The Flat Tire

Friday, July 8, 2022
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Listen while you read: "Lord Dismiss Us With Your Blessing"1 (Lyrics)

Each time I take my granddaughters for a walk, I make sure that I check the stroller tires, as one of them has a tendency to lose air and become flat.

As I was using the air compressor to top up the tires the other day, I, too, was feeling rather flat: flat in spirit. I'm not really sure why. Sometimes, it just is that way. I expect that most of us understand exactly what I am saying. Sometimes, we are up, and sometimes, we are down. Our spirits sag. Life seems to be just one big disappointment or annoyance. Our energy deflates, and it is a push to get through the day or the week, or sometimes, even longer.

But as Christians, we are assured that the flat times will not always be with us, for the Lord God loves us. He is with us always and goes before us, clearing our way. His Holy Spirit lives within each of us, a breath of God guiding, directing, and granting wisdom, power, and energy to live as God calls us to live, even amidst the down times. Sometimes, I wonder if the flat times come so that we might appreciate even more the times when our spirit is renewed, invigorated, and inflated by a word from the Lord, or a God moment — when we know that what has just happened is not a coincidence at all, but God Himself Who has been at work within our day or special situation.

Psalm 42:5-6 – Why are you downcast, O my soul? Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise him, my Saviour and my God. My soul is downcast within me; therefore I will remember you from the land of the Jordan, the heights of Hermon — from Mount Mizar. (NIV)

None of us is alone in regard to flat days. The psalmist experienced and understood these days, too. Because he had a faith history with God, he also understood that they do not last forever. During his low days or weeks or months, he wisely turned his mind to remembering. He chose to remember how in due time, the Lord had always lifted him up. The Lord had always rescued him from his feelings of deflation and despair, and restored his spirit so that he could praise and glorify his Creator once again.

So, like the psalmist, may each one of us also choose wisely amidst our flat days. May we choose to dwell upon our own faith history with God and all the great and wonderful things that He has done for us in the past. Those memories have the power to begin to reignite and reinflate our tired or worn-out spirits with the hope of God within us and the promise of better days to come.

Prayer: Father God, thank You that amidst our down times — whether they be momentary or over an extended period — when we choose to remember our faith history with You, our spirits once again can be uplifted and strengthened. For You are a good God Who loves and rescues Your people — a wondrous God Who is able to draw us up out of the pit and to set our feet upon the solid Rock of Your unending love and goodness once again. In Christ's name, we pray. Amen.

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About the author:

Lynne Phipps <>
Tawatinaw, Alberta, Canada

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1 Comment

  • PresbyCan Feedback says:

    Thanks, Lynne.

    Well done, Lynne!

    Thank you for your devotion and blessings.

    Thank you, Lynne, for this encouragement.

    Thank you, Lynne, for sharing this encouraging devotional with us.

    Thanks for reminding us that we all go through our flat days, but that God is always there for us.

    I’m learning to accept the “down” times and not condemn Myself for them and know that I am still loved by Him.

    Lynne – how thankful I am that you overcame obstacles earlier in your life to bring such rich devotionals into my life. God indeed has plans to prosper us in spiritual realms.

    Thank you, Lynne, I too am going through a down time right now and your devotion was a very good start to the day. Do take care and enjoy the day. Blessings to you and your family.

    Dear Lynne,
    We praise the Lord for your encouraging devotional. The Psalms are very uplifting with David getting “down in the dumps” about many troublesome situations. God is so good!

    Dear Lynne,
    Thank you for your thoughtful devotional. It is so good of God to allow us the down days so we can appreciate the up days. I woke up with low tires this morning, and in a few hours the Lord will refresh me. Have an uplifted day today.

    Hi Lynne
    Before I even finished the 1st paragraph, I knew it was you!
    You have a unique style, and you make us feel as if we are actually there with you in Atlin.
    Keep up the good writing. It reaches our spirits.

    Thank you for your comforting message. its s great to know that strong Christian such as you is strong enough to share your us and downs. May our Lord and saviour continue to Bless you as you serve Him in All you do.
    May you have more highs than lows!

    Thank you, Lynne, for your wonderful words today. It’s exactly how I’ve been feeling, despite the God moment I experienced yesterday. I’m quite familiar with Psalm 42:5 but did not notice verse 6. That is amazing! Yes, I will remember all the good things the Lord has done in my life and encourage myself with that. He has not left me. Thank you, Jesus.

    Dear Lynne when I saw the title of today’s devotional, I had an immediate feeling it was from you. You have a special writing talent of weaving happenings in daily life and the way our Lord is ever ready to rectify the situation. Yes, we are so fortunate to have our loving Lord ever there to guide us through whatever we encounter. Blessings for these very special writings you do, and may you and your granddaughters have a lovely weekend.

    Hi Lynne, I have enjoyed your Devotionals, today’s was a perfect one to remind me that God is always there in the down times and always ready to pick us up.
    Thanks for your Devotionals. We are blessed that you are a faithful writer for PresbyCan Devotionals.
    Thanks again.
    Blessings to you always.
    (Ontario. Canada)

    Good morning, Lynne,
    You are so right, we do have flat days, sometimes they start out okay and then some little thing will cause the day to go flat, just like the tires on your stroller can suddenly be flat.
    But with the Lord’s help and sometimes time we can get pumped up again.
    Thank you for your good words.

    Dear Lynne,
    I continue to enjoy reading your Daily Devotionals. I not only enjoy them but do learn from them as they are so down to earth, practical, relevant, and most importantly, spiritual!
    I can relate to most of them but particularly to today’s because it’s such an honest Devotional in admitting that even you have down days!
    May God continue to bless you and your lovely family!

    Hi Lynne
    I had not thought of using the term Flat Tire to refer to my down times, but it is an excellent analogy. In some ways it is a more accurate description than being in the valley, although the valley reminds me of Psalm 23, so that also is quite appropriate at times. I think there are probably times they can be used interchangeably and there are times when one is more appropriate than the other. Your example of having to check the tires on the stroller when you take your granddaughters for a walk is excellent. It resonates when we are tired and have nothing more to give, but when we deliberately determine to worship God, we find rejuvenation and new life.
    Thank you and Blessings.

    My dear Lynne,
    I have only just been introduced to your Devotionals by one of my Christian friends and what an honour it has been.
    I am deeply blessed and hope I will receive these each day. Please tell me how to go about this.
    Like my friend, I live in Northern Ireland and have witnessed many troubles which hopefully, by God’s good grace, solutions will be found.
    Thank you again Lynne for your witness.
    May the LORD bless you richly with His LOVE, PEACE and PROTECTION.
    S H A L O M

    Good morning, Lynne,
    Well I was worried it was going to be a flat tire when you were on your way to a vet visit. I am glad it was not.
    I definitely relate to sometimes being flat in spirit and there seems absolutely no reason for it to happen. I have had chats with my granddaughter about this happening and that patience will turn it around just as miraculously as it came. I do think you might be right about appreciating more the times when we feel God’s arms tightly around us smoothing our way. I think that also happens in our lives like when a whole bunch of bad weather days and when the sun comes it feels many times better than if we had sun all the time.
    I will join you in your prayer ask God to help all who are going through a rough time to help them remember when he has been there for them, and He helps to lift them up so they can shine their light for Him to others.
    It must be very tough for the people of Ukraine to feel God’s help at this time, and I know he will be there building up their faith to feel him at their side maybe even carrying them for awhile.
    May our spirits soar once again. Blessings.

    Lynne, thank you so very much for this post. I have been in a ‘funk’ for about a week now. Your posts always resonate with me.
    I have an intellectually disabled son who hurt himself recently. We are having a terrible time getting to see the surgeon. His employer is giving him a hard time with his medical certificate from the ER doctor is running out. His employer is pushing him to move from light duties back to regular duties. As an overprotective parent, I get very anxious when my son is not well. He cannot explain himself well and he is starting to feel pressure from his boss. When I feel powerless it gets me down. I know I can turn to the Lord, and I do, but this is not happening fast enough. Each day he is getting more pressure and it is making me on edge constantly. Last night I asked the Lord to help me stay calm and deal with this as it unfolds. I am like a Mama Bear. When anyone upsets my cubs, they get my dander up. Today I did wake up with a bit more peace and it felt good. I keep trying to reach the hospital non-stop for the last hour and no one even picks up. My feelings of peace are dissipating, even though I know this is out of my control. Please Lord, give me strength.
    Lynne, while I have been writing to you, I have been dialing the surgeon’s office and finally got through and got an appointment. God’s providence! Thank you, Lord Jesus!
    Thank you so much for your message. I ALWAYS see myself in your Devotionals.
    Blessings dear Lynne.

    Years of COVID separation from loved ones has been a flat tire – prayer, faith, hope are carrying us forward.

    When I am feeling low. I think of Elijah in I or 2 Kings, where Elijah finds himself under a broom tree. The Lord feeds him, Elijah is worn out from battle. All of us need to take time to renew our spirit and physical bodies from time to time, you did a good job.

    Thanks Lynne… wise thoughts.
    I’m reminded of a recent visit with my three-year-old grandson, who had heard that we had a recent flat tire. When our visit with him ended, his good-bye to me ended with, “Don’t get a flat tire, Grandpa.” That has prompted a saying between us when we part company. “Bye, love you, don’t get a flat tire!”

    Good morning Lynne. I have had my faith renewed by many of your articles but this one really hit home. Thank you for your inspirational words.

    I hear you, Lynne. I really needed your devotional today. You are right. He is faithful. Memory is conclusive on that score.

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