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We have just recently acquired a puppy, a little white ball of fluff that we call Daisy. She is a source of joy and affection for all of us. I am the one who feeds her first thing, clears up the mess, and leads her in the way that she should go — out into the garden. She, being three-quarters West Highland Terrier — a Westie — listens to my commands and entreaties only because I am the provider and because she trusts in my favour. This usually comes in the form of praise and food. We have to be disciplined in our oversight, and we watch over her closely as she investigates everything that could possibly be a source of nutrition, interest, or of a good size to chew. In the garden, this means fallen apples, grass, twigs, flowers, seed-heads, and stones.
When she has tired herself out from running us ragged, she seeks a cuddle — reassurance to confirm our continued love and approval of her, and not just for her temporary compliance to our challenges on her behaviour. She desires our affirmation for who she is as a new member of the family. Westies are strong-minded, astute dogs, and they instinctively know when they are truly loved; they revel in the warmth of their safekeeping.
Since owners are often said to be like their dogs, I guess that is why I like Westies, because I can relate, being a willful soul in my relationship with God. Like them, I enjoy momentary intimacy with our dependable God, before I am off, reassured and inquisitive, into the world again. Like the Westie, upon occasion, I can develop selective motivation, hearing, and compliance. I come to His throne only when I am not distracted or indifferent to His protection and influence in my life, when I am not off chasing, doing, preoccupied, or distracted with what is in front of me.
After years of journeying, God gave me the following verse to remember and take to heart:
Deuteronomy 4:9 – Only take care, and keep your soul diligently, lest you forget the things that your eyes have seen, and lest they depart from your heart all the days of your life. Make them known to your children and your children's children. (ESV)
For me, God is saying, "Stay close to Me in thought, word, and deed. Do not forget how I have saved you, and pass on this good news to your children and any who will listen." He guides me through life's ups and downs — some big and some little. I ask myself in the business of life, Am I still faithful to this command?
This is a challenge for each of us. How close are we staying to God in thought, word, and deed? Are we coming to Him on a regular basis, both for praise and petition?
Prayer: Lord, You are always constant. We rejoice that we can always look to You, our anchor. Thank You for Your love, mercy, and provision in a turbulent world. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.
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Amen Rod.
Thanks, Rod, for this challenge.
Thanks for the encouraging words, Rod.
I love this devotional and can relate on so many levels. Keep writing and sharing.
I appreciate today’s message and the truth of needing affirmation.
What a great illustration and lesson for us, Rod. It takes many missteps and ruined items before that puppy becomes a faithful, dependable companion. We also have many missteps as we grow in our faith.
Greetings Rod and thanks for your devotional today. Sounds like you have a “new” job in raising a puppy these days. They sure can add joy and adventure to one’s day and reflecting on Jesus and following His word really does add a special greatness to our daily life too. Faith in our loving Lord is sure a solid anchor for each day. Blessings for your writings.
Good morning, Roderick
Thankyou for your devotional and telling us about your pet. I find similarities with my Bichon. Also when you wrote saying how God is saying to remember….
I had flashbacks just this morning and wondered what that was all about, and I thanked God for His forgiveness and saving me from this lifestyle. Thankyou!
God bless.
Hello Rod,
Your devotional story is precious, and I relate. The Guide Dogs For The Blind is a national organization, and we are part of the groups near us. My daughter and her husband got involved and here we are with our 9th black Lab in home training. What a process it is, and we love it. They are the trainers, and I am a major contributor. Of course I have to follow the rules too. I am so happy to be a part of this program. What a thrill to know what we are doing is giving a very special life to one without sight. Each time they pick up the dogs that we’ve had for a year, they bring us a new one.
Thank you for your love for your precious puppy, one of God’s great gifts. Keep your always excellent devotionals coming.
Good morning, Rod,
How wonderful it is to have a puppy in your life once again. They put so many smiles on our faces.
It is interesting how you relate your faith sometimes to the characteristics of the puppy. When we look at our faith from different perspectives, it helps us to think about what we can improve and what is good.
It is true that God is there for us when we digress, just like owners are there for their pets. God wants us to love him and others, just like the love we have for our pets. He wants us to learn to obey and trust him, as we want our pets to learn to obey and trust us.
Thank you for your faithfulness in sharing with others with your devotionals. Always appreciated. Blessings and joy.
Another great devotional Rod. Exactly the message I needed to guide me today. God bless you.
Thank you for this enjoyable “Puppy” devotional. I am not familiar with Westies so I did a little search. What joy it must bring to you, and greater joy, brought by the Lord.
Thank you, Rod, for sharing this encouraging devotional with us today.
Your Westie reminds me of my wee terrier mix. She’s still got quite a bit of puppy in her and she loves her treats and cuddles. God bless you for writing and sharing this devotional with us. May we always stay close to God. Blessings.