The Technique

Monday, September 26, 2022
Listen to this devotional:
Listen while you read: "Tell Me The Story Of Jesus"1 (Lyrics)

1 John 1:9 – If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. (NIV)

Every Monday, six months of the year, I bake desserts for upwards of thirty or more people who receive meals from our local Meals on Wheels program.

One woman, who knows where I live, once asked me how this was possible when I have such an incredibly tiny kitchen.

I laughed and explained my technique to her: clean as you go. I put things away as I use them. I keep the counter space that I have as neat and clean as possible every step of the way, for if I didn't, the clutter would keep me from getting on with the job.

Likewise, God calls us to live uncluttered lives in regard to sin. Many years ago, the technique to make this a reality was explained to me as spiritual breathing. Sin comes between us and God and our ability to hear Him clearly throughout our day — and we all sin, each and every day in so many little ways. It may be a thought sin or a careless word, attitude, or action, the type of sin that we really don't consider that important, and yet it is to God.

So, how does the technique of spiritual breathing work? It's quite easy. We breathe out our sin as soon as we realize it, through a moment of confession, and then breathe in God's forgiveness with thanksgiving. As we learn to do this moment by moment, we keep ourselves uncluttered by anything and everything which may come between ourselves and God to keep us from doing His good and perfect will.

In fact, I have discovered over the years that spiritual breathing has the power to turn an ordinary day into a day of delightful surprises, much like dessert can turn a meal from simply ordinary into something extraordinary. Won't you join me in this powerful technique?

Prayer: Father God, we ask that through Your Holy Spirit, You will make us aware, moment by moment, of any thoughts, attitudes, or actions which do not line up with Your good and perfect will. May we in turn practice the technique of spiritual breathing: breathing sin out through confession, and breathing forgiveness in with thanksgiving, allowing us always to be in tune with You. In Christ's name, we ask it. Amen.

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About the author:

Lynne Phipps <>
Tawatinaw, Alberta, Canada

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1 Comment

  • PresbyCan Feedback says:

    Thanks Lynne. Blessings.

    Thanks, Lynne. What a powerful idea!

    Thanks for sharing this encouraging devotional with us. Blessings.

    Spiritual breathing…I now have a name for what I try to do each day. Thanks, Lynne.

    Lynne, what a profound message to wake up to today!
    Thank you.

    Thanks, Lynne, for writing and sharing the spiritual breathing.

    Good morning, Lynne,
    A good technique indeed. I need to remember this every once in a while, especially about careless words.
    Thank you.

    Hi Lynne
    You put Spiritual breathing in a way that is easy to understand for everyone. I have been practicing this for years.
    Thank you for sharing this story with all of us.

    Lynne, thank you for the cooking example of the need to clean as you go. We can’t continue to produce more and more baked items when there’s a huge buildup of dirty bowls and pans in the way. Spiritual breathing is the way to go! Love it!

    What a marvellous idea, Lynne! Spiritual breathing! I like it and thank you for sharing. I have always maintained that a meal should start with dessert.
    Stay well, and Happy Thanksgiving!

    Many thanks Lynne for another of your very special devotionals. What a great technique to follow by breathing sin out and breathing forgiveness in with thanksgiving. You really have a special talent of writing and expressing thoughts. I’m sure your desserts are special too and well received by everyone. Blessings for your writings.

    This is wonderful and so easy to remember and do. I’m clipping your prayer and pasting it to my computer and refrigerator. Thank you so much.
    You are terrific in a tiny kitchen, to help Meals On Wheels recipients.
    God bless you.

    I love this, dear Lynne!!! I have used your routine even in a big kitchen with lots of counter space. I hate facing a huge mess to clean up.
    And I always love the way you have of spiritualizing the daily situations we face. Now I await your next one. I have orders to get all things needed together in one spot and have it completed by Friday. I know where much of it is so off to a good start. Now it’s time to get to work and God bless you beyond.

    Good morning, Lynne,
    We had the most lovely gentle rain all day yesterday to nourish the animals, the birds, the land, the trees, the flowers, and me.
    I think that the technique of “spiritual breathing” will also nourish me. I have prayed your prayer to receive help from my Holy Spirit and I am willing to add a new tool to my toolbox of faith.
    Thank you for passing along such a good “technique”. May you continue to put the cherry on the top of the day for all the people who receive your gift of dessert every Monday. May you continue to inspire others. Blessings and joy.

    Hi Lynne,
    This devotional brought back some fond memories to me. I was fresh out of college, teaching 1st grade in a small town in the state of Washington. My roommate was the local high school home economics teacher, and she passed on a similar tip that has stuck with me for life: keep your kitchen sink full of hot sudsy water and wash your utensils and pots and pans as you go when you’re preparing a meal. (Today’s version would be to load things in the dishwasher as you go!) That helps make cleanup after the meal much easier. The lesson is the same: confess sin as you go and keep your life clean along the way rather than allowing the mess to accumulate.
    Blessings to you.

    Hi Lynne
    This is excellent….easy and effective. I will be doing and sharing this.
    God bless.

    Hi Lynne:
    Enjoy your devotionals and always find a nugget of wisdom that is a “keeper”. I think often about the “dog in the driver’s seat” and the “green candy”.
    Thanks for contributing to making my life a better journey.

    Thanks so much for today’s Daily Devotional, a lesson my mother taught.
    I hear that the Atlin General Store and Post Office burned to the ground. What a catastrophe! Difficult to think of how a remote town can function with such a loss!
    Praying for you all and for the owners who must be devastated!
    Grace and peace to you all.

    What a great idea….spiritual breathing….who knew. Will try to practice this.

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