Buried Treasure

Wednesday, September 28, 2022
Listen to this devotional:
Listen while you read: "Face To Face With Christ My Saviour"1 (Lyrics)

Ezekiel 36:26 – And I will give you a new heart, and I will put a new spirit in you. I will take out your stony, stubborn heart and give you a tender, responsive heart. (NLT)

I walked by it numerous times, but I never knew that it was there.

As I stood by our front door waiting on my wife, I saw one of the many squirrels that scamper through our neighbourhood subdivision doing what squirrels do. Except for a few oaks, no nut-producing trees decorate our neighbourhood. I've often wondered what it is that these squirrels are constantly burying.

On this day, I observed as he scooted about our small front yard. Suddenly, he stopped at a particular place, positioned his small front feet for digging, and got to work. Within a matter of seconds, he had unearthed a pecan which he promptly placed between his front teeth. Our yard held a buried treasure that I knew nothing about.

A buried treasure of greater importance is found in the innermost parts of every person who chooses to follow Jesus Christ. In today's verse, Ezekiel prophesied of a time when God would give the Spirit in a new way.

God's Holy Spirit is every believer's buried treasure — not buried in the sense that we can't locate Him, but that He is often an untapped resource for successful living. Just as buried treasure does no one any good if it's buried, so the indwelling Spirit doesn't either if we don't tap into His power.

If we unearth the power of the Spirit's presence, He will give us unexplainable comfort when we need it. Since life is tough and regularly throws bombshells our way, His comfort is required on a regular basis. His comfort is a feeling deep inside that everything will be all right because God loves us and is in control.

God's Spirit gives not only comfort but also strength to keep going when times are tough, when we are being opposed for our work for God, and when disappointment and depression zap our energy level.

A further advantage of God's buried treasure is the gifts that He gives for work in His service. Our work for God would be impossible to complete with any notable track record were it not for His Spirit awarding us with callings, talents, and special gifts.

Have you unearthed the power of God's buried treasure?

Prayer: Father, thank You for the presence and power of Your Spirit Who gives us the authority and strength to do the work that You have called us to do. Amen.

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About the author:

Martin Wiles <mandmwiles@gmail.com>
Greenwood, South Carolina, USA

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1 Comment

  • PresbyCan Feedback says:

    Amen Martin.

    Thank you, Martin.

    Thanks, Martin. Time to start digging!

    A1, thank you!
    (N.S. Canada)

    Good morning, Martin
    Thank you for your good words this morning.

    Daily I pray for guidance and comfort from the Holy Spirit, God’s presence in my life.

    Thank you, Martin, you always give an uplifting devotional to start the day. Blessings.

    Thanks, Martin, for another of your very meaningful devotionals. Blessings for your special writings.

    I loved this line, Martin: “His comfort is a feeling deep inside that everything will be all right because God loves us and is in control.” That’s a simple and clear description of God’s comfort. Thanks for emphasizing this truth.

    Hello Martin,
    Oh how true…that inner peace God gives us that lets us know things are OK because of Him.
    God bless.

    “Disappointment and depression” had overcome me earlier this week, but I overcame them as soon as I exercised “the gift that is within (me)”
    Today’s Daily Devotional underscored this truth.
    Thanks for your insight, blessings,

    Good morning, Martin,
    This is a great message and a very different way of explaining the importance of the Holy Spirit in our lives.
    I liked your story of the squirrel finding this treasure in your lawn and relating it to our hidden treasure of the Holy Spirit if we do not use his strength and resources.
    When we read about a different perspective, it helps us to reflect on our faith and if we are fully engaged and using all the tools that God provides.
    Thanks for your faithful sharing. Blessings and joy.

    Good morning, Martin. What a beautiful analogy! May the Lord prompt His people to make FULL USE of the gifts He has given to each person. May we always remember to give Him the glory as we use His gifts for His Kingdom; and May those of us who read your reflection get busy unearthing those treasures that we may have been ignoring – without realizing it! Forgive us, Lord, for our blindness and renew our eagerness to be serving You in every way that we have been given talents and opportunity. I pray in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
    Thank you, Martin – you are such a faithful and gifted servant – you’ve had a wonderful impact on my life over the years. God bless you.

    Thank you for your encouraging devotional!

    I appreciate your picturesque, meaningful devotional. This fits right in with a study I am doing right now. We are so blessed to have the Holy Spirit.

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