The Response

Wednesday, February 9, 2022
Listen to this devotional:
Listen while you read: "The King Of Love My Shepherd Is"1 (Lyrics)

James 1:22 – Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says. (NIV 2011)

My granddaughter was busy playing with a Play-Doh™ ice cream sundae machine, which she had received as a gift. I could tell that she was getting frustrated with one aspect of the toy, so I went over to see if she needed help. She said that she did. I showed her the correct way to work it, and her response was "I know that." My response was "Then, do that."

Ade knew what to do, but she was intent on trying to get the right result by doing it her way instead of the way that the instructions outlined.

I walked away chuckling to myself and thinking, How often we do the same thing in regard to God's instructions for life.

God says that we are to "love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you". (Matthew 5:44 NIV 2011) We think, That can't be right, or Forget it; I'm not doing that! Then, we spend years nursing anger or bitterness, or dealing with strained relationships.

God also says that debt can enslave us: "the borrower is slave to the lender." (Proverbs 22:7b NIV 2011) Yet, we spend more than we ought, and then, we wonder how we are ever going to pay all our bills and get out from under this financial pile that we are enslaved to.

God says, "Do not be anxious about anything." Yet we spend countless nights lying awake worrying about this, that, and the other thing, instead of trusting God to provide or show us the way. "But in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God." (Philippians 4:6 NIV 2011)

As God's people, we know all these things that God says in His instruction book of life, plus so much more. The big question is So why don't we do that?

Once Ade had frustrated herself enough by trying to work the machine her way and not getting the desired result, she was smart enough to employ the correct method, and she ended up playing happily for an extended period of time.

Are we this smart? Are we this humble? Are we willing to lay aside our way and do what we know that God has said is the best way, His way? If not, why not?

The choice is up to us. But I know the way that I am going to choose. How about you?

Prayer: Father God, when we know the right way — Your way — empower us with humility and wisdom to do it, that our lives may flow as peacefully, as successfully, and as joyfully as possible. We ask this in Jesus' name. Amen.

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About the author:

Lynne Phipps <>
Tawatinaw, Alberta, Canada

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1 Comment

  • PresbyCan Feedback says:

    Thank you, Lynne. Your devotionals continue to be calming to me. Blessings.

    Often, we forget this important lesson but so true, thanks for the reminder, Lynne!

    Thanks, Lynne. I guess we are slow learners, but you have reminded us of the best way.

    Ah ha! Oh the foolishness at such a tender age? And let it be so as The Almighty intended! Blessings.

    God’s way “Love the Lord thy God with all your heart and your neighbor as yourself” and we struggle to do this.

    Thank you for the good lesson on doing what the Word of God tells us. Thank you for your devotional. Blessings.

    Straightforward and clear. Helps me today, Lynne. Thank you for continuing to put the world back together, one inspired thought at a time.

    Thank you Lynne, and thank you Ade, for her wonderful example for us to learn we cannot do it our way if we want it to work, we need to follow the instructions to have success.

    I always enjoy your words of wisdom gleaned from everyday events and paralleled with scripture. Today’s lesson spoke to me as a confirmation of an answer to prayer. I will pray your prayer regularly as an encouragement and reminder of today’s devotional.
    Thank you and may God bless you and yours.

    Good morning, Lynne, and many thanks for another of your very special devotionals. You are so right that when we follow God’s way of doing things our life is so much better and filled with joy rather than frustration. I always look forward to your writings and appreciate how you correlate your little grandchildren’s activities into the lesson. Many blessings for your writings which express the loving care we receive from our Lord.

    Good morning, Lynne!
    I like this link, “encourage the writer”. I’ve been reading PresbyCan for a couple years now. Of all the writers I must say I enjoy hearing what you have to say the most. I can usually tell at the beginning of the devotional it’s from you. Simple but relevant. Everyday examples, easy to relate to.
    I for one have especially related to you. I recently sold my acreage in central BC. My husband had passed on a few years before and being a senior it was increasingly hard for me to keep up with things.
    I always enjoy your stories that involve animals as I’ve owned a few horses and still have two large dogs. I now live close to my grandchildren and one of my sisters.
    May God continue to bless and inspire you so it can be passed on to the readers.

    Good morning, Lynne,
    I think it is wonderful that Ade wants to use her brain and figure out the best way to do stuff. It makes her life more difficult at times, but definitely in the long run it will be a lot more interesting.
    It is a great example of how we definitely want to do it our way sometimes. God allows that because He gave us freedom of choice. I think He wants us to learn the importance of obedience to His will and then we will be more at peace when we do follow.
    I love the simplicity of your messages using your experiences to help us see the point. A newspaper columnist used to write about her life with her children. I had young children at that time, and it helped me to see their behaviour with a much lighter outlook which was really empowering as a new parent.
    May you have a day filled with many happy experiences. Blessings.

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