"Look at that!" A petite engineering student was pointing to Penguin Press's thick History of Canada on my bookshelf. "I didn't even know we had penguins in Canada!" she said. "And they have so much to say about them!" I couldn't … Read more
Archive for May, 2022
Songs In The Heart
In January, I told how God spoke to me through others' devotionals. I've recently realized that He's speaking to me in a different way — through hymns that pop into my mind in random moments. At … Read more
Heavy Burdens Lifted
On two earlier occasions, my husband and I had stayed at the same hotel after driving to visit relatives. This time, we opted for travelling by train. From the Amtrak station, we rode on the light rail system to a station within a short … Read more
When Grace Is Missing
I attended a Christian retreat where the guest speaker asked this thought-provoking question: "How would you feel if God pardoned a repentant murderer who prayed a simple prayer of salvation from his deathbed?" At first, a hush fell over … Read more
The Writers' Club
I've been a member of a small, unique club for more than three years now. One of my college classmates, knowing that I like to write, told me about the online PresbyCan Daily Devotional, which celebrates its 26th anniversary today. My … Read more
The Misdirected Energy
I had walked up to the main house to start the wood stove, as my family was away and the temperature was quickly dropping. As I turned the handle of the back door, preparing to go into the porch and bring in a load of kindling, I heard a … Read more
No More Barrier
Today, Canadians observe a day named in honour of Queen Victoria, who ruled the British Empire for 63 years from 1837 to 1901. The holiday is celebrated as the official birthday of Queen Elizabeth II, the currently reigning monarch. As … Read more
A Sacrifice For Conscience
Our faith is one defined by sacrifices. Jesus gave up His throne, gave up His glory, and gave up His life, just for us to be saved. The apostles went through very uncomfortable circumstances to propagate the gospel. We must always bear … Read more
I'm Sorry!
The primary purpose of Christian preaching is to invite reconciliation — in every aspect of life. The first step on a journey of reconciliation just may be to say, "I'm sorry." "I ask for God's forgiveness, and I want to say to you with … Read more
Freezing Out Temptation
The humungous concrete trough begged us to place our parched toes in its tantalizing coolness. Life on the farm was different every day. My cousin and I could find more adventures to take than we had time for. On this one day, we sat … Read more
Where Are You?
It seems to me that a lot of time and effort goes into entertaining our children. During school breaks and vacations, we see reports on television about what to do and where to go: theme parks, craft fairs, hikes, and activities at nature … Read more
Cabin In The Woods
Sixty-seven years ago, I spent my last summer at Bible camp, always with the same counsellor, Christine, who wore jeans and old plaid shirts at a time when no other woman in my life did that. I trusted her enough to speak up during evening … Read more
Opera Glasses And A Bible
While helping my elderly mother clear out her house, I came across two precious items belonging to her own father, who passed away before I was born. A small black leather case, well worn, holds a set of opera glasses, made in Rochester, … Read more
The Terror Of Trust
"Thank You for … the terror of trust … ." I have lost the source of this written prayer, but not its impact. There's wisdom in this paradox: Trustful faith is forged through those terrifying experiences when we feel utterly vulnerable … Read more
God Had Another Idea
My friend gave me a series of Lenten devotionals this year, and I observed Lent for the first time since I became a Christian many years ago. I learned that it is never too late to journey with Christ to the cross. As I read the … Read more
Garments To Mend Or Replace?
Did your mother have a mending basket? It was there that things which needed mending were put until there was time to fix them. Some items required carefully working from inside the garment and concealing stitches or weaving threads or … Read more
The Up Side
A favourite game in our house is hide and seek. The girls just love it and want to play it regularly. They never seem to get tired of discovering me, tucked into a large dog kennel or behind the hot water tank. They never weary of my … Read more
This Little Light of Mine
One of the most beloved children's hymns is This little light of mine, often attributed to Harry Dixon Loes. I can close my eyes and travel back to a time when I held out a makeshift lantern and sang those heartfelt lyrics to our church … Read more
Respecting The Boundaries Of Conscience
Conscience sensitivity is very relative. Some things may not necessarily be sins, but our consciences may also not permit indulgence in such. Paul wrote, "All things are lawful for me, but not all things are helpful." *(1 Corinthians … Read more
Grateful For The Gifts Of Our Mother
We are not a conventional family, but we are blessed by the gifts that our mother, Rose DeShaw, delivered to us as children. With not a lot of money, we received gifts that helped us to transcend the material world and connect us to our … Read more
Killing Time!
I met a friend unexpectedly, and I asked what he was up to. The answer? "Just killing time." He wasn't the first person to answer in such a way … we are all guilty of killing time! It's a common enough saying, but it struck me in a … Read more
Burden Bearers
One of the greatest burdens in ministry, as well as in other counselling or caring professions, is the amount of indifference that we come across from folks we attempt to help or try to support. I can remember in Scotland spending many … Read more
Why I'm Here
The reason for our existence sometimes takes time to discover. As a child, staying with my paternal grandparents was second nature. When I was pre-school age, my grandmother was my babysitter. I rode with her in her 1930s green Chevy and … Read more
Make Me A Blessing
Music is a wonderful vehicle for expressing deep thoughts and emotions. A childhood friend and I were reminiscing recently about how rich and meaningful our early church experience was. This was due, in part, to the role that music had … Read more
Bridge Building
Recently, I have been updating regular PresbyCan Prayerline requests with the aspiration of raising awareness of the suffering of the people of Ukraine since February 24, 2022. I do not know how many have engaged with God on behalf of my … Read more
Those Cucumbers
One spring, the neighbours down the street were having a swimming pool built. The tiny village of New Denver, British Columbia, Canada, where we lived, lay nestled on the shores of the deep and clear Slocan Lake, where we could swim any … Read more
Singing And Praying
One day, we were watching a religious program on television, and the commentator mentioned that in worship, singing is praying. St. Augustine, who lived from 345 to 430 AD, is credited with saying, "To sing is to pray twice." In a … Read more
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