That Attitude!

Tuesday, April 11, 2023
Listen to this devotional:
Listen while you read: "Look Ye Saints"1 (Lyrics)

Luke 19:3-6 – And he sought to see Jesus who he was; and could not for the press, because he was little of stature. And he ran before, and climbed up into a sycomore tree to see him: for he was to pass that way. And when Jesus came to the place, he looked up, and saw him, and said unto him, Zacchaeus, make haste, and come down; for to day I must abide at thy house. And he made haste, and came down, and received him joyfully. (KJV)

When coming out from the church one day, I met a man who was both deaf and mute. We had never had any personal interaction before, and I don't know how to communicate in sign language. But he smiled at me. I smiled back and he smiled again. That was one of the most beautiful sights that I had ever seen. It was a sincere and joyful smile without words. It broke communication barriers.

That event reminded me of a sincere man in the Bible, Zacchaeus. He was a small man with a big heart — a heart that was willing to accommodate God. Also, I can never forget Jesus, Who senses the heart, treats everyone with equal love, and is not discriminatory or judgmental.

Zacchaeus had the right attitude and was a typical example of the saying, "Don't judge a book by its cover." When I was in the university, there was a girl in my hostel who was highly troublesome. Others complained about her, and she openly flouted the rules of the lodge. But the most amazing thing was how obedient she was after she was corrected. So, I studied her and found out that she was a lovely young lady who just despised rules.

Zacchaeus must have been like that. He was never encouraged by the hypocritical Pharisees, but he wanted to see the Man Who ate with publicans and "sinners". When Christ saw him, He called him, and the Bible says that he came down, and received Him joyfully.

Rules aren't bad, but Christians can display that attitude that is not discriminatory or judgmental. It's an attitude that looks beyond the common public opinions of people. If it doesn't see a smile, it gives one, and if it sees a smile, it returns it. It receives others joyfully. That is the attitude of a true Christian. Are you a Christian with "that attitude"?

There is a wonderful song by John W. Peterson that says:

    Show a little bit of love and kindness
    Never go along with hatred's blindness,
    Take a little time to reach for joy and wear a happy face,
    Sing a little bit when the days are dreary,
    Give a little help to a friend that's weary,
    That's the way to make the world a happy place

This is the Christian's anthem!

Prayer: Lord Jesus, put Your love in us, show us how to love, and help us to display that attitude of true love to those around us. Amen.

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About the author:

John Oguntoyinbo <>

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1 Comment

  • PresbyCan Feedback says:

    Thank you so much! This is a real message and I appreciate it!

    Thank you, John. If we all had that attitude, what a great world it would be!


    Thanks for your thoughtful words.
    Very encouraging!

    Thank you, John, for your inspiring message.
    (Ontario, Canada)

    Thank you, John, for sharing this encouraging devotional with us. To God be the glory! Blessings.

    Thank you John for the devotional. “Rules aren’t bad, but Christians can display that attitude that is not discriminatory or judgmental…” Amen.

    John, thank you for sharing this song with me. I’d not heard it before. It made me smile and made want to start singing along. It will echo in my mind as a reminder all day to show a little love and kindness.

    Thank you, John, for your good words this morning, giving us encouragement and reminder to show the right attitude. That is certainly needed in our world these days, as it seems there are so many ungodly happenings being announced every day. Sharing love and care as Jesus did brings forth peace and joy. Blessings for writing.

    Dear John,
    How true your message of the importance of our attitude. I loved the words of the song. I have posted on my frig “Have an attitude of gratitude” because when I start my day being grateful for all that God has provided to us, I am kinder and more loving to others and to myself.
    Thank you for sharing your thoughts and your faith. Blessings.

    Good morning!!
    I am so touched by your message today! It is as though you have been right here with my struggle. There is especially one young girl , daughter of a good friend, that can get me where I do not want to be in my attitude. I am praying and asking God to take this thinking from me, in fact this is what I wrote on black paper and put on the cross at church Easter Sunday. So this message was for me and I thank you for Godly timing. This is God’s way of showing me He heard me, and He knows my heart. God bless you and your family.

    Thank you, John, for your devotion; a message that reminded me of a song by the late Glen Campbell, entitled “Try a Little Kindness“. It starts out as follows.
    If you see your brother standing by the road
    With a heavy load from the seeds he sowed
    And if you see your sister falling by the way
    Just stop and say, “You’re going the wrong way.”
    You’ve got to try a little kindness
    Yes, show a little kindness
    Just shine your light for everyone to see
    And if you try a little kindness
    Then you’ll overlook the blindness
    Of narrow-minded people on the narrow-minded streets.
    The tune is a catchy one, and once you hear the song, the tune stays with you like an ‘ear worm’ playing in your mind. I think Jesus would like that!
    Keep up the good writing!
    (Ontario, Canada)

    I live in a neighborhood where many don’t speak English. We communicate with a friendly smile and wave.

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