Lord's Prayer says, "Give us this day our daily bread." (Matthew 6:11 KJV) I looked at many translations of this verse to get a clearer understanding of it. The Amplified Bible says "the essentials of life". The Message with its modern terminology asks for "three square meals daily"! My favourite is how The Passion Translation puts it: "We acknowledge you as our Provider of all we need each day." So why should we worry? Why reach into tomorrow's black hole, when we have plenty to contend with today? The Passion Translation says it best:

Matthew 6:34 – Refuse to worry about tomorrow, but deal with each challenge that comes your way, one day at a time. Tomorrow will take care of itself. (TPT)

Out of my window, I see the blue sky; I see birds clamouring for breakfast on our feeders; I see flutters of yellow as goldfinches display their beauty; I see the hope of another day that the Lord has made! May I not roll off the bed into the black hole of worry!

Prayer: Father God, Provider of our needs, protect us from worry. Surround us with Your love as we rest beneath your wings of compassion. Amen.

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About the author:

Jeanie Nihiser <>
Geneseo, New York, USA

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1 Comment

  • PresbyCan Feedback says:

    Amen to that, Jeanie. Only by faith.

    Amen! Thank you for this message!

    Thank you, Jeannie. I needed that today!

    Thank you. It has taken me 80 years to be as wise as you and I still have to remind myself that God IS in control so let HIM be.

    So very true Jeanie…the what ifs will get us every time. Thanks for a good word today.

    Thank you for sharing this encouraging devotional with us today. Praise God! He holds the future as well as the past in His capable, creative hands! Blessings.

    Thank you, Jeanie, for your encouraging writing today. Yes, we can call on our loving Lord at any time and we need not spend time worrying about what tomorrow might be like. Enjoy today and many blessings for your special writings.

    I needed your good words today, the beginning of a busy week. The joy of remembering God cares for me “day by day, and with each passing moment….I’ve no cause for worry or for fear”…as some song lyrics sing. Thanks for your black hole story.

    Thank you for the strong affirmation that I must not worry about so much that never happens. Today is the day that the lord has made.
    I am glad I will trust.

    Thank you, Jeanie. I cannot imagine how one faces today’s life without the promise offered by Jesus Christ of salvation for believers. Otherwise, for me, it would be dreadful!!!
    Your devotional speaks to that very point quite effectively.

    Thanks for your thoughts. So true
    What ifs take away our joy for today.
    Since my beloved son was Promoted to Glory, I have to constantly remind myself that we are in God’s hands.

    Thank you, Jeannie, for a wonderful devotional today.
    We often need reminders that Jesus tells us not to worry and many of us are disobedient.
    We hope that you will keep writing to inspire us.

    Hello Jeanie
    Thank you for this reminder. So many times I am reminded of that verse in Matthew… why worry about tomorrow…. it has saved me many sleepless nights.
    God bless.

    What a terrible movie for a child to watch! Actually, there are a lot of movies, if viewed from a child’s perspective, could have lasting trauma! I recall as a 2nd grader, watching a movie in school. It was a safety movie to help us understand what dangers were around us, but the visuals stayed with me. To this day I have a residual anxiety going over railway tracks! Yes, walking in faith and knowledge and wisdom, we go forward in this world, knowing God is with us. Blessings on this day!

    Good Morning Jeanie
    Thank you so much for your thoughts this morning. So very often we find ourselves in that “Black Hole” of doubt and despair and we need to be reminded that we are never alone. God is our ever-present help. He has promised to supply our needs and we really need to hold on to that promise. Thank you once again. Your words are so timely today.

    Thank you, Jeanie. I, too, struggle with the “what-ifs”, so this is timely.

    Dear Jeanie
    Thank you so much for this wonderful devotional. Not only is it so well written and filled with easy-to-understand imagery, it is so true.
    I have read many of your previous devotionals and have really found them helpful.
    Do feel encouraged that your efforts are recognized and appreciated. I wish you many blessings in your life.

    Our Faith gives us Hope for today and tomorrow.

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