The Ability

Friday, June 10, 2022
Listen to this devotional:
Listen while you read: "I Will Sing Of My Redeemer"1 (Lyrics)

2 Corinthians 1:3-4 – Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves have received from God. (NIV)

Three-year-old Lindy is a late talker. Lindy hears and understands, but the part of her brain that hears sounds and interprets them into speech does not function as it should. It will thus take her much longer to learn to speak than most children. This problem will also most likely affect her ability to spell, understand, and apply grammar correctly, and to remember what she has read or written.

Fortunately, Lindy has been diagnosed early and is already receiving help from a speech therapist, as well as from us here at home and at her playschool. Once she enters school, more help will also be available.

I know that Lindy will do well. She is very clever and determined, attributes which will aid her well as she struggles to move forward academically and socially.

Still, when I already see her frustration beginning to build when she is unable to communicate clearly to those around her what her needs are, I often shed a silent tear, for I know why Lindy is this way. She inherited this condition from me. So, I also know some of the heartaches which may lie ahead for her: ridicule, being labelled unfairly, working harder and longer to study and learn, but being unable to remember what she has studied, making any type of testing a nightmare. And I could go on, but I won't.

And yet, amidst my tears, I am reminded of today's verses, and in remembering them, I must praise God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, Who comforts us in all our troubles. For indeed, it is His encouragement and compassion and comfort that got me through school. It is His Holy Spirit Who whispered in my ear when words were misspelled so that I could look them up in the dictionary, and nudged me as to where a period or comma or question mark should go. It took what seemed a lifetime to learn these things, but learn them I did, not in my own strength but in His. It was also He Who brought good, caring people into my life to encourage me and to be patient as I struggled and learned.

I know that Lindy is not stupid. I know that she cannot speak, not because she is lazy or doesn't want to, but because she cannot. I know how many dozens or even hundreds of times that it may take for her to learn to spell words and remember the alphabet and how to tie her shoes. And because I know, I can now praise God and comfort her with the comfort that I myself have received from Him.

Today, perhaps, you, too, may know someone who is struggling and in need of comfort. If so, consider the last time God comforted you amidst a problem you had. Then, go to that person and do likewise. They will be so glad that you did. And so will you.

Prayer: Father, we thank You so much that You are the God of comfort and compassion Who comforts us in all our troubles. May we go forth this day and every day, prepared to comfort those whom You bring into our lives with the comfort that we ourselves have received from You. In Christ's name, we pray. Amen.

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About the author:

Lynne Phipps <>
Tawatinaw, Alberta, Canada

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1 Comment

  • PresbyCan Feedback says:

    Thank you.

    Dear Lynne,
    Thank you for sharing!

    Dear Lynne:
    May our wonderful Lord and Saviour bless you both.

    Lynne you did it again!! Wonderful to read. I will send it on to several people. Thanks again.

    Wow Lynn who ever would now know with your special gift as you send us awesome messages to tell of God’s Love… Amen God bless you!

    We have not heard of this problem before and we pray that Lindy will respond well to therapy and not be troubled by bullying. May the LORD guide all who will be helping her.

    Thanks for sharing your life with us. Judging by your devotionals, I would never have known there was a problem in the past. Thank God she has you for guidance and comfort.

    Dear Lynne,
    What an incredibly inspiring and touching personal story! Thank you so much for sharing it. I am so moved and blessed by it. Blessings for dear Lindy and you!

    Dear Lynne, if Lindy learns even half of what you know, she will be blessed. She sounds like a very special little girl and will flourish with your support and God’s love. May he bless you and your family always!

    I am a retired teacher; I was interested in your story. You have done so very well with your written language and your ability to have overcome and write so well! Praise to our God for his goodness and grace He provided to you.

    Good morning,
    I always enjoy your devotionals as you apply ordinary life situations that are so easy to follow and sometimes I can identify with them personally.
    Keep writing.

    Good morning Lynne,
    Thank you for your good words, it is certainly frustrating when we can’t do what we want to do, but as you said, God comforts us in all our troubles.

    I taught Kindergarten. Your most excellent devotional should be read by each and every student graduating from teachers’ college. My daughter teaches grade one. I am sending this on to her.
    You are my favourite writer. God will continue to bless your work.
    Thank you.

    Dear Lynne,
    What a gift filled with joy, that you can encourage, comfort, and understand your little Lindy. As you know, blessings abound in our challenges, when we can look back at them, but to have a beloved family member as you are, to stand beside Lindy at present time, is a great blessing.

    Good morning Lynne,
    What a beautiful and intimate reflection. Thank you for sharing such a personal story. It reminds me of the Romans 5:1-5 – lectionary passage for this Sunday. You have indeed found hope in suffering and grown in character to be an inspiration in endurance for little Lindy and many others.
    Blessings on your day.

    Dear Lynne:
    Thank you for this wonderful Devotional. If Lindy inherits your abilities she will do well as you contribute so much to the Today’s Devotionals.
    May God bless you and keep you always in His loving care along with Lindy.
    I always enjoy your Devotionals.

    Dear Lynne
    Thank you for this personal and touching devotional. God bless Lindy and praying she gets her strength and those little whispers of how something is spelled, like you did. I just see God’s arms wrapped around her right now, how precious.
    I believe God uses us with our experiences to help others with compassion and understanding and love. A negative turned into positives!!!
    God bless you my friend in Christ

    Good morning, Lynne.
    Words cannot express how I am feeling for you and Lindy. I know you are and will be, a great help to her, your love for her shows in this devotional, it will carry her through the many struggles in her life; yours and her family. Your strong faith always shows and it is a great comfort to all who follow these devotionals. You have such a wonderful way of expressing your thoughts and feelings. Thank you. Blessings to you, Lindy and your family.

    Dear Lynne,
    Many thanks for another of your very inspiring devotionals. Truly there is no greater comfort than what we receive from our loving Lord. He is ever ready to give us strength to get through situations we face when we put our faith in Him and call out to Him. I will pray for the Lord’s hand upon Lindy as she goes forward each day and may she feel the comfort of His tender care. Blessings for your writings and for sharing about how the Lord has strengthened you through your lifetime.

    Thank you, Lynne, for sharing this very personal devotional with us. My father and my son had similar childhood issues, but God brought them through. He even gifted my father with incredible artistic talent enabling him to support his family comfortably. In spite of the cerebral palsy in his hands and a damaged brain, my son lives a useful, productive life.
    He’s thrilled to be able to help out whenever he can.
    Thanks again for sharing with us.

    Morning, Lynne,
    When I read your devotional this morning, I thought of our granddaughter who has Aspberger’s. What struck me after reading the whole devotional is that while Lindy may have “inherited” her problems from you, she has also inherited the “whole” grandmother who will bless her in many ways.
    Our granddaughter is adopted, and I often thank God that she is in our daughter’s family. Our daughter has moved mountains for her who is very smart but chose not to go to college. She is now in a program that directs her efforts toward finding a suitable job and making her way independently in the world.
    Bless you and your granddaughter and our daughter and her daughter.

    Good morning Lynne,
    I know this was a very hard devotional for you to write. I know it was also a very important one for many of us to read.
    My husband and I know that we passed along to our children difficulties that they have had to live with. We have them also but grew up in a different time when life was simpler, so we feel it was easier for us with these problems.
    Classrooms were more orderly and rules were consistent. That is not the same for our children and grandchildren, so it makes school another layer of difficulty for them. Even though there is a lot more know about these learning problems, it does not filter down to all teachers which it should.
    I have a few tears in my eyes as I read your devotional and as I write to you. I know God’s comfort and help that he has given me. I have tried to pass that along to others, but there is so much less people who believe in the world that there is no as much support in that way for others.
    I know that God has a plan for His World and His people, but it is hard to understand sometimes what is happening. I pray for Lindy that God will continue to put the people she needs into her life. I pray for you and your family and the guidance and wisdom that you can impart to her.
    I pray that many people will reach out to others to offer the comfort they have received from God.
    Thank you for always sharing honestly with others so we can feel your wisdom and comfort.

    Good morning Lynne. I have a son just like Lindy. He was late to walk, talk, read, you name it.
    Today he is an adult and is doing well in life, but it was an upward battle all the way.
    During his school years, there were no computers, no teacher’s aides, no adapted learning. School was terrible for my boy. He was in the ‘slow’ class that carried many labels. The carpet kids, the retards, the dummies, the list goes on. He was laughed at, taunted, called names. It was awful.
    He struggled through school. I was wondering how he would ever survive in the working world. Each of his work experience assignments was dreadful (filling cole slaw cups, cutting grass, washing dishes). I was very sad, thinking my son would face an uphill battle his whole life.
    Several years ago he got a job with a company that hired only persons with disabilities. Their salaries were subsidized by the provincial government. He survived there for a few years. These kids were so terribly abused. They were treated as numbers, certainly not as human beings.
    Two years ago I was very concerned for his physical and mental health. Then along came COVID which exacerbated everything. He reached the point where he was teetering on the brink of an emotional breakdown. He finally got a job and it turned out, the hiring manager had a son with a similar condition. Recently he was voted Employee of the Month. God answered our prayers, and today my boy is happy as can be. Full of energy and encouragement.
    I am sure Lindy will be the same.
    Our God is a loving God.

    What a learning experience for both of you. Thanks for sharing this retrospective look into your life. This “disability” has brought many blessings, your determination grew, your mastery of expressing your thoughts grew, your desire to help others grew, and above all, your knowledge of the Bible and TRUTH grew!
    Those who read your meditations are blessed to be a blessing to others!

    Hi Lynne,
    Thank you for your devotional. Your first sentence touched me as my son was the same. At age 3 he had 48 words, and not all his words were very clear. He took very sick just before his 3rd birthday but the doctors seemed more concerned about his lack of speech than his 104F fever. He also started speech therapy and he was also assessed.
    Although his speech was very limited, he was assessed as having the comprehension of a 3 1/2 yr old. A year after his illness I took him for photos and the photographer couldn’t believe what a great talker he was. 6 months earlier I had thought I had failed after 3 months or more of therapy.
    He is the smartest of my 3 kids. No problem in school at all.
    Children are all so different and you know your Lindy better than any of us, but I just wanted you to know of someone who seemed to be behind but was just the contrary.
    God bless you, Lynne, for your love for your family and your God. I enjoy your stories and how you see our Lord in everything and everywhere. Thank you.

    Hi Lynne,
    I loved your devotional. I certainly would not have known that you were afflicted as your granddaughter is. Your devotionals are so perfect I am sure it will help her to know that she can overcome it as you have.
    I was recently told that I have a tumour. I will undergo a biopsy to see if it is benign or cancerous. I had just had my 8 yr anniversary of my last chemotherapy and radiation for uterine cancer. I keep reminding myself that I was healed then and that I will be healed again by the grace of God. And it is still a bit scary going into cancer/benign again.
    I will keep praying for your granddaughter as she navigates her healing with your great wisdom on her side.
    God Bess you Lynne. And your granddaughter.

    Hello Lynn,
    Thank you for this devotional. I too have a grandchild, age 6, who was slow to speak and is now struggling to learn the alphabet and numbers. He also has Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, and possibly dyslexia. He takes medication for the ADHD. I pray for him and his older brother, who also has ADHD. I also pray for their mother, my daughter, who works very hard to help them any way she can. I know it takes a great deal of patience and persistence. I have added you and Lindy and her parents to my prayer list.
    It is encouraging to know that we are all dealing with similar problems and that the Lord will give us wisdom in raising our children and grandchildren.
    Thank you again.

    Beautiful devotion as usual. Always look forward to your testimony and heartfelt blessings when I read your message God blessed you with. Have a blessed weekend.

    Dear Lynne
    I have been reading and sharing your devotionals with residents in a Long Term Care facility for years. Such clear and strong messages written with love and bringing others hope, understanding, and bolstering faith all based on life experiences. After a while, even before I knew who the writer was, I could ‘hear’ your voice in the words and story. Indeed I believe many of the residents came to recognize your voice too.
    Until today it would never have occurred to me that you had experienced any difficulty with communication. What a wonderful illustration of God’s power to provide us with what we need to do His work.
    May God continue to bless you.

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