Fearfully And Wonderfully Made

Wednesday, November 24, 2021
Listen to this devotional:
Listen while you read: "Love Lifted Me"1 (Lyrics)

"You have a very short frenum," the dentist announced as she removed her hands from my mouth.

"A what?"

"A frenum. It's the piece of soft tissue that runs in a thin vertical line between the lips and the gums. I have a long one, which means that more of my gum shows when I smile. Your short one means that your gums don't show when you smile, and I can't pull your upper lip back very far to do this oral surgery."

Who knew? I'd never heard the term before, but I'd always wondered why some people's smiles were more open than others.

That was my new fact for the day. I enjoy learning new information. But more than that, it was one more way to marvel at how God created each of us, as David says:

Psalm 139:13-14a – For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother's womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. (ESV)

The average human head has around 100,000 hairs (blonds have more, redheads have fewer). In 2021, there are approximately 8 billion people on earth, so God knows the current status of 8 quadrillion hairs on all of our heads — even the ones that are turning gray or the 50 or so that we lose every day.

Luke 12:6-7 – Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? Yet not one of them is forgotten by God. Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Don't be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows. (NIV)

We are so precious to our wonderful Creator God that He even keeps track of each hair, whether it's still on our head or has long departed. Each morning, as we brush our hair and watch some of it float to the counter, we can remember to thank God for His loving watchcare over us and His intimate knowledge of everything about us.

If He numbers each hair on our heads and doesn't forget the smallest sparrow, how much more does He care about the trials and tribulations of our lives! It's all important to Him — everything from car trouble to health problems to family difficulties. We can put aside our fear and trust Him to be with us through it all.

Is it easy to do that? I'll be the first to admit that it is not. Some days, it's a moment-by-moment surrender, even a struggle. Here is one of my favourite Scriptures:

Isaiah 41:10 – Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. (ESV)

I picture God's righteous right hand reaching down to pick me up and hold on to me.

Will you join me in acknowledging God's intimate knowledge of our lives, His loving watchcare over us, and how it can lead us to lose our fear and trust Him to be with us in any situation? Pray with me:

Prayer: Father, thank You for Your wonderful acts of creation and how You lovingly created me and know me individually. I don't want to be afraid. I want to stay in Your will and look to You for strength and guidance in any situation, large or small. Amen.

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About the author:

Sharon Cook <craftercook@gmail.com>
Apache Junction, Arizona, USA

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1 Comment

  • PresbyCan Feedback says:

    Thanks for sharing.

    Thanks, Sharon for some great reminders.

    Thanks for the comforting words, Sharon. Happy Thanksgiving.

    And let it be so as it has been said. Blessings on you and the message of your lips!

    Amen sister! Some of us have less hair as we get older!

    Thank you for sharing this encouraging devotional with us! My very bald minister once joked that there wasn’t much for God to count on his chrome dome! Blessings.

    I enjoyed your devotional very much this morning. Thanks for sharing your encouraging words.

    Good morning, Sharon,
    Thank you as always for your devotionals. I am struggling with dental fear, so it was appropriate for me to have you start off with talking of the dentist.

    Dear Sharon,
    Thank you for penning this beautiful, encouraging message. It was exactly what I needed to hear after early prayers this morning!
    May God bless you.

    Hello Sharon,
    Thank you for a very encouraging reminder of the Lord’s constant care and watch over each of us and how very detailed His care is for us. We need be so thankful to Him for His endless love. Blessings for these writings you do.

    Dear Sharon,
    What an inspiring devotional of love for our God.
    I too like to learn new things and I now know about a frenum. Definitely a reason for all our smiles to be unique to each of us.
    “I picture God’s righteous right hand reaching down to pick me up and hold on to me.” This is such an amazing picture and especially important when we are struggling with something and need God’s reassurance.
    As I join with you in your prayer this morning, may God strengthen us and guide us as we do His will.
    Thanks for sharing and reminding us of how much God cares for each and every one of his creations.

    Amen Sharon. I love each of today’s verses.
    And on the way to preschool this morning, before l had read this devotional, my granddaughter, who had someone say something unkind to her, which made her ask “what’s wrong with me?” asked me if she was wonderful. I had been singing the song: “l think you’re wonderful”. And l told her that indeed she was absolutely wonderful because God states in the Bible that you are fearfully and wonderfully made! She was very impressed to know this. After she gets home l am going to actually show her that Scripture so she will have no doubt that it is there. She is only four, but it is so important for her to understand now, that no matter what others may say to hurt us, God thinks we are wonderful and that’s the only voice and opinion that should matter to us.

    Good morning, Sharon,
    You made my day! Thank you!
    My daughter is the Assistant Dean at the School of Dentistry in Nova Scotia. I forwarded your thought on to her.
    Your thoughts are right on. I often think the same however, I see all of the universe that way. Indeed, we are wonderfully made. I pause daily to “Be still” and listen to God’s voice through the power of the Holy Spirit. Words I reflect on constantly are “Your life and time are God’s gift to you – What you do with your life and time are your gifts to God.”
    In reflection to the creation of the universe, of which we are a part, our time here on Earth is extremely limited.
    May God continue on your journey as you share your creative gifts.
    (New Brunswick, Canada)

    Very thoughtful. Thank you, Sharon.

    Thanks, Sharon. A great reminder in these days of uncertainty and stress.

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