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During the past number of weeks, I have been struggling through a number of losses. In my head, I think, How do people without faith cope without the comfort of God? How do people cope without His promise, "Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you"? (Hebrews 13:5b NIV). Usually, these promises give me great comfort and inspire me to be positive. Right now, however, even knowing these promises, my heart is struggling to be grateful, my brain is struggling with the blues, and these factors have made recent weeks challenging.
Perhaps you are familiar with one of the times when Jesus and the disciples were crossing a body of water. Jesus was asleep in the boat when a bad storm arose. In a panic for their lives, the disciples woke Him up.
Luke 8:24b-25a – He got up and rebuked the wind and the raging waters; the storm subsided, and all was calm. "Where is your faith?" he asked his disciples. (NIV)
I recently heard Jesus asking me, "Orlanda, where is your faith?" I was struck by how the story of the stormy water applies in general to the storms of life, and how His reply also instructs us where to look for the answer to life's many difficult and dangerous situations. I have heard this echo in a very special friend, new to Christ, who has repeatedly said to me, "We have to trust; we have to have faith." I can see you nodding your head and echoing, "Of course, we have to have faith. This is the essence of our belief as Christians." Practically, though, what does faith mean when we find ourselves in sad and difficult situations?
Two Bible verses came to me as I pondered this question. First is the biblical definition of faith:
Hebrews 11:1 – Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. (NKJV)
Aha! Yes, faith is believing that God has this — no matter how nonsensical, no matter how painful, no matter how personally difficult this situation may be. God sees the unseen evidence that causes all of this to make sense in His plan. Here is the second verse:
2 Corinthians 5:7 – For we walk by faith, not by sight. (NKJV)
I find it helpful to insert "and not by emotion" at the end of this verse. The times when we may cry out, "Where are You, God? Why are You not answering my prayers?" are exactly those times when we need to walk by faith. Just because we cannot "feel" God does not mean that He is absent. Let us walk by faith in this world until we can see God in the next world!
Friends, are you, like me, stuck in a situation of loss — whether to health, finances, grief of physical loss, or separation? Can you hear our Saviour asking you, "Where is your faith?" If you, like me, find yourself in this situation, I would suggest that we first penitently pray Daniel's prayer:
Daniel 9:19a – O Lord, hear! O Lord, forgive! O Lord, listen and act! (NKJV)
Then, let's claim the promises that we have:
Philippians 4:5b-7 – The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. (NIV)
Pray with me:
Prayer: O Lord, as I pray Daniel's prayer, forgive my unbelief, when my heart disconnects from the faith in my head. Give me strength to focus on Your Word, Your will, and Your way. Help me to trust; help me to have faith in You and Your plan for me. You are all-wise, all-seeing, all-knowing. Even when things are difficult and do not make sense to me, You are always there in control, and You have a plan. All will be well: You will never forsake me. Amen.
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Thanks for the encouraging words, Orlanda.
Thanks, Orlanda, great message. Thinking of you.
Great reflection.
Thank you for your lovely devotional, very timely.
Dear Orlanda,
Thank you so much for these encouraging thoughts.
Thank you for your message today. It was exactly what I needed today.
Thank you for this encouraging message – our Faith gives us Hope in difficult times.
Thank you, Orlanda, for sharing your grief with us and encouraging us in the process.
Thank you, Orlanda, for sharing this encouraging devotional with us. To God be the glory! Blessings.
Your brilliant message of Bible verses will help me when I visit my friend who says her faith is at risk as she herself faces loss of life.
This devotion is so timely for me, Orlanda. Thank you for writing this. I will be printing it out and reading it often. Blessings to you in 2023!
Excellent teaching! A+++!
Thanks Orlanda,
Thank you Orlanda for this powerful devotion you wrote. The timing was perfect.
Hello Orlanda.
Many thanks for your timely and uplifting devotional today.
May God continue to bless you.
Happy New Year Orlanda. Thanks for your message.
We have all been there at times. Don’t beat yourself up!
Thank you Orlanda for your powerful post on trusting in God. A very important reminder for many as we move forward during challenging times. God bless!
Thank you for your message today! It is very powerful and so true. You are in my prayers as you work through your losses. May you find comfort in your faith.
Thank you for these timely words and verses that spoke to me this morning. Two days ago a good friend died and we were with his widow in her grief. God reminded us of His presence even in the middle of the grief, helping reconnect us to our faith.
Dear Orlanda, may the Lord’s hand be upon you and guide you through the situations you are presently experiencing. The closing prayer you have written today is very pertinent and very relevant to your devotional presented today. Blessings for writing and my thoughts and prayers are with you.
A message we can all benefit from throughout the challenges of this life. Thank you for sharing your experience and reminding us how easily we can let emotion distract us from the One who is always there for us.
God bless you.
Thank you, Orlando! I sure needed to read this. The reminder and the understanding that you and I are not alone in the struggle to hold onto our faith in this upside down world. Thank you for the reminder to keep looking up in this dark world. God has us in the palm of his hands. Thank goodness! God Bless you!
Love, love, love today’s reading. We are going through a tough time right now. I keep praying and I know that God will look after us but still every once in a while, the devil gets his little worry in there. Thank you for today’s message.
Hope all is well with you and yours.
Hello Orlanda, it is roughly three and a half hours earlier than when I normally get up. At this very moment I am struggling with emotions of betrayal, anger, and frustration. I open your devotional and I receive the very reminder I need in this situation. Thank you for sharing your testimony/struggles and scriptural truths today. Timing is everything.
(Nova Scotia)
Thank you for this morning’s devotional Orlanda.
Most, if not all, of us have been at this point at least once in our lives.
A very appropriate devotional on this Ukrainian Christmas Eve, for their resilience and determination are the epitome of Faith in action.
May Peace come soon for them and other countries in turmoil.
And may God be with you and your loved ones now and throughout the new year.
Good morning Orlanda,
This is an amazing devotional which unfolds in a most logical and clear way. I loved the title when I read it and it made me think how I would answer that question – definitely not as well done as you did.
The Bible verses you use are right on and highlight the point you are stating.
We have all been there so your encouraging thoughts are important at those times. We are human and God knows that. We need to believe He fully understands human frailty.
I am sure you will have helped others with your honest sharing. Thank you. Blessings for 2023.
Oh, my Lord!! I am just reading this now, and am in a similar storm, with events and family thrashing all around me, or just managing to keep afloat. And I feel like we are caught in the middle of the tempest, and yet we for once are not feeling like we too are at the mercies of the storm but are like a lifeboat with ropes or connections to all the other boats.
Yesterday our whole church service was based on that same story, read from all 4 of the gospel writers. Your message from Friday just resounds, and God’s timing is impressive.
Bless You, Orlanda, may you stay strong through your faith, and your tempests become teaching moments of your faith and belief in God.