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Luke 12:6-7 – Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? Yet not one of them is forgotten by God. Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Don't be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows. (NIV)
A couple of times this week, I've had friends confess to me how unworthy they feel to be loved by God. It bothers them greatly and hinders them from coming back to church. They genuinely feel that because COVID has isolated them from coming regularly to the sanctuary to worship on Sundays, they have somehow disappointed and failed God. They seem to think that this unworthiness has separated them from both the worship community and the Lord Himself.
This is very hard to bear. I can remember going through a similar time when I strayed away from the church. The feeling of unworthiness creates a barrier and forms a shell of shame around one's spirit. It's difficult to break through and overcome; it's also one of the best weapons that the devil uses to keep people away from God.
The good news is this: we are all unworthy to be loved by God, and yet — despite what we feel — God still values us and loves us endlessly. This is why Jesus told His people not to worry about their lives or be anxious about their unworthiness. God values us greatly and loves us deeply — so deeply, in fact, that God sent His Son to die for unworthy people and restore them to God's favour forever.
So, know this: we who are unworthy are welcomed back by God to worship in Christ's church, not because of who we are, but because of Who God is and what Jesus has done.
Question: What makes me feel unworthy of God's love? How has Christ overcome this for me?
Prayer: Lord Jesus, there are times when we feel that we have failed You, and, sometimes, this stops us from worshipping with others. Help us to accept that we are all unworthy, but also to accept that we are highly valued by You, and Your love for us never ends. In Your holy name, we humbly and thankfully pray. Amen.
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John, always a good reminder.
Good morning, pastor Stuart, loved this devotional!!!
A very special message! Thank you!
Thank you, John, for pulling together the past few years. I know this will resonate with many as it has with me.
Thank you, John, for this wonderful reminder of how loved and special we are to God. You have brightened my day!
The laws of Moses are impossible to fulfill. That is why God sent Jesus to give his life for those who are unworthy but believe.
Believing the lies seems easier for some folks than accepting God’s unmerited favour is rooted in the evil one and locks a person into dysfunctional mode to build relationships … both human and divine. Blessings John for your gift to bold the sovereign truth.
Thank you, John. If we really stop and think about this paragraph, it’s almost too hard to believe:
God values us greatly and loves us deeply – so deeply, in fact, that God sent His Son to die for unworthy people and restore them to God’s favour forever.
Thanks, John, for another of your very good and reassuring devotional writings. How fortunate we are to be so loved by the Lord and received back into His care even after we go astray at times. He certainly deserves our reverence and grateful thanks. Blessings for these special writings you do.
Appreciate your words, John. You focused on the very centre of our faith, Christ’s amazing love! Sometimes the message gets buried in explanations, but it’s THAT simple!
Thanks and blessings to you,
(BC Canada)
Hi John:
When I came back to the church, I felt like the prodigal daughter; so unworthy to be loved by my amazing Father. The guilt was there in abundance. I thank my Lord for bringing this black sheep back into the flock led by my Saviour Jesus.
Thank you, John, for devotionals. I appreciate them greatly.
Thanks for sharing that, John. I went through a period where I felt so unworthy. Then I heard a minister who said this:
Nothing I can do can make God love me more.
I agreed completely. Jesus died for me. That was love.
Then he said, “Nothing I can do can make God love me less”.
I thought for a bit and then the penny dropped.
Good morning,
Thank you for this very true reminder. It seems to be the same way here for different ones. Just this morning I said that to God about being unworthy and thanking Him that He loves me and blesses me with another day and new mercies.
Encouraging and confirmation to get up and read this twenty minute after.
God bless.
Good morning, John,
This is so true. So many times in our lives we feel unworthy because I believe our mind is built to look at things negatively. We struggle with not being accepted. We need to ask God for guidance and comfort when these feelings start to control us. God accepts us all for who we are and loves us unconditionally.
This is such an important message that you are putting out there. I pray that the people who are struggling with this feeling will reach out and talk to God. He will help them as God has helped me many times over the years. The answers come in many different forms, but if I pay attention, they are there.
Thank you for your honest sharing. Blessings.
Helps me today, John. Thank You.