It seems that our world has become submerged in a pandemic of scientific theories, all promising hope for an unrelenting virus. How many of those theories have been proven? That's a big question! Only rigorous testing through time and … Read more
Archive for August, 2021
Lessons From A Waiting Room
Important lessons can be learned in waiting rooms. My wife and I were once frequent flyers at the local emergency room, my wife because she experienced unexpected fluid gain and abdominal pain. One visit led to a brief stay in the … Read more
The Faithful Bunch
There is a dog door into my front porch so that the dogs can come in to get out of the wet and cold. I also have a large, comfortable dog shelter on my front deck where they may take refuge in a storm. Yet, when I am away for the day, … Read more
Forgive As God Forgives
It should have been easy to back the Ford Escape out of the garage. After all, it's half the size of our former Ford Expedition. With that big vehicle, I had figured out when to start and stop turning in the eight-metre space between the … Read more
The Antidote To Unbelief
I live in a busy, distracted society, in which many have no belief in the Lord God, His Son Jesus, or the Holy Spirit. There are so many things vying for my attention: my job, social media, following the news, spending time with friends … Read more
Praying For Sunshine
The state of Oregon is known and loved for its verdant greenery. The source of this verdure is no secret — rain, rain, rain! Most of the time, we Oregonians satisfactorily work around this rain, but planning outdoor events can often be … Read more
The Fabric Of Love
Recently, Jess's grandmother passed away. What could she do to honour her memory? Many times, we glorify our Father by showing His kindness and love to others in ways that may not be our usual way of doing things, because our heart is … Read more
You're Grounded
I don't know about you, but I had a way of getting myself grounded! The day or the evening started out well enough, with lots of fun, but then, curfew time came and went! It always happened at the best part of the fun that I was having. I … Read more
There's A Vulture On Your Windowsill
Many years ago, I received a phone call from some local disk jockeys at the radio station downtown asking me to gather up what we called a gaggle of politically active older women, to come down when their phone-in program was on air, to … Read more
Bird In Home-Nest Hiding
Have you ever peeked into a bird's nest to see newly hatched, tiny baby birds? They are so very small and fragile, and so dependent on their parents for protection and nourishment. The parents defend the nest and expend themselves to find … Read more
Not For Future Use Only
"Do not postpone for the future what you so greatly need in the present." (attributed to Hudson Taylor) Her vintage dishes showed little wear. Of course! She had considered them too precious for everyday use, so she carefully preserved … Read more
Don't Know; Don't Understand
Some things simply cannot be explained because information is missing. Complex sentences are composed of one independent clause and at least one dependent clause. Like my being dependent on my parents until I reached legal status, the … Read more
Radiant Faces
The older gentleman approached me in the crowd of bustling shoppers. Wispy, white hair curled around his ears. "Ma'am," he said. "Can you help me find something in this store?" I paused from my work and smiled at him — a wide, beaming, … Read more
The Bug Spray
Bugs, bugs, bugs are everywhere this summer: in our hair, in our eyes, in our mouths, in the house, in the car, under our clothes, in the bed. A person just can't get away from them! I have therefore been using a prodigious amount of bug … Read more
Just Below The Horizon
I am so blessed that God has gifted me a little beach retreat at a village in Saskatchewan, Canada, called Manitou Beach. While my renovation may never be complete, I feel so blessed here. I feel so close to God, enjoying His beautiful … Read more
Squeezed Into The World's Mould
My grandchildren and I were playing with a new set of Play-Doh the other day. The modelling compound was satisfyingly soft and pliable, and it was fun to work it into people and animals. Moulds came with the set, to be turned out into … Read more
Promise, Prophecy, Presence, And Fulfillment
Although I've read the Old Testament multiple times, I didn't fully internalize how relevant it is, both to my walk with God and to my understanding of the many ways that it points to Christ. This summer, I'm in a Bible study that focuses … Read more
The Red Chair
Will Morning Never Come?
It was one of the worst nights of sleeplessness that I'd ever endured. As part of his high school graduation gift, I had made plans for an overnight road trip, camping with my grandson. The drive in his beloved vintage Volkswagen camper … Read more
Heart Songs
Have you ever sung a new song to the Lord that you found written on your heart? On April 27, 2006, as I was driving, I began to ponder how the beautiful sky is like the Lord's art canvas, and how He blesses us daily with a new design. … Read more
Jesus Is The Only Way
While I was growing up, I attended Sunday school, went to youth group, studied music, and became an organist and choir director. During this time, I was influenced by New Age teaching, which I fervently studied and become involved in. … Read more
Best Lists Ever
We often travelled by skin boat (called a umiak) when visiting our family's tin mine in the White Mountains in Alaska, USA. The boats were made of walrus hide stretched over a framework. In my first year of life, wrapped completely in … Read more
A Kite, An Answered Prayer, And A Song
It was a lovely day with a good breeze blowing, and our seven-year-old son decided to try to fly his new kite. After he got it aloft and felt the tug of the kite, it suddenly broke free and disappeared over the rooftops in our suburban … Read more
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