When I was about a year old and my sister was two, my parents deposited both of us in an old truck tire on a beach of the Bering Sea. Then, they went away to search for the glass balls that came off Japanese fish nets and floated up to the … Read more
Archive for July, 2022
Straddling The Fence
At twelve, my grandfather learned about straddling the fence. When he was only of middle school age, his father died. In a time when women worked mostly at home and the man was the sole breadwinner, this put the family in a precarious … Read more
Our Spiritual GPS
One lovely spring day, my brother and I were on a day trip, meandering along back country roads that followed the Columbia River, which divides the U.S. states of Oregon and Washington. On our route was a small, four-vehicle ferry crossing … Read more
The Broken Glass
Recently, I received a commission for a piece of stained glass. At a friend's home, a gentleman had seen a glass that I had created a number of years previously, and he contacted me to see if I would consider doing a similar scene for … Read more
Keeping Short Accounts
I've just returned from the gas station, where I filled up the gas tank in my car for just under $20. Gas prices in the USA have been rising almost daily to the point where they're more than double what they were two years ago, so you may … Read more
That Personalized Touch
As I write this, I'm watching Mama Robin sit on her second clutch of eggs this summer. Her fussing over these eggs reminds me of my dad's fussing over those hundreds of goose eggs in the hatchery in our farmhouse basement. Each day, he'd … Read more
Behind a counter inside my local bank stands a huge vault. Behind the open door is another large door with steel bars and a large lock, and inside are walls covered with hundreds of tiny doors, each with a lock that has two spots for … Read more
Treasures In The Snow
Lana's mittens dragged along the snowbanks as she walked the snowmobile path through the bush. The snow sparkled in the bright sun. The winter birds filled the sky with their colour, motion, and patterns. Lana was startled by a sudden … Read more
Not Ashamed Of The Gospel
During the summer of 1951, I worked on a road construction project. An out-of-town company was paving a long stretch of highway and several other roads in that area. I helped the operator who ran the machine that actually laid the … Read more
Following Paul
My wife Evelyn and I have just returned from a beautiful trip to Greece. We explored many places, climbed thousands of ancient steps, and visited some of the most amazing Greek and Roman ruins in the world. We had planned this holiday for … Read more
Just Look Up
A very good friend and sister in the Lord has been struggling with depression and a type of anxiety which causes her to pass out. Tests indicate that there is no problem with her heart. One day, I felt a need to visit and pray with her. … Read more
My "Deprived" Upbringing
This past week, I asked a neighbour to email me a list of old television shows which she thought that I'd enjoy. I replied with a longwinded "Thanks", which afterward exploded within me into an overwhelming sense of gratitude for my … Read more
Words Like Plumeria Blossoms
When my husband and I volunteered at the Youth With a Mission (YWAM) base in Kona, Hawaii, a few years ago, we would walk by a huge plumeria tree on the way to work every day. Hundreds of blossoms lay scattered on the sidewalk, and I … Read more
Trying Times
She was 91, able to live on her own and manage her own life. She had a few health issues, but her major concern was intolerable back pain. She sought various remedies, finally settling on surgery to insert a spinal cord stimulator. In … Read more
How Sharp Is Your Pencil?
I am so blessed to have a spiritual friend who loves Christ, is steeped in theology, shows her warm smile, and encourages everyone she meets. We became friends at a time when I was at a crossroads in my spiritual life, and she discipled … Read more
Every year in the spring in central Texas, USA, we anticipate the return of the hummingbirds from their winter homes in Mexico. Upon their return, these birds are eager for the nectar found in the hummingbird feeders located in various … Read more
Screen Time Overload
Too much of a good thing can be harmful. Exercise is good, but too much can damage the body. More importantly, it might damage relationships with others. One Krispy Kreme® doughnut wouldn't harm me, but eating a dozen a day most likely … Read more
Like A Child
As I pondered these interactions of Jesus with children, I wondered how I could best describe us as children. Firstly, children are dependent. From the time of conception and for years thereafter, a child depends on its mother or … Read more
The Flat Tire
Each time I take my granddaughters for a walk, I make sure that I check the stroller tires, as one of them has a tendency to lose air and become flat. As I was using the air compressor to top up the tires the other day, I, too, was … Read more
Waiting Patiently
There are so many times when we are waiting. For me, recently, it has been waiting for medical appointments and procedures. These days, we read about thousands of people waiting for hours or days at airports, now that people are able to … Read more
Look And Notice
Just look. That's all I had to do while relaxing in a lawn chair on the deck in the backyard of my brother's farmhouse. I quickly discovered that looking can be quite adventurous, for while looking, I began noticing what I didn't see the … Read more
The Lesson of the Trail
The sun beat down on the worn trail and glinted off rocks that contained specks of fake gold. Birds chirped. A bee buzzed in the distance. Leaves ruffled in a slight breeze with a hint of pine in the air. God's beauty surrounded me, and I … Read more
Names Worn Down
For many years, my mother adopted and daily cared for a small, neglected, historic cemetery in California, USA. On days of celebration — Memorial Day, the Fourth of July, and Veteran's Day — she and another couple set out American flags … Read more
Don't Be Afraid
I don't know anyone right now who isn't worried about the future because of the war in Ukraine. We're all hoping and praying that it doesn't escalate because it's the nearest we've been to a nuclear conflict since the 1960s. The threat of … Read more
Our Home And Native Land
On this Canada Day, I think back to when our family became Canadian citizens. Having come to Canada from Singapore, which, at that time, was a British colony, we were British subjects, so transferring our citizenship to Canada, with its … Read more
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