
Monday, May 1, 2023
Listen to this devotional:
Listen while you read: "I Need Thee Every Hour"1 (Lyrics)

John 8:12 – Again Jesus spoke to them, saying, "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life." (ESV)

Recently, I took my daughter to school to save her the "long" walk with her backpack and kit. It's not far. The car has an electric heater in the windscreen that clears away the frost, which is great on a frosty morning. On the way home, driving against the long queue of traffic, I noticed that I could not see the driver's face in one of the cars. The screen was still covered all over in opaque frost. This is a bit daft — driving without the ability to see. I wondered how, without seeing clearly what was in front of them, they had managed to get as far as they had! Presumably, like me, they had not travelled far. I consoled myself with the thought of the car being stuck in the queue: they were not able to go faster than at a walking pace!

We, too, sometimes rush on ahead to get the job done without taking the time to remove the things that obstruct our view and walk with God. Things get in the way.

Cleaning the window of our heart and mind is a continual process which is never completely done. I seek never to forsake my God, as we are sorely tempted to do in the world's draw of recognition, success, opposition, hurt, illness, and conquest. Neglecting God obscures my vision.

Thank God for the rational part of our brain that reminds us of the folly of not taking the time to clear our thoughts with God before stepping out into the day ahead. Prayer is a wonderful tool against the devil, desire, folly, and temptation from whatever quarter.

Here's the irony/paradox. As and when I do bother to read the Bible — to clean the heart's windscreen — I find that I am refreshed and de-stressed by the real presence of the Holy Spirit Who lifts me up once more and cleanses my soul's implanting, reminding me of truth, so that the "yes" to God outshines and outweighs any other voices, and so that I have a clearer vision of the day ahead. His light shines through to me, and I can see His path for me more clearly.

Cleaning our life's windscreen to let us see clearly and taking time before we start the day's journeying mean that we can move forward faster than at a walking pace. Through facing up to God and praising and thanking Him for who we are, what we have taken for granted, and what we are called to do, we find out where our faith really lies, and we can see the way ahead more clearly.

Prayer: Lord, thank You for saving us and cleaning the coldness of our vision. May Your light shine in to warn and warm us, clearing our thoughts and driving us forward. May we shine outwards, by Your grace, as we go with You into the day ahead. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.

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About the author:

Rod Marshall <>
Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, England

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1 Comment

  • PresbyCan Feedback says:

    Amen, Rod.

    Thanks Rod.

    Thank you so much for this! I certainly needed it today.

    Good morning, Rod, good words this morning.
    Thank you.

    Thank you for sharing this encouraging devotional with us today.

    Thank you – to see, understand, and deal with our today and plan for tomorrow we need prayer and God leading us.

    Thank you for sharing your heart. As you have said, we need our hearts cleaned so we see as Jesus sees. He is the Light! I appreciate your writing so keep it up.

    Thanks, Rod, for another of your very “right on” writings. Yes, it is so important that we take time in our day to reflect on the Lord’s word, pray, and reach out to others in a manner following the way the Lord would do. Blessings for these writings you deliver.

    Rod – this is an excellent follow-up to the message I heard yesterday:
    spiritual spring is the time to clear all the collected debris from our spiritual winter season.
    Thank you for bringing God’s word so vividly to my understanding.

    Nice analogy! It made me think of the defrost heater on the inside too. Sometimes when my heart is cold, it takes time to warm up the inside of the window of my life to see clearly.
    Thanks for directing my thoughts this morning.

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