The Desires

Friday, June 17, 2022
Listen to this devotional:
Listen while you read: "Glory Be To God The Father"1 (Lyrics)

Psalm 37:4 – Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart. (NIV)

When I finished high school, my dad asked me what I thought that I wanted to do with my life. I told him that I was interested in studying writing, being a veterinarian, working with animals, or studying theology. All were things which at that time were an impossibility for me due to a learning disability which had not yet been diagnosed, but which did keep me from pursuing higher education.

Yet, there was One Who knew the desires of my heart even better than I did, for He had put them there, and He also knew that they would be possible, even though at the time I did not.

Step by step, year after year, the desires of my heart began to come true. After recommitting my life to Christ in my twenties, I began writing poetry every day. Poems would just come into my mind, and I was compelled to write them down. Then, I had the opportunity to write a short column for the local paper. And then, I was awarded a scholarship to attend the Billy Graham School of Writing.

It was during this time that our local pastor encouraged me to begin taking theology courses through a reputable Bible school's correspondence program. He also had a learning disability, and he, his wife, and my professor of record helped me immensely in regard to spelling and grammar. Once I had finished this program, I was led to apply to a theological college where I was accepted as a mature student. Upon graduation, I went on to be a chaplain in three nursing homes and then to pastor for fifteen years.

As for becoming a vet or working with animals, I once ran a small adoption kennel, and have also designed and made vet-approved back and leg braces for my dogs as needed. Presently, I am blessed to share my life with seven marvellous dogs, a horse, and three goats on our small hobby farm. All of these at one time or another have been featured on the PresbyCan Daily Devotional website, for which my brother hounded me to begin writing many years ago. I did not have the confidence that I could do it, but he had the confidence in me, and so I began to write devotionals.

So, at the end of it all, the desires of my eighteen-year-old heart, which I had thought were impossible, have all become realities, because with God, all things are possible, if we will only trust and believe.

What desires has God put into your heart? Do you think that they are impossible? Think again!

Prayer: Heavenly Father, how glad we are that with You, all things are possible. When we delight ourselves in You, You not only put Your desire for our lives into our hearts, but You also have the power to bring them to fruition. Bless us with the courage to embrace those desires and to move forward in trust and obedience to claim them. In Christ's name, we pray. Amen.

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About the author:

Lynne Phipps <>
Tawatinaw, Alberta, Canada

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1 Comment

  • PresbyCan Feedback says:

    Thank you.

    Great article ,,,, as always.

    Beautiful, thank you for sharing. God is good.

    Thank you, Lynne, for this encouraging testimony.

    Yet another beautiful experience. Bless you and thank you for sharing.

    Thank you, Lynne, for sharing this encouraging devotional with us.

    It’s amazing and inspiring all that you accomplished, Lynne! You’re so right, with God all things are possible!

    Thanks, Lynne, for sharing this with us, it will most certainly bring encouragement to many. Blessings to you and your family.

    Lynne I am very glad you decided to write for the Presbyterian Daily Devotional.

    Thank you for today’s devotion. You have encouraged me a great deal!

    Lynne – wow, what a life journey you have experienced so far. Unless you shared this, I would have imagined a smooth, straight route to your present. How gracious God is to orchestrate for each of us the best.

    Dear Lynne,
    What a wonderful story of the Lord’s faithfulness. Thank you to your brother for encouraging you to write devotionals and many thanks to you for each one.

    Dear Lynne
    Thank you for sharing this for the Lord truly blesses all those who read your devotionals.
    All I can say is Amen and Bless you.

    Beautiful, well written and God has blessed you indeed with the desires of your heart.
    Thank you for sharing.
    (Ontario, Canada)

    Thanks Lynne,
    Always enjoy your devotionals, and hearing about your life.
    Your stories always resonate with us.

    WHAT A WONDERFUL STORY!!!!! I have known you were special and indeed the path you have travelled reveals that fact.
    Thank you.

    O WOW, Lynne! I had no idea of your marvelous background but that Goat of yours remains fixed in my memory, companioning your gelding when his mother was gone. The poetry in your life shows through your careful choice of language in sharing your faith. You sue are a blessing to me.

    Dear Lynne,
    Well, we have learned a few surprises about you with this story. We are so thankful that your brother was an encourager. Please let him know how thankful we are that you write such wonderful devotionals.

    Dear Lynn:
    I am so grateful that God has blessed you with your heart’s desires. From what I’ve been reading for so many years, you are doing a wonderful job at serving God in so many ways. I pray He continues to bless you and keeps you writing.

    What encouragement you have given to each of us who have one disability or another. Your testimony of God’s faithfulness in granting you the desires of your heart has allowed you to be faithful to Him, and fruitful in your service to Him. Thank you for writing this part of your life story.

    Good morning, Lynn,
    What a wonderful story this morning, You sure accomplished a lot. We are indeed glad that with our Lord all things are possible indeed.
    Thank you for those good words.

    I am always delighted to read your contributions to the PresbyCan devotions.
    When I start, I never know who the author is until I’m finished reading and appreciating the words. Your devotions have become a favourite of mine. Thank you for sharing your talent and inspiration.

    Good morning, Lynn.
    GOOD for you that you listened when an opportunity was offered and heard God’s Call in this way.
    I always enjoy your writing – especially when you write about your animals and grandchildren!!
    Thank you!

    Thank you, Lynne, for your devotional today which touched my heart. I am in the season of waiting on the Lord as I was working as a Chaplain and counselor and suffered burnout. I am praying for God to put new desires in my heart. Your Devotional reminded me that God has plans for me even when I don’t see what is ahead.
    Blessings on you and your writing

    Dear Lynne,
    Thank you for sharing how your career plans after high school were fulfilled by our Lord in remarkable ways during your lifetime.
    I have forwarded your devotional thoughts to my grandson who is in his early ’20s.

    Dear Lynne,
    Our Heavenly Father truly had His hand upon you to guide you thru every desire of your heart. Your strong faith has carried you through it all and you certainly have quite a life story to reflect on. Thank you so much for sharing how you came to writing these very special devotionals and may our loving Lord keep guiding you to share His word far into the future. Blessings to you each and every day.

    Dear Lynne,
    Thank you for sharing your personal experiences and God’s graciousness to you. Your testimony brings glory to God and hope for all with whom you’ve shared it.
    The Lord has poured His grace anew into my life and deepened the desire of my heart to draw ever closer to Him. Praise God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit! What a joy it is to know the Lord!
    Thank you for your faithful ministry. Peace and joy in our Lord!

    Hello Lynne,
    Thank you for sharing a bit of your background with your readers.
    Thankfully you listened to your brother and tried your hand at writing devotionals. Your words have been a blessing to so many! I have always found your devotionals a joy to read and an encouragement to my soul.
    May God continue to use you in all sorts of unique and interesting ways each and every day.
    God Bless you and keep you.

    OH Lynne, wow thank you for this devotional today!!! Amazing how God knows our hearts and sees His plans come together!!!
    I am impressed with your story,,,,and I am proud of your accomplishments.
    We have an amazing God!!! Enjoy your animals for me.
    God bless.

    Good morning, Lynne,
    Your devotional asks us to think about what “desires” God has put into our hearts and to trust God that they are possible. Your story is very empowering, and I think it will make us think about our own “desires”.
    I would say I was not a person who had big ambitions, but when it is put as “desires”, it is a different question to me.
    I loved hearing about your desires and how they slowly unfolded in your life. I am glad that God has been a large part of your life and that your brother was there to encourage you so we can benefit from your devotionals and wisdom.
    Thanks for sharing in your own special style.

    I have enjoyed your devotionals. I am pleased that your brother ‘hounded’ you. I am sure I am one of many that has been blessed by your writings. I did laugh when I read that as I could identify with the ‘hounding’. My mother too did this also. I had been working at a nursing home as an aid and she kept at me to apply to nursing school. So I did and I had a varied but wonderful career. When I was asked by my patients why I became a nurse I told them I blame my mother and I told them the story of her persistence. God places people in our lives to give us the ‘hounding’ (nudges) we need. I too am happy that she did.
    I enjoy hearing of your animal adventures. We have only one dog, but I have had many rescues in my life.
    Please keep writing and know that your words and faithful heart are blessings to many. Thank you!

    Good morning, Lynne. Your devotionals always resonate with me.
    Just like yourself, all of my childhood dreams have been met in one way or another. Our God is an awesome God.
    If COVID does not raise its ugly head again, I plan to return to substitute teaching this Fall.
    “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” (Jeremiah 29:11). How could anyone possibly doubt this verse from God’s word? Praise be to God, now and forever!
    Lynne, at the risk of sounding like a broken record, I can so relate to your devotionals. We must be kindred spirits. I appreciate all of the Daily Devotionals, but particularly yours, Rose DeShaw’s and Vincent Walker’s.
    Thank you so much for your writings.

    Dear Lynn,
    What an example of God’s strength being showcased through our weaknesses! What an example of a long obedience in the same direction. I have so enjoyed and been blessed by your devotions. And your hobby farm sounds like a little piece of heaven.
    God bless.

    Thank you, Lynne, for allowing your readers to know more about you. Your devotion had me reading one of my favourite bible passages again…Psalm 139. You were “fearfully and wonderfully made” and “all your days were ordained” in His book before you ever experienced one. That truth has always amazed me! In looking back on life, we can see the Lord’s goodness, if our eyes are open!
    Blessings to you and thank you.


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