We have just recently acquired a puppy, a little white ball of fluff that we call Daisy. She is a source of joy and affection for all of us. I am the one who feeds her first thing, clears up the mess, and leads her in the way that she … Read more
Archive for September, 2022
Too Much Of A Sinner?
The Bible is a library, an inspired collection of 66 books written by different people over thousands of years, in a wide range of literary styles. One of my favourite biblical literary genres is that of the simple narrative, with stories … Read more
Buried Treasure
I walked by it numerous times, but I never knew that it was there. As I stood by our front door waiting on my wife, I saw one of the many squirrels that scamper through our neighbourhood subdivision doing what squirrels do. Except for a … Read more
God's Medicine Bag
Some of us recall those days when a doctor made house calls, carrying a black bag stocked with medicines. After he assessed our trouble, we'd be offered a suitable remedy. Today, house calls have been replaced with clinic visits or perhaps … Read more
The Technique
Every Monday, six months of the year, I bake desserts for upwards of thirty or more people who receive meals from our local Meals on Wheels program. One woman, who knows where I live, once asked me how this was possible when I have such … Read more
In Every Situation
In a recent email, I was listing for a family member a number of current, mundane things related to home maintenance repairs and various family health issues, including waiting for lab reports and appointments. I ended the list with "It's … Read more
Daily Nourishment
Because of my previous experience in raising pigeons, I have a real eye for them, and love having them around. We have a bird feeder behind our house, so, when one day a pigeon showed up, we were thrilled. We kept hoping that more would … Read more
I was driving north on Interstate 15 in southern California, USA, on my way to a granddaughter's wedding. I'd left the San Diego airport in a rental car, following the GPS on my phone as I drove. After half an hour, I was directed to take … Read more
Be Friendly
I recall the beginning of the first day in that new home as though it were yesterday. On that gorgeous fall day, I had no idea that a new chapter of my life was opening and would become one of my favourites. Knowing how isolating … Read more
Faith Of Our Fathers
Beginning in the early 1800s, the Ottawa Valley in Canada was settled by British and European immigrants, many coming from Scotland. Economic hardship and recession in their homelands led them to endure dangerous sea voyages to Quebec, … Read more
Bare Cupboards
At one time, brightly coloured classroom bulletin boards displayed nursery rhymes that were used in primary and elementary schools to teach children the sounds, patterns, rhythm, and rhyme of reading. The following rhyme represented a … Read more
Many people tend to divide their lives up into compartments, even if they may not realize that they are doing it that way. Right now, I have a few compartments in my life. I am dealing with the passing of my mom, working full time, being … Read more
Return To God
When I was a teenager and had strayed away from God, I found it very difficult to go back to church. I felt as though I had let God down, and the church members I once knew had become strangers to me. It was far easier to ignore God, as … Read more
Distractions From Purpose
My son received several Lego sets for his last birthday: a boat, a race car, and a train track. My husband and I helped him build each set per the instructions. Once the sets were finished, my son proceeded to dismantle them until all the … Read more
Daily Baths
"Come quickly," my wife hollered as I sat at my computer, writing in the early morning hours. Though we live in the city, a few months ago an opossum came waddling through the privacy fence surrounding our backyard and made himself at … Read more
Multiplied Blessings
It was almost four years ago that I began something brand new to me: writing devotionals. Let me explain how that came about. For a number of years now, I have been the "cat herder" for a group of my classmates from Multnomah School of … Read more
Oma's God Book
"Please read the God Book, Oma!" pleaded my five-year-old granddaughter. I realized that she was referring to The Toddler's Bible by V. Gilbert Beers, even though I had never called it the God Book. That was her idea! I was thrilled. … Read more
This Is The Day The Lord Has Made!
One morning as I was walking from Penn Station in New York City to the 8th Avenue subway, one of the free newspaper vendors interrupted his normal patter and cried out, "Smile, you woke up today! Think about the alternative!" The crowd's … Read more
God Knows Our Future
In the summer of 2014, my husband Jim was the lay minister at K-Bar, a recreational vehicle (RV) resort in the White Mountains of eastern Arizona, USA. He was also suffering the side effects of chemotherapy, so he sat on a stool to … Read more
Supply And Demand
There is an abundance of farmland where we live in southern Ontario, Canada. The farmers grow mostly wheat, corn, soybeans, and hay. Most of the hay is baled in round bales that measure four feet (120 cm) across and five feet (150 cm) in … Read more
Appearances Can Be Deceiving
One rainy night in our university days, my then-fiancé and his friend were accompanying me home from the library, where the three of us had been studying. I was walking quickly on the sidewalk with my umbrella, and the two of them were on … Read more
The Benefits of Early Morning Prayer
I find that there is something special about meeting the Lord in prayer early in the morning before the day breaks. When I rise out of bed at what seems to be an inconvenient time, to praise God and to seek His direction in prayer, my day … Read more
The Siren's Wail
When people like me live to be aged, we have been through a myriad of peaks and valleys in our faith journey. When I was 32, I was finding my way out of a difficult spot in life and learning to take care of myself in the world. I suppose … Read more
The Scavenger Hunt
The scavenger hunt is a common game played at summer camp or youth events. Each team of players is given a list of items that they must collect and the first team to successfully complete their list wins the prize. A more difficult version … Read more
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