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Matthew 5:48 – Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect. (NRSV)
James 3:2a – For all of us make many mistakes. (NRSV)
My grandfather had many admirable traits and a few that made life a bit difficult for his rambunctious grandkids. Grampy was a perfectionist. He was a boat builder who would tear out complete decking if things did not line up perfectly. Every screw head had to match the previous one … you get the idea.
Shortly before he died at 89, he came to visit me and my young family, and he brought us a gift: a matching pair of candlesticks that he had made that same week. I was thanking him profusely for this personal gift (which I cherish to this day) when he interrupted and said, "They have a mistake in them, so I thought I'd give them to you." Instead of being deflated, I looked over the gift and said, "Yes, I can see the flaw right there." He was shocked and demanded to see what I had pointed at. He had presumed that the flaw was so minuscule that no one would ever find it. That was part of his perfectionism.
Indigenous crafters acknowledge that perfection is with the Creator alone, and they weave a mistake into the beadwork to concede that flawlessness belongs to the Creator.
My grandfather really did know that he could make mistakes, and I, his grandson, have not a doubt about the many mistakes that I have compiled throughout life.
Let's be kind to ourselves today as we set about the tasks that await us. We aren't going to get everything right, but as we focus on the way of Jesus, we'll have a much better idea of what we should be doing. Here is today's verse in a different version:
Matthew 5:48 – Therefore, just as your heavenly Father is complete in showing love to everyone, so also you must be complete. (CEB)
Prayer: God, help us today to strive to live each and every moment in Your grace, following in the footsteps of Jesus. That's all that we ask for today! Help us to live here and now, immersed in Your amazing mercy. It is in this moment that we are called to live in Your perfect love. Amen.
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Thank you.
So true, Kenn.
Love that prayer!
Thank you, Kenn, for a beautiful devotion. We loved it!
Perfectionism is a mental illness. A lot of writing about it.
Thanks Kenn, not always easy to remember but so important!
Good one. Thanks. Nice way to start a bitterly cold morning in Manitoba.
An encouraging word today Kenn.
Thank you.
Thanks Kenn. You really have this devotional writing thing knack. I have enjoyed all your contributions, this one strikes home as I am a boatbuilder. As a writer I am inspired by your work. Thanks,
Greetings Kenn and many thanks for another special devotional. Yes, it sure is simple for us to make mistakes in life but following the ways of our Lord Jesus is never a wrong move. Take care and enjoy having those candlesticks as a sweet memory of your Grandpa. Blessings for your writings.
Hi, Kenn,
The devotional on allowing imperfection is so good.
What a wicked taskmaster “perfectionism” can be!
Thank you for the lovely reference to the indigenous practice of including a small imperfection! That is such a fitting and kind reminder of being loved “as we are”!
Blessings to you.
Good Morning, Kenn,
Thanks so very much for today’s devotional. I’ve often wondered about that verse. I love the translation you gave.
Matthew 5:48 – Therefore, just as your heavenly Father is complete in showing love to everyone, so also you must be complete. (CEB)
God bless you. Keep writing!
Good morning Kenn,
Great story about a perfectionist and his grandson with eagle eyes. It definitely makes the point clearly to your readers. I appreciate the information of the Indigenous crafters’ wisdom. I had not heard that before.
I also found it very interesting the two different versions of the same verse in Matthew. To me, they have different meanings. One is showing love to everyone, and the other is about all perfection. I will have to ponder that.
A good prayer to start each and every day. May you continue to inspire us as you journey along with God. Thank you. Blessings.
Hello Kenn on this high windy day. It’s a good thing I’m not a perfectionist. Thankfully I don’t have to go out again as far as I know.
The Lord and I have talks throughout the day and I have many answers quickly, others longer. I love to share with others how He takes my hand and leads me. My frequent prayer is PLEASE GIVE THE STRENGTH FOR WHAT LIES AHEAD. Oh, how he listens and answers. Sometimes it’s NO, NOT NOW. God bless and keep writing.
Hello Kenn,
Quilting is a new hobby for me, and I delight in trying something I have not done before. I made a couch throw quilt where I made several mistakes (it was not perfect)! However, once I got it all together and bound, it did not look so bad – it was made with love. Naturally, your message today really spoke to me! Only God is perfect.
I will share part or all of your message with my Quilting Guild. Perhaps it would also speak to our members and perhaps lead some, who are not Christians, to Christ.
Thank you for your message. It helps me to accept that I am not perfect, and that God is a loving and forgiving God.
Blessings on you.
Refreshing and nourishing.
Hi Kenn,
Thank you for your message and beautiful prayer.