Aiming For Gold

Sunday, June 12, 2022
Listen to this devotional:
Listen while you read: "Jesus Wants Me For A Sunbeam"1 (Lyrics)

John 12:44-46 – And Jesus cried out and said, "Whoever believes in me, believes not in me but in him who sent me. And whoever sees me sees him who sent me. I have come into the world as light, so that whoever believes in me may not remain in darkness." (ESV)

I have variable-focus lenses in my glasses to help me with the flitting about from close range on the computer or fixing stuff, to afar off focusing out of the window or in the garden, looking up at the clouds in the sky or the military aircraft now transporting aid to Ukraine.

During the school term, I am an archery instructor on a Wednesday night, where, in a safe environment, I train teenagers to be more effective in hitting the gold centre of the target. Also, I have my own bow and kit that I use at home. Sadly, my variable-focus glasses are useless for shooting at this target because my head does not turn 180 degrees to look down my arms from side to side, and I must peer through the edge of the lens where heavy distortion causes about a two-foot deflection over fifteen yards! Someday, I will think about acquiring a lens for the bow-sight. In the interim, I have to use my blurred vision through the sight to aim for the gold, which is good enough for an old recreational archer.

All of this makes me ponder about how God's impact on my life and the rest of the family is clear or blurred, influenced by things that may distort my vision of Him or His kingdom and the Bible's portrayal of kingdom-of-God life in action, in and through my life.

So, I ask myself, how are any evil influences of the world's grubby little fingers, online, or through phone, news, culture, and television, influencing my walk with Jesus and blurring my vision of Him in my life? I also ask, what social influencers' lenses do I see with, and are they either distorting or making clearer my relationship with and from God?

How about you? What may be blurring your vision? Where do your help, influence, and guidance come from?

Psalm 119:105 – Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. (ESV)

Prayer: Lord, may we read, see, and understand Your Word to us today. May Your guiding hand and corrective influence enable us to achieve what we are aiming for: a real and meaningful relationship with You, our Saviour and God. We ask for Your Holy Spirit's influence to grant us a clear vision to aim for gold. Father, it is all so easy to be distracted by the world unless we are under Your care and hear Your voice in our hearts and minds. May we know Your forgiveness and prompting as we seek to follow You today. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.

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About the author:

Rod Marshall <>
Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, England

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1 Comment

  • PresbyCan Feedback says:

    Thanks, Rod, for the good word. Have a great day.

    The focus (no pun intended) of my message this morning Rod. Blessing.

    Amen, Rod, and May the Lord grant you clear vision, both spiritually and physically. Blessings.

    Good morning , Rod,
    I pray that you will hear in your imagination the sound of your readers saying a loud Amen to your words.

    And of course, the meaning of the word “sin” – “missing the mark”
    You really hit the mark for me, Rod!
    Bless you!

    Thank you for this meditation, Rod. As a fellow glasses wearer, I can fully understand this analogy! I remember clearly, the day that I got my first pair of glasses as a young child. Walking out of the office, I saw a tree and for the first time was able to make the connection between the leaves on the ground, and the tree that they had fallen from.

    Greetings Rod and many thanks for another of your very special devotionals. Yes there is no greater hand we can ask to be upon us, but that of our loving Lord. His love and care for us cannot be surpassed and especially now the way things are happening in our world more people need grow closer to Him and follow His teachings. Blessings for these encouraging and informative writings you do.

    Rod, I have been reading your devotional over the past couple of years and always appreciate your perspective and writing.
    I listened to this Canadian CBC radio show called Tapestry today with an interview with a Ukrainian pastor and thought of you since you have been following the war so closely.
    (British Columbia)

    Thank you again for your special thoughts and insights in relation to God’s Word.
    Your opening text made me think of one of my favorite Psalms that goes back to my high school days—Psalm 27:1-2 “The Lord is my light and my salvation….”
    Then your last text is one of my favorites from Psalm 119, which has become one of my favorite Psalms.
    Thank you for your encouragement for reading God’s Word and for your meaningful prayer!!

    Dear Rod,
    I like to try to guess by the title of devotionals where it is going to take me. Well I did archery at university in my first year but don’t remember a gold centre so I did not guess it would be archery and vision leading us to look at our faith journey. You make a very good point about blurred vision and how the influence all around us in the world affect our believe, faith and actions.
    A reminder that we need to keep focused on what is really important in our lives. Your prayer covers many special points to help us stay on track. Thank you for sharing your faith and a little of what you are passionate about.
    I really like the Sunbeam hymn and hope sometimes I am one. Blessings.

    Thank-you Rod, for your message today.
    I am actually more confused in my life than I ever have been.
    I had professed to be a Christian at 21.
    When I was growing up one person would preach saying there was a time when, a place where and a manner how to be saved. And I thought I was. What if I can’t remember for sure. We were taught that there was nothing you could do only believe but even the demons believe.
    Is turning and following Jesus an action that means we are doing something so we can’t be?
    I believe there is no other babe under heaven whereby we must be saved and if I don’t have jests, I have no hope and everyday I search for assurance and I am about ready to I don’t know what. And my minister says he can tell that I am a Christian because of new life.

    I just got new lenses in my glasses and am having a tough time adjusting to the computer, the paper, distance, and a lectern. I use when I walk on the treadmill.
    But my view of the Lord is not distorted at all.
    Thank you for writing.

    You have Robin Hood in mind for a mentor, Rod? What a joy to read your words today.

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