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Genesis 9:11-13 – "Thus I establish My covenant with you: Never again shall all flesh be cut off by the waters of the flood; never again shall there be a flood to destroy the earth." And God said: "This is the sign of the covenant which I make between Me and you, and every living creature that is with you, for perpetual generations: I set My rainbow in the cloud, and it shall be for the sign of the covenant between Me and the earth." (NKJV)
The multi-coloured refraction of sun through water droplets is called a rainbow. People with the heart of a child want to find and touch the end of the rainbow, and if they are lucky, to find the pot of gold at its end. If they chase after it, though, it seems to disappear. The colourful sky bows are the talk of science experiments at school and the topic of cultural stories. We can't touch, taste, feel or hear them, but they are an eye feast, breathtaking to look at. To observers, anywhere in the world, watching a rainbow suspends time for a few seconds to draw out the awe and wonder of this phenomenon in the sky. But the significance of the rainbow runs much deeper than its appearance.
Through God's covenant with Noah, the rainbow signified God's intention never again to destroy the earth and inhabitants by flood. Every time a rainbow appears in the sky, it is a reminder of God's hope and promise. When conditions are just right, one can even see a rainbow through a tear. It may be a tear of gladness or sadness, or just from moisture inside the eye. No matter how big or small, a rainbow reflects God's magnificence and glory. The rainbow points us to God and His trustworthiness.
We can be sure that when we see a rainbow, we can have hope, because God is the Promiser. Whenever I see a rainbow, I remember God's covenant with Noah, and it evokes within me the thought that there is hope in every situation, because God is faithful. At the intersection of a problem and a solution is a rainbow of hope. The rainbow not only represents the radiance of Christ in our hearts, but there is also a rainbow surrounding the throne of God, suggesting that the treasure at rainbow's end can be knowing that our entrance to heaven was paid in full at Calvary. In what ways does our God of Promise inspire you?
Don't let your tears be the product of gloomy anticipation, but see the rainbow, Jesus Christ, filled with hope and the promise of the gospel that turns every sorrow and sadness into some modicum of joy.
Prayer: Dear Father, we thank You that even our tears can create the smallest prism, a combination of Christ's light with moisture, to remind us of Your commitment to the earth and its inhabitants, as well as a projection of Christ's glory. Amen.
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Thank you.
Amen Karen!
I love this so much!! Thank you, God bless!
Thank you, Karen for this great mixture of Bible truth, science, and experience, today. Blessings on your writing.
For those with Faith the rainbow comes after the storms of life. We pray now for the folk in British Colombia for a rainbow after storms of heat, drought, and now floods.
Greetings Karen,
Thank you for this beautiful message of hope today. There is much beauty in a rainbow and with it comes the great provision of God’s love and care as we take in that glorious site. Blessings for your writings.
Beautiful Devotional, thank you so much. I shall post this to my FB. Many in the province I live in are experiencing devastation from floods, many are out of their homes, roads are seriously damaged from mudslides, supply trucks cannot get through, farmers are losing their livestock. But people are pulling together and helping each other as much as possible. Shortly before the torrential rains came that caused so much damage, a double rainbow appeared in one of the local communities. Blessed Assurance I think of the beautiful promise by God. Thank you. God Bless You.
(British Columbia)
Good morning, Karen,
I love rainbows and I love God’s promise to the world. Hope is very important to everyone.
I have lots of rainbows that appear on my walls because I have prisms in many windows. I do some stained glass and use beveled glass in some which also creates rainbows. When the sun shines through them, it always brings a smile to my face. The sunshine is God’s light and the rainbows are his promise.
Thank you for sharing your hope and love of God with all of us through your devotionals. May you continue to enjoy God’s rainbows and promise. Blessings.
Thank you, Karen, for sharing this encouraging devotional with us!
Thank you for this wonderful reminder.