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I met Larry Nihiser when I was seventeen years old, and for me, it was love at first sight. He was a tall, blond young man with a beautiful head of hair that would rival any teen idol at the time. He proposed when I was twenty-one (almost a spinster). I decided that since we wanted a small wedding and I didn't want him to change his mind, I could pull it together pretty quickly. The wedding was two weeks later.
As you can imagine, I immediately started out to find a wedding dress that was within my rather meagre budget. I went to a local department store, and as I entered the massive, old doors, I went directly to the information desk that was located in the centre of the big entryway. I asked the lady at the desk where I could find wedding dresses. She directed me downstairs to the basement, where I found a rack of wedding dresses, surprisingly in my price range. I picked out a simple, long-sleeved mini-dress overlaid with lace and a short veil, all on sale at the big price of $50. Pleased with my choice, I went to the register and took my prize home.
As I told this story to a friend of mine, she said that she had bought her dress at the same store, but in the bridal suite, a luxurious department found on an upper floor. Up until this time, I had been pleased with my choice, but on hearing this, I realized that I would have liked the pampering given to the prospective brides. I would have greatly enjoyed and benefited from the advice of a trained bridal consultant, but I was directed to, and settled for the bargain basement. Probably, my budget could not have survived in the other setting, and maybe, I would have chosen the same dress, but I felt cheated because I hadn't pursued the better option. As it turned out, I was happy with my simple dress, and my simple wedding was just what I had planned. It's been 53 years now since I married my best friend.
2 Corinthians 11:2 – For I am jealous for you with the jealousy of God himself. I promised you as a pure bride to one husband — Christ. (NLT)
Many Scriptures liken the church to the bride of Christ. Sometimes, I feel as if I settle for the bargain basement in my spiritual life, when there is a bridal suite just waiting for me if only I would pursue it. I can stay in the basement, or I can pursue all that God has for me. How much peace do I forfeit because I do not trust? How many opportunities do I miss because I don't listen and obey the voice of the Lord? What do I not receive because I do not ask or pursue? These are good questions for us all to ask ourselves!
Prayer: Lord, I pray that You will find me in the bridal suite and not in the bargain basement! Amen.
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Jeanie, you made my day!
Thanks, Jeanie, for the encouraging words.
Beautiful Jeanie! Good choice. Thank you for sharing. Blessings.
Loved this comparison! Thank you for a great message.
Thanks Jeanie, and I will go forward into the day remembering the One who is my centre.
Dear Jeanie,
Thank you so much for your devotional. My prayer is as yours.
(ON, Canada)
Your devotion today is “speaking to the choir.” You express what many of us feel.
Thank you.
Many thanks Jeanie for your beautiful devotional writing today and for the great analogy you have composed which encourages us to dig deeper into the Lord’s word and teachings. Blessings for this writing and also for many more happy years in your marriage.
Dear Jeanie,
Thanks for the wonderful Devotional today and the wonderful love story you shared. Keep on writing Devotionals. I enjoy reading them.
Blessings to you.
(Ontario, Canada)
On Jeanne, you’re not the only one who chose the “bargain basement” wedding. As a college student, my love and I cobbled together a wedding we could afford. My father was ill at the time and on disability, but my honey and I managed the whole thing as well as we could at that time. When my honey transferred to heaven, we’d been married just shy of 24 years. I’m deeply grateful for the life we had together even with its up and downs. Thanks for sharing this encouraging devotional with us. You brought back many cherished memories. Blessings.
Hi Jeanie,
Very interesting perspective of what we do with our faith. I was smiling and wondering where you were going to go with your story. I was wondering why the lady at the information desk directed you to the basement. I will never know, but still curious. You would think they would want to make as much money as possible. I was married 52 years ago, but I didn’t meet my hubby until I was 20. My mom made my wedding dress for me after I looked in stores and didn’t see anything I really liked. This brought back many good memories.
They are very good questions to ask ourselves about our faith. I think many times, I stay in the basement when I should aspire to more. Thanks for the encouragement. Blessings.
Thanks, Jeanie. Those are good questions, indeed.
Dear Jeanie,
Thanks for the wonderful Devotional today and the wonderful love story you shared. Keep on writing Devotionals. I enjoy reading them.
Blessings to you.
(Ontario Canada)